Sturm Vogel

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Template:Infobox Castle character

  • Name: Sturm Vogel
  • Age: ???
  • Sex: male
  • Birthday: ???
  • Parents: ???
    • Place of Birth: ???
    • Nationality: ???
    • Speciality: Armored Soldier
    • Hobbies: ???
    • Likes: Order
    • Dislikes: Disorder
    • Favorite Food: ???
    • Least Favorite Food: ???
    • Favorite Music: ???
    • Favorite Sport: ???
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: ???
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:

Physical Stats

  • Height:6'0"
  • Weight: 425 lbs.
  • Eyes: ???
  • Hair: ???
  • Special:


A heavily muscles figure of average height. Almost always clad all in black and wearing a masked helmet: either a robotic skull with red eyes or a Guy Fawkes mask.


Sturm displays very little personality, seeming primarily focussed on the achievement of whatever task he considers pressing to the exclusion of almost all else.


Sturm Vogel was one of a quartet of individuals from alternate futures, who claimed their worlds had been destroyed by an unknown force and had been gathered together by an entity known as The Only who claimed to have the ability to restore their worlds with some assistance.

At this entity's behest, they travelled to many worlds to gather objects of power to make the restoration possible, opposing PARADIGM many times.

Eventually, during a final battle, the four were defeated by PARADIGM and released from their thrall.

Later, during the battle under Innsmouth, one of the four, Edgar Shinra, was dimensionally displaced, and then Sturm promised young Phantasmoon that he would do whatever it took to reunite them, taking up residence on Tobias Swiftblade's ship Icarus not long after, and discarding his skull helmet for the (slightly) less menacing visage of Guy Fawkes.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Feeble, Poor, Mediocre, So-So, Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Incredible, Amazing)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.) Text goes here

Mild telepathy, telekinesis

Advanced Gun Kata: Can predict an anticipate bullet trajectories and firing patterns, can dodge melee and ranged attacks with unnatural speed, can disarm opponents and redirect firing paths in grappling range.


(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.) Text goes here

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Sub-dermal Plating: armored plates inserted under the skin that can stop most small projectiles and provide a protective layer covering most of his body.

Wired Reflexes: Special electronically enhanced wires thread through the Sub-dermal Plating, allow him to move and react at superhuman speeds, despite his massive weigh, and facilitates his 'advanced' Gun Kata.

Synthetic Muscle: used to augment most of his major muscle groups, thee muscles were designed to allow him to move naturally despite his heavy augments, and have the side effect of giving him five times his normal strength.

Cybernetic Left Arm: Entirely cybernetic, his left arm has several hundred pounds of grip strength and contains a single-round shotgun concealed inside the forearm.

Cybernetic Left Eye: Able to display visuals in low-light, infrared and ultraviolet spectra, with a built-in motion detector and geiger counter. also fitted with an internal targetting computer and HUD.

Neural Wetware: replacing damaged sections of brain, a small positronic computer that seamlessly controls Sturm's other Augments. Allows his to calculate infrmation and react to stimuli at incredibly high speeds and allows him to go for weeks at a time without sleep if neccessary.

Supressor Nanites: Serve to suppress inheirant psychic abilities, provide protection against mind reading and mental attacks. Has a seeming 'side effect' of altering physical charicteristics such as skin tone, hair and eye color.

Items Of Note

  • "Sturmgewehr" LN-XB7+AG: The Liberty Naval XB7 Magnetic Rifle with an attached ARES Gamma. The LN-XB7 is a heavy anti-materiel rifle capable of magnetically propelling a 20x135mm grenade or 5x100mm Fin-Stabilized Discarding SABOT round able to defeat light armor at great distances with targetted airburst capability. A .47 Assault Rifle, Elliptical Solenoid (Gamma) has been mounted to the underbarrel. Typically meant to be mounted on a vehicle, this modified version lacks the typical automag, and thus each magnetic round must be hand-loaded before firing, although the attached ARES G uses a standard 50-round caseless magazine. The 20mm grenades come in high explosive, fragmentation, white phosphorus incendiary and AFSDS varieties.
  • TAPS: a three-barrelled fully-automatic 20 gauge combat shotgun, can be fed through a belt, box or magazine. Has a reversible grip, allowing it to be held upside-down, and an assault-rifle like underbarrel GPL mount for grenade launchers, sidearms, or utility devices.
    • Skeleton Key: an underbarrel pneumatic kinetic driver. Designed to accomodate a breaching charge on the end, concentrating the thermite explosion into a narrow, precise jet. Can also be used as a makeshift pnumatic bayonet.
    • Hangman: an underbarrel grappling gun. With a 30m spool of noncarbon cable able to support Sturm's excessive weight
  • ISF-37 Aegis: Standard ISF sidearm. A 10mm (.39 caliber) high-power elliptical solenoid pistol, the Aegis has a 10-round magazine, and its powercell is good for 100 shots before recharging or replacement. An S-variant is available for officers and senior NCOs which is functionally identical to the standard ISF-37 but can be altered to accept custom grips, computerized targeting enhancements, etcetera.
  • ISF-48 GLA2: A 20mm high veloity airburst grenade launcher, the Grenade Launcher Attachment mkII is smaller than the 40mm original, but fires projectiles at higher volucity, achieving longer range and higher pre-detonation penetration. Has a 5-round magaine and can be fitted with High Explosive, Fragmentation, SABOT, or White Phosphorous rounds.
  • CSF-8 LACCRA-I: Short for Light, All-Conditions, Concealable, Reactive Armor, LACCRA is a standard type of bodyarmor employed by ISF personnel in the form of several variants, including M-type flight suits, S-type stealth suits, and I-type infantry combat armor with additional armor plating over vital areas. The basic LACCRA suit is a tight bodysuit which can be easily concealed under normal full-body clothing, and which does an admirable job turning away most bullets and damping directed-energy attacks due to its reactive energy redistribution properties. LACCRA does not make soldiers invincible, however: an ARES on full power using armor-piercing rounds can definitely still get through it, and large scale blunt trauma and heat (e.g. from explosions) can overwhelm its ability to redistribute incoming energy.
    • Death's Helmet:A modified LACCRA-I combat helmet, most notable for the distinctive skull motif on the faceplate and the LED eye lenses, usually either red, blue or unlit. Houses an internal targetting computer, communications system and multi-spectrum scanner.
    • November Mask:A flexible, partially animatronic mask in the likeness of Guy Fawkes, a revolutionary and anarchist of ancient Earth.
    • The Greatest Coat: A long matte-black greatcoat made with the same materials and integrated armor plating as LACCRA-I, the rigid fibers and integrated armor plating make it heavy and cumbersome, but it provides for a great degree of extra protection, and the rigid, weighted design makes it remarkably efficient as an improvised combat weapon.
  • ISF-43X "Lock-On" Logistic Optical Command Kinesiology Operating Network - An Oculus variant resembling specialized sunglasses which can provide a sophisticated ECM and imaging suite for defeating most conventional and combat stealth.

To meet the informational needs of a soldier in combat, the Oculus is eyewear designed to link to the soldier's armor, weapon, and datapad systems to provide realtime data. The Oculus has a night-vision mode for low-light situations, as well as thermal, UV, and other imaging. The 'interface' of the Oculus is customizable through the linked datapad, allowing the soldier to control exactly how much information they're getting overlaid into their field of vision. The interface is similar in design to the UI displayed while using the ISF-35 "Geryon" Avatar.


Impetuous - Though intelligent and fiercely gifted, Fontaine's lack of experience makes him prone to quick and violent forms of problem solving.

NPC(s) to go with char

Text goes here

Special Abilities, Powers

Mild telepathy, telekinesis

Advanced Gun Kata: Can predict an anticipate bullet trajectories and firing patterns, can dodge melee and ranged attacks with unnatural speed, can disarm opponents and redirect firing paths in grappling range.

Notable Items

Sub-dermal Plating: armored plates inserted under the skin that can stop most small projectiles and provide a protective layer covering most of his body.

Wired Reflexes: Special electronically enhanced wires thread through the Sub-dermal Plating, allow him to move and react at superhuman speeds, despite his massive weigh, and facilitates his 'advanced' Gun Kata.

Synthetic Muscle: used to augment most of his major muscle groups, thee muscles were designed to allow him to move naturally despite his heavy augments, and have the side effect of giving him five times his normal strength.

Cybernetic Left Arm: Entirely cybernetic, his left arm has several hundred pounds of grip strength and contains a single-round shotgun concealed inside the forearm.

Cybernetic Left Eye: Able to display visuals in low-light, infrared and ultraviolet spectra, with a built-in motion detector and geiger counter. also fitted with an internal targetting computer and HUD.

Neural Wetware: replacing damaged sections of brain, a small positronic computer that seamlessly controls Sturm's other Augments. Allows his to calculate infrmation and react to stimuli at incredibly high speeds and allows him to go for weeks at a time without sleep if neccessary.

Greatest Coat: Made from the same materials as LACCRA-I body armor, this black greatcoat is lined strategically with vertical ceramic/polymer plates that protect vital areas and reinforce the forearms, useful for both offense and defense. Unlike conventional armor, leaves the legs exposed and doesn't offer nearly the same kind of protection.

Supressor Nanites: Serve to suppress inheirant psychic abilities, provide protection against mind reading and mental attacks. Has a seeming 'side effect' of altering physical charicteristics such as skin tone, hair and eye color.


Exposed: His high number of mechanical augments can leave him temporarily susceptible to EMP-based attacks.

Failsafe: Though shielded from remote access, his neural wetware has several failsafe commands, which if accessed surgically, could allow for him to be 'reprogrammed' by a skilled hacker or someone with the proper access codes.