Renard Almasy

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Renard Almasy
A.K.A. N/A
Age 18
Voice Actor
Relatives Seifer Almasy, father
Quistis Trepe, mother
Series Final Fantasy
Player Tony
  • Name: Renard Almasy
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: July 18
  • Parents: Seifer Almasy, Quistis Trepe
    • Place of Birth: Balamb Town
    • Nationality: N/A
    • Specialty: Anti-magic combat
    • Hobbies: Fishing, studying, mischief-making
    • Likes: Sports, competition, gambling
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food: All-beef franks
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music: Anything with a guitar
    • Favorite Sport: Boxing
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: Post-secondary
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'0"
    • Weight: 165 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special:


A young man with chisled, sharp, slightly-tanned features, brilliant blue eyes, and longer, bright blonde hair, Renard is athletic and lean with strong, well-trained muscle in prime condition. He wears nice clothes, alternating between dressed-down suits and fashionable, trendy wear, including vests, jackets, and ankle-length coats when the seasons come.


Renard is sharp and intelligent, but brash -- he is prone to compulsions and resents authority, often considering himself smarter and stronger than those around him (except when it's obvious -- that's where the 'intelligence' comes in). He considers himself a protector of the weak, an intellectual knight who prefers to teach the man to fish rather than fish for him. This can occasionally come off as condescending and haughty, but it's well-intentioned.


Renard was born some years after a sorceress failed to complete Time Compression and her self-appointed knight fell from grace. His parents, the humbled knight and the spurned prodigy, found a life together in the idyllic seaside village of Balamb, the latter lending her experience and expertise to the peacekeeping force of SeeD while the former found redemption in life's simple pleasures and the lifelong company of his closest friends. This provided Renard a stable childhood and a launchpad into the elite paramilitary organization that was dedicated to preventing the progeny of the Great Hyne from amassing too much power again.

Renard was an exemplary SeeD cadet, a rare gunblade specialist like his father but naturally gifted with his mother's attunement to the spiritual energy of monsters; he not only excelled at slaying them, but in understanding their behavior and patterns. At 16 and 17, Renard failed his SeeD examinations for failing to follow orders and needlessly endangering his team, but on his final opportunity -- since he would age out at 19 -- he wised up and followed the letter of the contract the cadets were assigned, succeeding where his father had failed.

His first actual mission, however, was a disaster; the ruins of an ancient Centran shelter were overrun with terrifying interdimensional monsters, and he and his team failed to decipher the centuries-old machinery and mechanisms that would allow them to escape. With the loss of his team, Renard had no choice but to flee farther into the shelter's MD-levels, where he found the Interdimensional Rift. With the unknown at his front and the monsters at his back, he plunged forward with little more than hope.


(Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very Good
  • Athletics - Very Good
  • Stealth - Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge -
  • Streetwise -
  • Intimidation - Very Good
  • Leadership - Incredible
  • Expression -
  • Etiquette - Good
  • Performance - Good
    • Guitar - Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Very Good
  • Investigation - Good
  • Medicine - Very Good
  • Law - Very Good
  • Occult - Very Good
  • Politics - Very Good
  • Science - Very Good
  • Technology - Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Incredible
  • Survival - Incredible
  • Empathy -
  • Animal Ken - Incredible

Special Abilities

Gunblade Proficiency - Well-versed in the use of a complicated vibro-weapon known as a gunblade, wherein shells of energy are expended to create powerful vibrations along a reinforced blade to produce enhanced cutting ability. Timing is everything.

Para-Magic - A technological emulation of magical energy developed by the Estharian scientist Doctor Odine, Para-Magic allows a user to Junction a powerful spiritual entity in a partitioned portion of their brains -- specifically, the one associated with long-term memory -- and call upon a portion of their power at-will. Through this Junction connection, a user can enhance their physical, mental, and spiritual abilities, as well as cast magic like a Sorceress.

Junctioned Beast: Brothers (Sacred & Minotaur)

  • Draw - Allows the user to absorb spiritual energy from a target and learn a spell. These spells are cast at Renard's own magical strength, meaning they are typically weaker than they would be from the original caster. Many spells are not permanent and Renard will lose access to them at the end of a mission.
  • Draw-Cast - Allows the user to absorb spiritual energy from a target and cast it immediately; these spells are cast at the target's magical strength, meaning they are "full power" as if cast by the target itself.
  • Defend - Allows the user to wrap themselves in a Guardian Force's spiritual energy for a short time, spending an action to protect themselves and drastically reduce incoming damage.
  • Cover - Allows the user to wrap themselves in a Guardian Force's spiritual energy for a short time and intercept attacks on behalf of another entity, drastically reducing incoming damage in the process.
  • Guardian Force - When summoning the Junctioned beast, that entity's spiritual energy envelopes the summoner, preventing direct damage to the summoner for as long as the summoning lasts; however, even though these beasts are powerful, they are not invulnerable and can be knocked out, rendering the summon a failure and exposing the user to damage again.
  • HP-J - Temporarily use a learned spell to bolster health and hardiness. Only one -J ability can be active at a time.
  • STR-J - Temporarily use a learned spell to bolster physical prowess. Only one -J ability can be active at a time.
  • SPR-J - Temporarily use a learned spell to bolster magical defense. Only one -J ability can be active at a time.
  • ELEM-ATK-J - Temporarily use a learned spell to make attacks take on an elemental quality. Only one -J ability can be active at a time.
  • ELEM-DEF-J - Temporarily use a learned spell to increase resistance against elemental attacks. Only one -J ability can be active at a time.

Powers & Merits

Limit Break: Blue Magic - When in life-threatening danger or when he is near unconsciousness, Renard can access a well of spiritual energy and knowledge linked to monsters and otherworldly creatures, allowing him to perform techniques or cast spells similar or identical to those he's seen and absorbed before. Renard can learn Blue Magic by absorbing the spiritual energy of monster materials or the bodies left behind. The material or carcass dissipates into spiritual energy in the process.

  • White Wind - Spiritual energy washes over a party, effectively casting 'Regen' on all party members, allowing them to regain stamina at an increased rate.
  • Sheep Song - Spiritual energy wraps around multiple targets in an area, effectively casting 'Sleep' on all targets, putting them to peaceful sleep for a short time.

Common Sense (1): You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.

Lightning Calculator (1): You have a natural affinity for numbers. +1 bonus when relevant.

Self-Confident (5): One free successful roll during a mission, due to the strength of your self-confidence. This only comes into effect regarding rolls at difficulty 6 or higher. As with other rolls, this does not apply in direct opposition combat, but when it's time to get something done, you -know- it comes down to you.

Unique Items

Gunblade Durandal - A sleek, single-edged sword mounted into the lower receiver of a chromed-out, pistol-gripped combat shotgun, this gunblade utilizes certain monster materials to allow it to conduct and focus a user's spiritual energy during attacks.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

Amnesia (2): Prolonged training and use of a Guardian Force will gradually erase long-term memories, starting with distant childhood and moving forward. This effect does not appear to grow more severe or diminish with the use of more or fewer Guardian Forces -- one is as bad as ten.

Mystery Flaws (up to 5 points, per 'Amnesia')

Conditional Magic: Para-Magic (2): Renard's ability to use magic -- except his Limit Break -- is entirely contingent on his connection to his Guardian Forces. If that connection is severed -- whether the Guardian Forces are unjunctioned or simply blocked -- he will lose those abilities until it is restored. Otherwise, it is without condition.

Compulsion: Resist Authority (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this.

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