Kris Moore

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Kris Moore
Voice Actor
  • Name: Kris Moore
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday: March 16th
  • Parents: Shannon Moore & Miyabi Uzumaki
    • Place of Birth: Konoha
    • Nationality: Konohaese and The-End-Ese and Ylisstolese
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: Chuunin Level
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 230 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blond
    • Special: Slash markings on his cheeks like his mother.


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(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible (+4)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Very Good (+3)
  • Performance: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: 0
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Amazing (+5)
  • Law: Abysmal (-1)
  • Occult: Abysmal (-1)
  • Politics: Abysmal (-1)
  • Science: 0
  • Technology: 0

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Good (+2)
  • Empathy: Good +2)
  • Animal Ken: Good (+2)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Wrestling Moves

  • Curb Stomp - Kris leaps upwards, plants his foot gingerly on top of an enemy's head (or any target really), then proceeds to ride them downwards to stomp the offending target into the ground viciously hard.
  • Superman Punch - Kris lunges at the enemy and rears back a fist before thrusting his fist forward with a straight right hand.
  • Trouble in Paradise - With his opponent staggered, unsuspecting or off-balance, Kris comes in quickly, jumping into the air and landing a spinning, corkscrew roundhouse kick to the head. This usually connects to the side or back of the head, resulting in a high chance of KO or a concussion.
  • Showstopper Chokeslam - Kris slap-chokes an opponent, before picking them up onehanded, holding them for a moment, before slamming them hard into the ground.
  • Release German Suplex - A favorite of his father's, Kris wraps his arms around a target's waist from behind, then suplexes them over to land on the back of their head.
  • Cross Arm Breaker - Kris flips into melee, grabbing an enemy's arm and wrapping his body around it, fighting them to the ground and threatening to twist the arm out of socket.
  • Spear - A simple manuever but devastating with Kris's strength. It's a full on shoulder charge that targets an enemy's torso.


  • Henge no Jutsu - Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Genin. It is a very useful and widely used skill in the series, as it has many uses. It's mostly used as a decoy, to confuse the opponent by transforming into somebody that's an ally with the enemy.
  • Bunshin no Jutsu - This technique must be mastered by any ninja who has graduated from the Academy at the Hidden Leaf Village. It's the most basic technique a Genin must know, since it can be a real lifesaver. This ninjutsu creates a shadow clone of the caster.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu - The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way.
  • Harem no Jutsu - The combination of two Ninjutsu techniques: Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique) and Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique). Together, they create an army of beautiful naked women that can bring even the strongest perverted ninja to their knees.

Medical Jutsu

  • Chakra Enhanced Strength: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing, which greatly enhances their strength. Tsunade created the concept of this technique to intimidate enemies and keep them at bay while she healed injured ninja.
  • Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel): This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can actually make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection. The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.
  • Saikan Chūshutsu no Jutsu (Delicate Illness Extraction Technique): When a person has been afflicted by a pathogen or toxin, this medical ninjutsu can be used to draw out the agent and heal the damage. The cause of the illness is first determined by perceiving disturbances in the patient's chakra. Then, using a chakra scalpel, an incision is made near the affected part. Using their chakra, the medical-nin pushes a large volume of a medicinal fluid through the incision. The fluid then draws the poison out of the affected part(s) and serves as a medium through which the poison is suspended and then forced out of the person's body. This technique thus removes the poison, while simultaneously repairing the damage caused by the poison.

After the agent is drawn out, it can be used to create an antidote or medicine after it has been analysed. This can then be given to the patient to ensure a complete recovery. This technique requires the utmost care and ability in diagnosis, incising and unmatched chakra control. Therefore, it is considered an extremely difficult technique, even among medical ninjutsu.

  • Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique): This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it highly useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique.

By sending an excess amount of chakra into the patient's body, the user can overload the patient's normal circulation, putting them in a temporary comatose state. The victim of this will recover on their own in a manner of a few hours to a couple days.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Mokuton Techniques

  • Moku Bunshin no Jutsu - Wood Clone Technique

Moku Bunshin no Jutsu is a unique Ninjutsu technique used by Yamato. Using his ability to utilize Mokuton (wood release) techniques, Yamato will form handseals and cause beams of wood to emerge from his body. This wood will morph and form a clone of Yamato, capable of utilizing all the same Mokuton techniques as the original.


Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.
Ability Aptitude - Medicine (1): Pick a single skill, talent, or knowledge: you're a whiz at whatever this is. +1 Bonus to all rolls using this ability. (Does not count for Athletics/Alertness)

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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