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A map of the eastern Ivalician continents, including Valendia to the north, Ordalia in the center, and Kerwon to the south. The Naldoan Sea is to the east, with the floating Purvama named Dorstonis above it.

A vast and unusual world, Ivalice is a realm unknown, one the PARADIGM agents stranded at the Tokyo Inn are gradually learning about and exploring.

"The region consisting of the three continents of Valendia, Ordalia, and Kerwon, blessed throughout with verdant natural landscapes and climatic conditions supporting a great variety of life. Regional climate trends are thought to be determined largely by the density of Mist present in the air, though this correlation is as yet not well understood.
Many humanoids call Ivalice home, each belonging to a distinct cultural sphere. By far, most prevalent of these are the humes, and it is around the civilization that affairs throughout the rest of the world revolve."
-- Sage Knowledge


"The reins of history, back in the hands of Man." -- Unknown


Locales of note.


"Continent on the western edge of Ivalice. The vast plains in the interior are home to the great Rozarrian Empire. To the east of Rozarria the land is arid and largely desert. The Galtean Peninsula on the eastern portion of the continent is a crossroads connecting to Valendia and Kerwon both, and a strategic prize sought by empire and kingdom alike.
Dalmasca had controlled the peninsula for the last several hundred years until it was lost to the Archadian Empire in an invasion six years past. It was then won back as H.R.M. Queen Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca returned to the throne and Emperor Larsa Ferrinas Solidor of Archades ceded its claim to the land."
-- Sage Knowledge


A central continent with a hot, dry climate and geography that alternates between desert, mountain, savannah, and plains.

"A small kingdom comprising the lands around the city of Rabanastre, governing a portion of the Galtean Peninsula. While its territories are small, its situation at the crossroads of three continents enables it to prosper as a center for trade.
More than 700 years are marked in the charts of history since her founding, yet many are the armies that have sought to claim her cultural richness and strategic importance. Upon her defeat by Archadia in the invasion of 704, her lands were placed under direct control of the empire.
In 706, H.R.H. Princess Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, thought killed in the invasion, returned to the throne with support from the Rozzarian Empire and a vast Resistance Fleet marshalled to resist then-Emperor Vayne Carudus Solidor. His passing in the collapse of the Sky Fortress Bahamut allowed the coronation of Queen Ashelia and Dalmasca's independence."
--Sage Knowledge
An overhead view of the Rabanastre sprawl.
A bustling capital city in the heart of Dalmasca.
"Capital of Old Dalmasca, and before that, many other kingdoms stretching back into the storied history of the Galtean Peninsula. The story of the city's people is the story of three cultures, those of Valendia, Ordalia, and Kerwon, who bore trade goods along the many well-frequented routes leading to her welcoming gates.
The town proper of Rabanastre is divided into four sections by the cardinal directions of the compass. The east and west are merchant districts, the streets lined with shops and stalls of every description. In the north, the streets widen into a large piazza facing the palace, and to the South can be found three gates leading beyond the city walls to the Dalmasca desert and Giza Plains.
The aerodrome can be found in the western outskirts of town, surrounded by numerous privately operated airship docks.
In the northwestern part of town stands a splendid cathedral built in the Galtean style, the bell of which, when rung, sounds through every hearth and home in the city."
--Sage Knowledge
"Lowtown lies, as its name would suggest, beneath the city streets of Rabanastre. Great pillars standing throughout Lowtown support the soaring edifices above. Many merchants use Lowtown as a place to store foodstuffs and wares for sale, though the Archadian war and occupation drove many former residents underground, transforming it into a residential zone.
Despite the end of Archadian rule, some who adapted to Lowtown choose to remain living there. No natural light shines on Lowtown, save where there are passages to the streets above, making it perpetually gloomy."
--Sage Knowledge
Royal Palace
"A short walk north from the center of Rabanastre will lead you to the gates of the royal palace. This magnificent structure serves as home to the Dalmascan royal family and barracks to the order of knights that serves them. The palace itself was built several centuries ago and has since been home to many Dalmascan monarchs, Queen Ashelia being the current occupant.
Numerous additions have been made to the palace over the course of its long history (the Royal City of Rabanastre having several times fallen under the control of foreign powers through invasion), but the overall bearing of its architecture is true to the original Galtean design. Within the palace are secret chambers containing documents and treasures belonging to the royal family. Few who live beyond the palace walls know how they may be found."
--Sage Knowledge
Garamsythe Waterway
"An underground waterway running deep beneath the Royal City of Rabanastre. Built and rebuilt over the centuries, no one alive knows all of its labyrinthine ways. Some are said to lead even to the royal palace. There are stairs leading down to the waterway in Lowtown, but they are normally barred to keep unwelcome visitors down in the sewers where they belong."
--Sage Knowledge
A central portion of the gargantuan Sky Fortress Bahamut before its collapse in the Dalmascan Estersand.
Sky Fortress Bahamut wreckage
A catastrophe zone surrounding a crater filled with the collapsed, twisted metal hulk of a once-proud, colossal airship.
Dalmascan Estersand
"One of the large desert regions of Dalmasca, located to the east of Rabanastre. Rife with all manner of monstrous beasts, it regularly plays host to hunts organized within the city. What settlements there are line the banks of the River Nebra, a vibrant blue vein running through the heart of the sands, wherein can be found ferries for the conveyance of travelers and goods across her flow. Many merchants make a good point of stopping in the villages to trade on there way to and from Rabanastre."
--Sage Knowledge
Dalmascan Westersand
"One of the vast deserts of the Dalmascan region situated to the west of Rabanastre. Few roads pass through this waste, and as such it is little frequented by merchants. In Dalmasca Westersand, the sandstorms are more greatly feared than the beasts; so much so, in fact, that whole societies of natural philosophers in Rabanastre devote themselves to their study."
--Sage Knowledge
An artist's portrayal of the nomadic peoples living on the Giza Plains, with Sunstones in the background.
Giza Plains
"A vast savannah spreading to the south of the Royal City of Rabanastre, the environs of which vary drastically between dry and rainy seasons. Large dark crystals lie scattered here and there across the savannah. During the dry, they absorb the suns radiance and glow with an auric brilliance. A village of nomadic herders is located near the middle of the grasslands. During the rains, the villagers relocate to the mountains. While they reside in the grasslands, the menfolk rarely return from their herding, leaving the women and children to their own devices in the village. These nomads know the art of capturing the energy of the dark crystals in chunks of magicite, called sunstone, which they then bring to market to sell. The animals by which they make their living are primarily of cockatrice stock."
--Sage Knowledge


A collection of floating landmasses suspended by generous quantities of Skystone in their crust.


"An autonomous city-state found on the sky continent of Dorstonis. Originally formed as a magicite mining colony with the advent of airship travel. The magicite mines of the skylands are superior to the crystal mines on the surface in both quantity and quality of ore, and Bhujerba developed quickly on fortunes born of rock.
During the years of the (old) Galtean Alliance, the Ondore family took over much of the daily business of Bhujerba's governance, a rule which continues to this day. Their neutral stance during the Archadian invasion six years ago positioned them as mediators of the peace negotiations that followed.
Like much of Dorstonis, Bhujerba is a city of hills and sloping boulevards. Merchant houses and shops are clustered near the peaks, while residences are found in the valleys. At the very bottom of the hills lies the network of crystalline shafts known as the Lhusu Mines.
Many visitors come to Bhujerba to enjoy the open-air parks with spectacular views only available to those who live in the sky. Very rarely does anyone fall from the skycity, and curiously enough, not a single death has been reported to have resulted from such an occurrence to date."
--Sage Knowledge



The capital of the Archadian Empire. Still small when it first formed as a city-state, it grew tremendously during the long peace fostered by the Galtean Alliance. When the Empire was formed, the city center was re-located, forming the Archades we know today.
Though poor in both natural resources and land, Archades came to prominence as a city of innovation and learning. All information and technology gathers here, and the famed mages and artificers born within her walls are legion. Knowledge, then, is the true strength of the Archadian Empire.
The city of Archades forms an octagon with the Imperial Palace at its center. Around the Palace sit the Senate Chambers and other administrative quarters, beyond which lies a booming mercantile district. The buildings in the city center are quite tall, with the lower floors being used mainly as residences. The difference in heights between the various buildings makes this a city of small airships, that being the most efficient means of accessing all levels of the metropolis.
More than half the population of Archades is hume, and while at one time all lived near the ground, of late, those of power or particular wealth have taken to living in the higher apartments and traveling exclusively by private airship."
--Sage Knowledge
Balfonheim Port
Prosperous port on the Naldoan Sea renowned for its rich fishing grounds. In addition to fishing, the port is known for its shipwrights and their numerous contributions to the advancement of seacraft. Though demand has dropped with the spread of airships, the wrights are still able to turn a profit on their craft.
The power in Balfonheim rests with the sea captains and pirates of wealth. Though belonging in name to the Archadian Empire, well-placed regular bribes have ensured the city autonomous governance.
The city itself is small, being a classic port town, with many stone-cobbled alleyways winding between buildings which hug the curve of the hills. Fresh seafood can be found in the market stalls daily, along with many other items brought by traders and pirates. Several waterways run through the city, some carrying drinking water, others used as canals for the transport of goods."
--Sage Knowledge


The archetypical and dominant race in Ivalician culture, resembling regular humanoids/humans.
Ashelia Dalmasca
Queen of Dalmasca.
Larsa Solidor
Emperor of Archadia.
Sky Pirate. Fran's partner.

A gang of malicious bangaa.
A particularly angry example of a seeq marauder.
A friendly moogle named Montblanc.
A viera in casual clothing.
"Humanoid race, their bodies covered in small, hard scales, with distinctive long, drooping ears. Bangaa are nimble and strong, living up to twice as long as the average hume. In manner and intelligence they greatly resemble humes, and as such as the most integrated of the humanoid races in hume society.
Even so, some humes call the bangaa "lizards" behind their backs, but this is considered a slur, and is like to deeply offend any bangaa within hearing."
--Clan Primer
"Humanoids of great girth, considered somewhat duller and cruder than humes. Though they appear ponderous, they move with surprising alacrity, making excellent warriors whether on the attack or defensive. However, their barbarous natures and lack of courage find them engaged more often as bandits or worse.
Very fond of gemstones, gold, and other shiny objects, with which they richly adorn their bulky forms."
--Clan Primer
"In certain regions, moogles call themselves with the pronoun 'mog,' but typically end their sentences with 'kupo.' Their intelligence and lifestyles are similar to humes, which makes it easy for moogles to live among the hume cities. They have dexterous hands, giving them an edge in the field of engineering and playing musical instruments. It is said moogles built the first airship, a masterpiece of technological advancement.
Most moogles contribute to society with engineering capabilities. Their center of development is the moogle city of Goug in southwestern Ordalia, considered the capital of technological progress in Ivalice. Not all moogles become engineers; there are a few who become knights or mages, and throughout history, moogle technology has been used in hume wars by most of the races."
--Clan Primer
Leader of Clan Centurio in Rabanastre.

The viera live deep within wooded areas, earning them the name "People of the Wood." They have two distinct clans, the Veena which have lighter fur and the Rava which have darker fur and hair colors. They have excellent senses, and their hair is usually white. Males and females live separately, only making contact and communication when the need arises. Viera have superb eyesight and their sense of hearing allows them to hear even the slightest sound, which comes in handy if they are being hunted themselves.
Having lost their ancient homelands to war over 450 years ago, some viera began to question their way of life and went off to live among the humes. This is against their law, referred to as the "Green Word," which forbids contact with the outside world. Once a viera breaks this law, they are considered viera no more and are regarded as outcasts.
--Clan Primer
Sky pirate. Balthier's partner.


Mimic Germinites
"We all are told at one time or another, but how many of us recall that Ivalice is covered with mimic-germinites? Easy to forget, as they have little impact on living creatures, but any moogle worth his hammer could tell you the horribly corrosive effect the little devils have on the metals most often used for engines and vehicles. All the better for airships, which fly high above the germinite clouds, yet a sorry state of affairs for those who would make their journeys on land. The next time you see a party traveling by chocobo and chocobo-led wagon, you will know why they're the preferred means of overland transport, won't you."
--Sage Knowledge
"Being an insectoid with four sharpened limbs and a hard, metallic shell. Preferring to feast upon brains of high intellect, whereby they may improve their own faculties. By arranging their own carapaces to resemble a coffer, they wait for unwitting prey to 'open' them, thereby proving some modicum of intelligence, and thus suitability for consumption. It is most often humes, wracked with base greed, who fall prey to this simple but efficacious ruse, which in turn has made humes the mainstay of the mimic's diet."
--Clan Primer
"Naturally occurring energy, found in almost all regions of the world, affecting all living things, the climate, and even the land itself. Magick is but one of the diverse methods of harnessing the power of Mist, the most common being via its controlled release from magicite, an ore known to hold high concentrations of condensed Mist within its crystalline structure. For larger effects, a greater amount of Mist is required, making particularly rich magicite a valuable commodity.
There are marked regional differences in the amount of Mist contained in the atmosphere and soil. While typically invisible to the naked eye, high densities of Mist will occasionally manifest in very visible phenomena. The highest concentrations of Mist can even do damage, leading to over-rapid changes in the environment, and violent behavior among animals and those more sensitive to the Mist's effects."
--Sage Knowledge
"Many thousand years ago, all-powerful beings looked down upon the land, and their rule was absolute. They commanded all things on the earth. All was done according to their will. Then one day they withdrew behind the walls of a great city of their own making, disappearing from history's stage. In the vacuum left behind, Ivalice fell into chaos, until the march towards a new age finally began."
--Sage Knowledge

Aletap Rumours

Hearsay and "human intelligence" gathered throughout Ivalice.


This portion of Ivalice represents the eastern continents. Some travelers speculate the western continent -- specifically, the western portion of Ordalia and the Lost Continent -- played host to the War of the Lions at some point in history.

It is not without merit that some PARADIGM agents may recognize some aspects of Ivalician culture and history from interactions with the western continent.