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[[File: |300px|]]
A.K.A. Madam Cog
Age 22
Voice Actor
Series Original
Player Sean
  • Name: Clementine
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: F
  • Birthday: June 3rd
    • Place of Birth: Weird Wild West, Deadlands
    • Nationality: 'Merican
    • Specialty: Crackshot Cowgirl
    • Hobbies: drinkin', fightin', shootin'
    • Likes: The smell of gunpowder in the mornin
    • Dislikes: Snake Oils salesmen, Corrupt Mayors, and meano banditos
    • Favorite Food: Chili
    • Least Favorite Food: Fancy
    • Favorite Music: Somethin that a girl can dance to!
    • Favorite Sport: Shootin'
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her pa's revolver
    • Level of Education: I AIN'T HAD TIME FOR SCHOOLIN'
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 251
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Red, messy and short


Unkempt, the bandit known as Madam Cog is a mess of metal and flesh. What parts of her that aren't metallic are often marked with dirt or grease from her work. She sports a cowboy hat, torn simple pants and a ripped up flannel shirt. Probably the nicest thing is her boots, as they're a recent addition to her wardrobe after she took them from a cheat at cards.


Loud, boisterous, and crude. You can take the girl out of the wild west, but you can't take the west out of the girl. Yee-Haw!


Daughter of one time Paradigm Ally, Doc Clockwerk, she found herself following her father's footsteps after the events of the Hydra, and made it her life's passion to see to it that justice is brought about throughout the land. Along the way she met several other do-gooders, including Tobias Adams, an oddball doctor from London. Banding together with her fellow miscreats, vigilantes, and weirdos, they sought to keep the peace out where there was none.


Physical Skills:
Alertness - 3
Athletics - 5
Stealth - -1 (Clem's ghostrock makes quite a bit of noise, hard to be stealthy)

Social Skills:
Subterfuge - 3
Streetwise - 2
Intimidation - 4
Leadership - 0
Expression - 0
Etiquette - -1
Performance - 4

Mental Skills:
Computers - 0
Investigation - 3
Medicine - 4
Law - 2
Occult - 2
Politics - 0
Science - 5
Technology - 5

Other Skills:
Driving - 2
Survival - 4
Empathy - 3
Animal Ken - 3

Special Abilities

Clementine has replaced a majority of her bodyparts with robotic equivalents and has obtained several benefits thereof:
* All of her major joints can rotate without difficulty a full 360 degree. This allows her to stand still while spinning and firing her revolvers (This is essentially the double-jointed merit taken to the extreme)
* Most of her body is now metallic, or at least covered with armor enabling her to survive harsher conditions and injuries.
* Her filtration system allows her to breath out the most toxic of chemicals and fumes without difficulty, akin to permanently wearing a protective gas mask.
* Spring loaded ejection system allows her to reload any of her chamber based weaponry on the fly, even as she jumps around.
* The same Spring Loaded Ejection system is what enables her to "wall jump", change direction midair, and leap higher then the average person.
* Her body is powered by a supernatural substance known as "Ghostrock", which can make a wailing sound as it's burnt. Ghostrock is only found in one location, and while she can survive without it she would need to acquire more nuggets of it to be able to resume full functionality.

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Ghostrock Container: Brought with her from the Weird West, inside a thick, leadlined chest is a haul of ghostrock...the meanest mineral this side of the Mississippi. Spirits, or those with spiritual sense, get an achin' feeling they're lookin at the souls of the damned.

Merits & Flaws

Danger Sense -3 Dealing with a highly explosive material, TNT, and other mad scientist things from the weird wild west, Clementine has built a knack for knowing when things are about to get...antsy
Daredevil -2 And it excites her.
Luck -3 The Devil Looks After His Own. She won part of the devil's luck from him in a game of cards.

Enemy 1 Old Scratch himself ain't to keen on his losing that game of cards, one day he might come to take his damn luck back...
Big Mouth 2 Clementine often speaks her mind, even at her own detriment
Illiterate 1 Clem can't read, but that don't matter none
