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A.K.A. Katsuyu-sama
Age Unknown
Voice Actor Mamiko Noto
Relatives Unknown
Series Naruto
Player Soul
  • Name: Katsuyu
  • Age: Unknown
  • Sex: Asexual

Physical Stats

  • Height: Any Amount
  • Weight: Any Size
  • Special: Slug


Katsuyu is an enormous entity whose true size is unknown. In fact, unlike other summons which may be multiple in number as well as vary in size, the slugs summoned are all in fact portions of the same entity. The general size of the summoned portion of Katsuyu is easily as tall as the largest building in Konoha. It is predominantly white in colour with three blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and side of its body from its head and tapering off at its tail. Its optical tentacles have a slight tint of grey to them and it also has two sensory tentacles on either side of its mouth.


Katsuyu is quiet and subservient to its master. It addresses its master with the highly respectful honourific "-sama", and, in the English versions, calls them Mistress or Milady. Katsuyu tends to also use honourifics like "-kun" and "-san" on other. Katsuyu is also shown to have a playful side, sometimes exaggerating stories for the sake of amusement.


  • Damage Resistance: Due to its genetic and physical make up, Katsuyu is extremely resistant to damage.
  • Absorption: Katsuyu is also able to absorb people into its body, thus protecting them from physical impacts using its own high durability. A palm-sized version of Katsuyu even survived the corrosive chakra of Naruto's eight-tailed form and Nagato's Chibaku Tensei. Remote healing can be applied to people even in this state.
  • Katsuyu Daibunretsu (Great Slug Division): Because of Katsuyu's boneless body, it has the ability to divide its whole body into smaller slugs, and reunite it at will. This technique makes Katsuyu impossible to capture. All blunt physical attacks are also nullified before this technique, as no matter how violent the strike, it won't amount to more than a fruitless attempt. Any enemy who attacks her will only exhaust themselves. Katsuyu can also divide for other various purposes such as channelling its summoner's chakra into shinobi with one of the slugs on them to heal injuries. Also due to this physical make up, the slug is able to alter its bodily form and is able to deconstruct entirely into nothing more than a pool of body fluids. This does not render it incapacitated and Katsuyu is still able to function just as it would if it were corporeal.
  • Chakra Transfer Technique: Through use of the Strength of a Hundred Seal of the person she is connected to, Katsuyu is able to channel the chakra of the user through her multiple divided bodies.
  • Enkaku Chiyu (Remote Healing): Remote Healing is a collaboration technique which used by Katsuyu and its summoner using the link shared via the Strength of a Hundred Seal. Firstly, Katsuyu divides its body into several smaller clones, and then each attaches itself to a person. The slug's summoner then channels their medical chakra through Katsuyu, who in turn transfers it to the wounded person, healing them. This technique allows the user to heal a great number of persons simultaneously regardless of distance.
  • Telepathic Link: Katsuyu's "clones" can telepathically share information with each other which allows the slug to serve other supplementary purposes when divided such as gathering and dispensing information. This connection is shared primarily with the user of the Strength of a Hundred Seal, but Katsuyu is also able to relay information as needed with herself as well.
  • Zesshi Nensan (Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid): A highly concentrated acidic paste is suddenly released from the mouth. The acid boasts such high density and concentration that it is even capable of diluting stone, vaporising it. Because there are no prerequisite moves to do before this techniques' activation, Katsuyu can easily strike quickly, and catch an enemy off-guard with this attack.


  • Katsuyu is only as useful in healing someone as the person channeling chakra through her. If the person connected to her is out of chakra, she is unable to do any healing herself.