Dmitri Yevtushenko

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Dmitri Nikolayevich Yevtushenko
Dmitri Yevtushenko.jpg
Age 20
Voice Actor Daisuke Ono
Relatives Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko (father)
Persephone Aensland Yevtushenko (mother)
Thelema Nikolaiyevna Yevtushenkova (sister)
Player Tommy
  • Name: Dmitri Nikolayevich Yevtushenko
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Oct. 30
  • Parents: Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko and Persephone Aensland Yevtushenkova
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Russian/Japanese
    • Specialty: Hunting/tracking (including demons), outsdoorsman, ambidextrous, CQC
    • Hobbies: Training, drinking, partying, playing the violin and viola, gambling, fishing, wrestling Siberian tigers and bears, cruising the MMA clubs to check out the fights, collecting knives
    • Likes: Fighting against stronger opponents, hard work, simple life and pleasures in general, playing cards, listening to orchestra/symphonies, high quality alcohol (especially vodka), pretty girls and flirting with them, harassing any would-be suitors trying to woo his sister
    • Dislikes: Bullies, anyone targeting his sister, demons/devils preying on humans, cheaters (especially in games of chance)
    • Favorite Food: Anything with meat or fish, but his all-time favorite is shashlyk (shish kabob) and pirozhki (meat buns), favorite sweets would be korovka (caramel-like candy)
    • Least Favorite Food: Holodets (meat jello)
    • Favorite Music: Classical music, anything deeply dramatic/passionate, rock, heavy metal, high energy techno music that gets the adrenaline pumping
    • Favorite Sport: MMA (mixed martial arts)
    • Most Valuable Possessions: A del Gesù violin (not the $18 million one but still pretty valuable) he won in a poker game
    • Level of Education: Some college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Daisuke Ono
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'4"
    • Weight: 200 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: White
    • Special: His forearms is riddled with scars and a pair of parallel scars on his left cheek


Extremely fit and muscular, he carries the trademark physical traits of a person born of Sparda bloodline: blue eyes and white hair. He doesn't dress too stylish but he does like to dress in a manner showing off his body.


Totally easy-going who enjoys the simple things in life. He is a hard-working and humble man who is appreciative of his luck in life with his loving family and their wealth status. He doesn't like to use his family wealth for his own personal gains as he rather earn it himself. But he does make use of the money given to him to donate to the less fortunate. Always training and honing his skills in combat in which he applies these skills in devil/demon hunting and protecting his outgoing sister. He is particularly fond of the game of how many ways he can purposely ruin any guy's game when they are trying to hit on his sister.


Born to scholarly devil-slayers, he immediately took a shine to the occult and his parents' "hobby". He didn't like the way demons would prey on the humans, so there was a particular of joy for him in protecting them and savagely beating the demons. During his childhood years, he took note of his sister's developing personality and her distaste for fighting in general, so he devoted his free time in learning and training in the art of combat. He was particular fond of close-quartered combat. There was no rush for him like fighting a dangerous opponent in close range, so he took up short bladed knives as his weapon of choice. He knew his enemies would try to take advantage of the range, so he worked hard to develop a rapid movement technique called the 'Demon Stride' which lets him close the gap nearly instantaneously between him and his opponent.

It wasn't until his teen years where his combat prowess would be tested to the limit. Dmitri was accompanying his sister home after a night of partying and heavy drinking, unaware of that an unholy creature was stalking them on their walk. The creature attack from the shadows, revealing itself to be a giant amorphous blob of death which they could see various rotting remains of its victims inside the gel-like body. Dmitri instantly knew from his occult training and from his dad's stories that this thing had to be a new Nightmare of some sort. He yelled to his sister that he'll hold off the Nightmare so that Thelema could run away and get help from their parents. She tried to protest but he kept yelling at her until she did so. Dmitri fought for his life against the new Nightmare, realizing this one was faster and more impervious to light than the one told by his father. It was able to shrink and compress its body on its own into a more compact, highly manueverable body.

Dmitiri was able to go toe to toe with it but it seemed like a battle of attrition, although gaining some confidence that he could be able to kill it eventually. Then the evil creature threw another curveball at him when it managed to land stinger-like tentacle into his right shoulder, absorbing some of his demon essence then using that essence to transform itself into a demonic-like warrior with six arms, each hand wielding a short bladed weapon made from the bones of its victims' remains. In its new form, Nightmare attacked with the same intensity and savagery as Dmitri did, the bone edges were coated with some kind of liquid that prevented the slash wounds Dmitri was taking from healing properly (which eventually lead to the scarring shown in his pics).

In the end, his family came in time to save and rescue him from a fatal strike. The new Nightmare was repelled back then successfully destroyed by his father.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Amazing (+5)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Good (+2)
  • Performance: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good (+2)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Incredible (+4)
  • Politics: Novice (+1)
  • Science: Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival: Amazing (+5)
  • Empathy: Good (+2)
  • Animal Ken: Incredible (+4)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • Expert short blade wielder
  • Assortment of hand-to-hand (mostly sambo and krav maga)
  • Advanced tracking skills

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Demon/succubus heritage:
    • Supernatural strength
    • Supernatural speed
    • Supernatural endurance/vitality
    • Demon Stride rapid movement technique (use from a distance to close the gap and/or to dodge up close with sidestepping variants, can use on most surfaces)
  • Large Scale Battle:
    • Stats: +500 ATK
    • Special: Relentless - Four times per battle, Dmitri can add an extra +250 ATK to the damage of his army, cumulative, meaning +250/500/750/1000.
    • Super: Underworld Unleashed - Dmitri can ignore 1000 of the enemy DEF for a single attack, granting a +2 to his army's roll. Dmitri is then out of the battle.
  • Soul Stone: Swordsman:
    • Stunning Blow: Once Bash is learned this is an extra skill that allows their Bash attack to have a d6 chance of stunnning their target.
    • Provoke: a chance to draw aggro on an enemy with an offensive catcall. Can be used three times in a fight and the effect is about a minute. Characters with a strong will can resist.
  • Merits:
    • Daredevil (3): You love to take risks, and are damn good at living through them. +2 Bonus when risking your life. This actually stacks with other merits (like Crack Driver), so you can be extremely good at risking your life. ...but if you fail you might die, so..
    • Double-Jointed (1): Athletics rolls involving escape or dis-entangling are at -1 Difficulty.
    • Animal Magnetism (1): You have the "WOA DUDE BANG ME" aura, and receive a +1 Bonus on seduction and similar rolls (though this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition). This is a Merit seldom taken seriously in the Chat Rooms, as it's been too often used by players whose intent is seldom gaming...
    • Common Sense (1): You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.
    • Resources (1): Money, dear boys. This is very simply how much (or how little) currency you have available to you at any time. Without this merit, your character is essentially broke, with just enough money to scrape by in a dire situation or on their own. With one point, meals and maintenance are taken care of.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Devil Arms:
Unheard Agony.png Igniting Glare.png
Unheard Agony, a shadow demon defeated by Dmitri in dagger form. Dark element. Being struck by this dagger leaves a visible shadowy mist effect on the target that quickly dissolves. Igniting Glare, a fire demon defeated by Dmitri in dagger form. Fire element. Being struck by this dagger leaves a visible burning effect on the target that quickly disappears.

Devil Arms Skillset:

  • Bloody Thrust: Using the Demon Stride movement technique, rapidly advance on the enemy to stab the enemy. There's a double-stab variant using both daggers.
  • Spine Stab: Demon Stride around the opponent straight to the open backside and stab into their back.
  • Machine-Gun Slash: Using the Demon Stride, he'll move back and forth rapidly in succession like a automatic gunfire to slash an enemy four times.
  • Moon Slash: A finishing move. From behind the opponent, Dmitri swings himself above and around their neck using the enemy's shoulder as an anchor to slash the front of their neck with his dagger.
  • Heart Stab: Another finisher move, which relies on stealth and having a higher position over the target. Dmitri uses his Demon Stride to rapidly descend on the enemy thrusting a dagger dead center in the chest, using the momentum to pull the enemy to be flipped down to the ground onto their back.
  • Fog Slash: An aerial rave combo made of multiple hyper slashes in different directions around the enemy from the combined use of his Demon Stride technique in the air. Uses Unheard Agony as the main dagger, which causes the enemy to be covered with dark black mist covering all around their body. Can end with a kick to send the enemy back down to the ground or Demon Stride back to the ground to wait for the enemy to fall back down.
  • Dagger Caltrop: Sacrifice a dagger temporarily to have it split up into a hundred little metal spikes and drop it in a circle on the ground. Dmitri can 'will' the dagger to reform back into it's original form afterwards to retrieve it.
  • абсолютным правилом (Absolyutnym Pravilnom / Absolute Rule): Dmitri's only offensive range attack. It leaves him defenseless as he is concentrating exerting his demonic will over the devil arms. Unheard Agony and Igniting Glare duplicate themselves into 6 daggers (3 each) and are suspended in the air by his devil power behind him lined in a row vertically. This is a taxing skill on Dmitri. Once he exhausts his devil energy pool, the daggers return back to normal and back into his hands.
    • Absolute Rule skillset:
      • Slash: Sends a dagger flying at the enemy to slash. Will return back to Dmitri afterwards.
      • Continuous Slash: For 5 seconds, he unleashes all 6 daggers to execute consecutive slahes on the enemy. The daggers will fly back to him and Dmitri will exit out of Absolute Rule.
      • Spirit of Hell: For 10 seconds, the daggers will spin rapidly around Dmitri's body, damaging anyone or anything that comes close to him. The daggers will return back to Dmitri and he will exit out of Absolute Rule.
      • Blood Pillar: Commands all 6 daggers to shoot forward at the enemy to stab repeatedly at the same time. The daggers will return back to Dmitri and he will exit out of Absolute Rule.

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Devil/Succubus heritage: Very susceptible to holy attacks. It will slow him down great or stop him in his tracks. Healing recovery from such attacks will be very slow or may require additional help to recover.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. He bears the physical traits of the demon warrior, Sparda.
  • Group Enmity (2): Some group, i.e. another House/Kingdom/Guild/whatever, doesn't like you and may prevent you going places you might otherwise go or may otherwise give you hell in a variety of ways. No safe haven in neither heaven or hell, what's a guy to do?
  • Sensation Junkie (2): You're addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new means of stimulation. If the opportunity presents itself, you need something distracting you to resist the urge, and only by making a roll (Diff 6). Dmitri loves the adrenaline rush from the thrill of battle, etc.
  • Compulsion (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this. Protective brother syndrome, Dmitri's been making it a bad habit of c#$!-blocking any guys trying to ask his sister out on a date. He's even turned it into a game for himself.

NPC(s) to go with char

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