Tai Suzumura

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Tai Wu Suzumura
A.K.A. Suigin: Divine Flame
Age 26
Voice Actor
Relatives Riki, Tonic
Series Garo
Player Jade
  • Name: Tai Wu Suzumura
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: May 14th
  • Parents: Riki, Tonic
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese/Chinese
    • Specialty: Makai Knight
    • Hobbies: Swordsmanship, Painting
    • Likes: Honesty
    • Dislikes: Horrors
    • Favorite Food: ..Any really
    • Least Favorite Food: Rotten
    • Favorite Music: Sugar J pop
    • Favorite Sport: Bowling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: GaroKen
    • Level of Education: College
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:6'7"
    • Weight:
    • Eyes: Purple
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


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Well not emotionless she can seem fairly indifferent to things. Other times she can be snarky and rude.


This is long winded so here are the important bits. She is the first female Makai Knight of her world. She wields one of a pair of swords forged to save her world but ultimately the sister blade KuroKen dooms it forever. She joins Paradigm after they commit to a large scale operation to save what humans remain in her world. If you want to know more talk to her.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness 3
  • Athletics 5 (+6 from Graceful)
  • Stealth -1 (Burning Aura)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge 2
  • Streetwise 3
  • Intimidation 3
  • Leadership 5
  • Expression 3
  • Etiquette 3
  • Performance 2

Mental Skills:

  • Computers 0
  • Investigation 4
  • Medicine -1
  • Law 0
  • Occult 5
  • Politics -1
  • Science 0
  • Technology 0

Other Skills:

  • Driving 5 (Swoop bike)
  • Survival 4
  • Empathy 2
  • Animal Ken 1
  • Bowling: 5

Special Abilities

  • Sword Saint: Extensively trained by several sword masters of Paradigm including Tatsuya, Haruka, Riki, Setsuna, Houten and Takeo. She has an extensive list of sword styles under her belt because of this and is now very VERY versatile in the way of the sword. Perhaps not the greatest swordsman in the world but she will absolutely go toe to toe with most.
    • Shukuchi Image: While she does not completely disappear from sight she leaves delayed after images in her movements at her full speed. A clever foe could still keep track of her but she is a speedster for a human.
    • Shukuchi Strike: Several images leap forward to strike her foes but only one is the real her.
  • Abnormally Strong: She aint going to be lifting cars and throwing them ..but she could lift a car over her head and be utterly exhausted after

Powers & Merits

  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
    • [Sword Saint]*See above*
  • Burning Aura (2): Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.
    • Suigin Divine Flame: While it's not armor, her Burning Aura becomes physical, wrapping her silver and gold light with green motes floating around her. This is effectively the same as Makai Knight armor.
  • Madou Flame: Much like the knights before her she has the Madou flame. However this built into her sword rather than a lighter.
    • Dawn Breaker: Turning her blade into a massive pillar of righteous light and flame. This is a single use slash attack! When she smashes it down on enemies it will engulf them in pure light. Of which it may destroy some foes ..though in some cases it will purify and save those corrupted.. This is highly draining and can only be used in Divine form.
  • Crack Driver (1): (SuiGinga only) This has been changed to "Expert Driver" in later books, but we all know what this Merit really means: you drive a car like you're on crack (but can do it without killing anyone). You get a +2 Bonus to Driving rolls. You can take similar merits for piloting or driving other vehicles if appropriate for the character.
  • Occult Library (2): You own a decent collection of works on arcane lore, and if you have access to it, can lower difficulties when trying to solve an occult mystery and/or generally learn more about the occult. Having this library doesn't automatically mean you're an occult expert; it just means you have convenient access to some knowledge.

Unique Items

  • SuiginKen: A blade of liquid soul metal. Known as Soul mercury, this is blade is pure Soul metal and that makes it highly dangerious to Horrors and demons. Since it is liquid it makes it pretty hard to destroy and can act as a whip sword if she chooses it to. It is also VERY heavy so it swings with a high impact. This is also why it has a Tetsubo for a sheath. It's weight long makes it really good for a club.
    • Soul Metal Tetsubo: While it is made like most Makai weapons. It's core being Suiginken makes it far heavier. Getting hit with this is like getting hit with a battering ram but it is very slow.
    • Suigenken Whip: The blade itself is liquid after all. Allowing Tai to use it as a whip and a grappling hook or even a chain sword.
  • SuiGinga: Riki may have a Madou horse but.. Well It's a Swoop bike. While not EXACTLY capable of flight it has enough power for in air manuvering for a time. Not extended flight though.

Items Of Note

  • GaroKen: Garo's blade. She is currently it's keeper.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Nightmares (1): She watched her world literally sink into the Makai. All hope was lost and many in the order were slaughtered that day. It haunts her forever.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): The other side of her burning aura. She can't hide it. Demons and monsters know exactly what she is.
  • Masochist (1): ..Yup
  • Ward (3): The Saejima Heir and GaroKen. She is the protector of Akihiko Saejima (Played by `Citan) and the Garoken

NPC(s) to go with char

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