Hisako Aensland

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Hisako Aensland
A.K.A. Ohtori Academy Student Council Member
Age 18
Voice Actor Yukari Tamura
Relatives Persephone Aensland - Mother
Megumi Aensland - Sister
Jonathan Aensland - Brother
Selene Aensland - AU version
Series Darkstalkers/Castlevania
Player Cinnie
  • Name: Hisako Aensland
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: F
  • Birthday: July 1st
  • Parents: Persephone Aensland and Sohma Cruz
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese... mostly.
    • Specialty: Politics and diplomacy
    • Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Formal Debates
    • Likes: Philosophical Questions
    • Dislikes: sheep-like people
    • Favorite Food: Strawberry Cake
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything incredibly bitter
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Tennis and Mini-Golf
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing, really.
    • Level of Education: She's graduated highschool but she has an incredibly high intellect. College level
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yukari Tamura
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7
    • Weight: 135lbs
    • Eyes: Gold
    • Hair: Pink
    • Special: Sometimes her eyes get 'cat-like' or demon-like if she's incredibly triggered by something.


I'll have a pic.


Calm, rational, collected.. Hisako always tries to take a pragmatic and 'real' approach on any problem her way. She wants to understand the bigger picture and prepare for whatever it is. She questions everything - particularly moral boundaries. She can also be very petty if scorned and will remember if slighted - however, not necessarily react right away. She'd prefer to strike when the time is right. She has a strange view on her family.. respecting some.. hating others. After her past incidents with some versions of her family and along with the 'headmaster' of her previous school.. she has decided to do a lot of rethinking about her morality and ethics.


Hisako was the elder daughter of Sohma Cruz and Persephone.. the one that was not given to Sohma to raise. So she grew up with a very 'skewed' perception of life.. and put into the care of lots of very manipulative and strange caretakers. However, Hisako was very quick to pick up on the 'Game of Thrones' mentality to survive. She was quick to make friends with those she needed to and watch for the enemies that would pursue her. She had many plans on how she would ascend in her world to the top -- but that was quickly taken away from her as she was transported to Ohtori Academy.

At first, Hisako, like any other person brought there.. realized this was a game. And she wasn't alone. There was something deeper being orchestrated here and she had to know what. She also then realized that this reality picked up versions of people from many realities.. and she quickly found other versions of herself. Some where outright monsters with just as deep cunning and intellect that she was gifted with. One of which called herself 'Selene'. Selene in this reality was given the role of being Hisako's twin sister. Together they were some of the popular members of the school... however, Selene did not want to play this game. After speaking with Hisako and sharing information.. Selene tried to kill Hisako by pushing her off of a rooftop - a place they met regularly to discuss the school events and mysteries in private. Hisako moved away from Selene's push.. and the other pink haired girl fell to her death instead. The next day, everything about Selene was erased.. and Hisako was then given a new sister, Megumi. Things continued to change for Hisako's history and reality in this world as she went through game after game, surviving however way she could. Eventually came her adopted brother - Rei. Rei was fascinating to Hisako and she didn't know why.. but Persephone - noting that fascination, did whatever she could to make sure that Rei and Hisako were at odds ends. Including blackmail. And of course, making sure Rei was paired with someone else, a princess.

Hisako eventually met with a group of students that would ultimately mess with the game. Miyabi Uzumaki, Shannon Moore, Sachiko Uchiha, Seto Kaiba, Hayate Uzumaki, and some other alternate reality guests such as Izumi Saotome, Shizuka Meioh, and Sasuke Uchiha. Eventually the game was over and the players were sent back except Rei was stabbed in the back and put into an endless torment of pain, while Hisako was sealed into a mirror (where Selene was hiding..) to watch on, forever.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very Good +3
  • Athletics - Very Good +3
  • Stealth - Incredible +4

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Amazing +5
  • Streetwise
  • Intimidation - Incredible +4
  • Leadership - Amazing +5
  • Expression - Good + 2
  • Etiquette - Incredible +4
  • Performance - Very Good +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Novice +1
  • Investigation - Very Good +3
  • Medicine
  • Law - Very Good +3
  • Occult - Good +2
  • Politics - Incredible +4
  • Science
  • Technology

Other Skills:

  • Driving
  • Survival
  • Empathy - Good +2
  • Animal Ken - Novice +1

Special Abilities

She knows how to defend herself with Aikido.

Powers & Merits

Succubus: In her succubus form, Hisako grows large sleek bat-like wings on her back and smaller 'batwings' on her head. Her wings are sentinent and are able to fight on her behalf (Whether she wants them to or not), block attacks and twist into different shapes.

Blood Drain: Hisako can transform her wings into tendrils (or hands) to grasp an opponent and literally squeeze or drain blood out of them.

Mirror Doll: Hisako can create one mirror image (clone) of herself. She can use this to fight with her in combo moves. Or she can use it to go do things for her outside of combat.

Shadow Wave (or Shining Blade, I don't know whatever it's freaking called): a large power infested uppercut against her enemy

Soul Fist: a fireball shot thing made of soul energy? I dunno. made of something.

Splendor Love: Hisako, uh, goes naked and bats fly around her which at that point she flies at the enemy and if she gets close to them, the bats beat the shit out of the target. This hurts. A lot.

Gloomy Puppet Show: Hisako throws a top hat at the target, exclaiming 'It's Show Time!' and if it hits the target, they find themselves on a stage with a spotlight while Hisako holds up a sign reading dance moves. If the target cannot dance well to suit the audience, the audience will boo and throw crap at the target. This'll be a more comedic move but it really really hurts too^^;; this is one of Lilith's strongest supers.

Shadow Tentacles (or Arms of the Abyss): she has the ability to use and control them. She gets this from her father and her mother.

Dhampire Essence: Hisako has the blood of a Dhampire in her veins and as such (also by being a devil/succubus) she is gifted with supernatural strength, reflexes, speed and stamina. She can take massive punishment and survive, as well as inflict high levels of damage with melee attacks. This also gives her enhanced senses and the ability to see in the dark, but her other senses are all attuned to blood. Blood drinking will refill her inner strength and help restore her, but not as much as a vampire would.

Gift of Shadows:

  • Darkness: Hisako can form a 10' globe of absolute darkness.
  • Shadow Form: Hisako can turn into a shadow, allowing her to enter any area where light is available, and teleport to and from visible shadows.


  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Twin Link (4): You share a psychic, if not spiritual, link with one person. As a 4 point merit, you get +2 Bonus to Empathy/Alertness rolls when determining how your "twin" feels. As a 6 point merit, you have a bond with the twin that's nearly telepathic; you always know what this person is feeling and to a limited extent, thinking. Either member can block this if they wish, though doing so requires some concentration. If you are psychic or Awakened or have an appropriate ability, you can use this ability to sense a state your twin is in (for example, with Mind or Telepathy, you WILL know exactly what the person is thinking, with Life you will know his physical condition, etc.) (Hisako has a Spiritual Link to Selene)
  • Occult Library (2): You own a decent collection of works on arcane lore, and if you have access to it, can lower difficulties when trying to solve an occult mystery and/or generally learn more about the occult. Having this library doesn't automatically mean you're an occult expert; it just means you have convenient access to some knowledge. - This occult library is from her mental link with Selene and her years of researching stuff. She knows a loooot.
  • Animal Magnetism (1): ...I mean she's a succubus and vampire. So. Yeah.

Unique Items


Items Of Note

Cellphone. Likes to play Cellphone games.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Hisako is a hybrid of devil/vampire/human. Holy attacks will hurt her pretty badly. While she does not have the traditional weaknesses a vampire has, or the need for blood, she still sometimes craves it which can cause problems.

If Hisako were to fall unconscious or is about to fall into extreme danger or enter a deadly situation, there is a chance that her succubus self will trigger and do whatever it takes to protect her. Berserk is never good, okay.


  • Enemy (3): Somebody's out to hurt you or your reputation, or even kill you (or people close to you). A 1-point enemy is less than or comparable to your own ability, a 5-point enemy could easily kick your ass into next Tuesday. Note: the severity of the flaw also explains how much the person is out to get you. A 5pt Enemy is pretty much dedicated to pounding your ass in (and can), whereas a 1pt enemy is either a devoted Rival or a stronger opponent who'll take any chance to crush you but generally ignores you unless you get in their face. Taking a 3-5 Point enemy is basically asking the GM to send out a SERIOUSLY dangerous person after you on a regular basis. (Selene/AU Persie/Akio have a big issue with her. and if the opportunity presents itself, they will hunt her down and use her body.)
  • Masochist/Sadist (1): You either enjoy pain or enjoy inflicting it on others. In addition to the inconveniences this fascination may cause you, you may also be seen as sick (and, well you are), or even more sick people may use you for your obsession. (She doesn't mind pain at all.. yeahh...)
  • Outsider (2): Though you're not exactly infamous, you have a poor reputation amongst your kind. +2 penalty on all social rolls when interacting with your group. (Hisako has not performed well as a true succubus/creature of darkness. This often pisses her kind off.)
  • Group Enmity (2): Some group amongst your kind, i.e. another clan/tribe/tradition/whatever, doesn't like you and may prevent you going places you might otherwise go or may otherwise give you hell in a variety of ways. (Demon Slayers.. Vampire Hunters. Take your pick.)
  • Mistaken Identity (1): She looks a lot like Selene! :D

NPC(s) to go with char
