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Shaila wearin her favorite hoodie. By Cinnie!
A.K.A. Adaptation Four
Age 25
Voice Actor Aya Suzaki
Relatives Jach Swiftblade (AU Father/Creator), Revision Two (AU Sister), Variation Six (Daughter)
Series Original
Player Shaila
  • Name: Shaila
  • Age: 25, looks 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 18th
  • Parents: Jach Swiftblade (AU)
    • Place of Birth: Stahl Gesellschaft
    • Nationality: Robot
    • Specialty: The Power of Friendship
    • Hobbies: Dancing, Sports
    • Likes: Bears, Clubbing, Drinky Birds
    • Dislikes: Sadsacks
    • Favorite Food: Spaghetti and M&Ms
    • Least Favorite Food: Brussels Sprouts
    • Favorite Music: Hip Hop
    • Favorite Sport: Basketball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Drifloon Hat
    • Level of Education: College
    • Unique Laugh: "Gigigigigi!"
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4‘11‘’
    • Weight: 110 lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Black with violet tips
    • Special: Shaila is a mechanical construct. No part of her is organic.


Shaila is a short, slender woman with light brown skin and wavy shoulder length hair. She's slender and has a soft look to her, like she'd squish if you hugged her. A harmless teddy bear.


Shaila is optimistic. She sets her sights on a goal and holds onto that goal for dear life, which translates into a bit of a stubborn streak that can sometimes get her into trouble. She loves to be around people, and she loves talking. She -loves- talking. She has the ability to talk in an uninterrupted stream of words, her record being roughly thirty minutes straight.


Shaila’s beginnings had a humble reason to them. Lonely and isolated on his hyper advanced starship, her dimensions’s Jach Swiftblade built Shaila to keep him company. She quickly proved a very able and very willing person to socialize with the lonely genius. However, there was a slight oversight in her creation. The very social robot wanted more friends. Wanting her to turn out more well adjusted than her big sister, Jach allowed Shaila free reign to come and go as she saw fit, helping others and making friends along the way.

Little did she know that she would soon be separated from her creator by a considerable distance indeed, finding herself at the Inn and making all kinds of new friends. After the attack happened, Shaila was sent back to her home on the Stahl Gesselschaft. But Shaila was restless now that she'd been able to have such a lively time at the Inn, and dealt with this restlessness in part by building a daughter, Variation Six, or Varia for short.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible+4
  • Athletics: Amazing+5
  • Stealth: Good+2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice+1
  • Streetwise: Good+2
  • Intimidation: Novice+1
  • Leadership: Good+2
  • Expression: Very Good+3
  • Etiquette: Good+2
  • Performance(Dancing): Amazing+5

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Incredible+4
  • Investigation: Good+2
  • Medicine: Novice+1
  • Law: Abysmal-1
  • Occult: Abysmal-1
  • Politics: Good+2
  • Science: Incredible+4
  • Technology: Very Good+3

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good+3
  • Survival: Novice+1
  • Empathy: Incredible+4
  • Animal Ken: Very Good+3

Special Abilities

Kickboxing: Shaila is skilled in kickboxing, taking advantage of her enhanced strength and durability to make this martial art particularly deadly.

Powers & Merits

[Enhanced Strength] - Shaila has incredible strength, able to do things like lift trucks and bend the guns of tanks.

[Enhanced Durability] - Shaila can take more damage than regular people. Bullets hurt her, but they don't stop her unless there are a ton of ‘em.

[Superheated] - Shaila's body can heat up to extremely high temperatures up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit.

[Scouter Eyes] - Shaila's eyes can read the power levels of beings who use ki.

[Android Barrier] - Shaila can manifest an energy barrier around herself, red in color. This barrier is resisting or blocking attacks, depending on their strength.

[Break Anything, Break Everything] - Just like her big sister, Shaila adopts a cupped-hands fighting stance and charges forward with extreme velocity. This maneuver allows her to break through dense materials, armors, weapons, and bones with ease.

[Enemy of the DMCA] - ...she is also connected to the internet, and as a result has access to every song that can be found there.

Unaging (2): For some reason, you never age. While this has its benefits, if you know people long enough, they'll start to notice you not getting any older, which may cause some suspicion. While it's unlikely you'll die of old age, this merit does not keep you from getting ill or wounded.

Poison Resistance (2): You have an innate ability to resist the effects of many toxins. Whenever you need to roll to resist poisons, you get a +2 Bonus.

Eidetic Memory (2): Having a "photographic" memory, you can accurately recall any sight or sound with a successful Alertness roll. The higher you roll the more you remember. You also rarely forget -anything-.

Lightning Calculator (1): You have a natural affinity for numbers. +1 bonus when relevant.

Good Old Girl (2): You're just a nice person, and people recognize and appreciate that. +1 Bonus on social rolls when interacting with your fellow folk.

Loyalty (1): Shaila is loyal to Jach, Revision Two and Leben. Any attempts to make her betray them is done with an opposed roll where she gets a +2 bonus. Again, like the code of honor, she must always be loyal to this group or risk losing this benefit.

Unique Items

Tarot Blessing

The Withered Lover tarot card.
If the Tarot card's user is in dire need and under specific circumstances, The tarot card Hero will grant assistance to them with their fight. When the tarot card Hero appears, they are a shadowed out figure that hovers behind or beside their user.. the Hero can only be visible when casting or attacking, otherwise only magic users or spiritualists will be able to see them.
  • The Withered Lover: Shaila pulled the fortune of The Withered Lover champion, Mayura. Mayura is an ancient sorcerer who had mastered the use of the Maram Words. Currently Mayura only offers two moves for Shaila:
    • Daara: The Maram word for 'Storm'. When casted, the immediate target in front of Shaila will be attacked with powerful gusts of wind, either knocking them away or potentially blocking an incoming projectile.
    • Disuri and Shana: Second Tarot ability. Two words of Maram that are in conjunction of each other meaning Hatred and Hunger. When these two words are uttered together a giant ball of darkness is summoned and then blasted forward towards an enemy or group of enemies.

Items Of Note

Personality Chip stored in her neck

Bubbloon Glider - When falling from a considerable height - if equipped and taken, the glider will trigger! Allowing the user to gently float down to the ground.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Malicious Code: Shaila is vulnerable to being hijacked in various ways, having a wireless connection. A knowledgeable techie provided with the right opportunity could reprogram her, set up a remote connection to her eyesight, take control of her speaking, or various other high tech mischief.

Electromagnetic Vulnerability: As a machine, Shaila is vulnerable to being disrupted and even outright short circuited by EMPs, concentrated bursts of electricity, and powerful magnets.

Stubborn: Shaila doesn't like giving up, and this extends to disagreements. She takes insults very personally, and grudges last with her.

Short (1): You are well below average height, and have difficulty reaching high objects, seeing over things, etc. -2 penalty to pursuit rolls. On the up side, you may get bonuses to hiding attempts.

Sterile (1): You are incapable of reproducing. If you are in a society which expects you to have children, this is a flaw.

Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.

Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation. A very bad flaw to take with certain evil sadistic GMs.
