Memory Hall

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Revision as of 18:43, 20 November 2015 by Sparda (talk | contribs) (Main Trophy Case)
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This room, prior a portion of the library, is now a space beginning to fill with different memorabilia from prior missions and events. Agents are encouraged not only to add items of the past, but also to place in reminders of proud moments as they happen in the future.

Trophy Journal

A small book of mostly empty pages, hand-written, with a table of contents and pages describing some of the items spread around the room in the contributor's own words. The table of contents and the initial entry are in a flowing but masculine-hinting style of handwriting. It rests on a small stand next to the main trophy case (see below).

Main Trophy Case

The main trophy case, first to be placed in the room, is a polish cherry wood furnishing with glass front made to protect the items inside. Split into two parts, there's a large display section within its inner left half, and smaller shelvings on its right. Overall looking like this. Descriptions of items in the case are below.

WVBA logo.jpg
  • WVBA Victory: Its top right shelf presently contains a title-belt forged in the likeliness of the WVBA logo. Though only a crafted replica, the belt's custom design replaces the top crown with the PARADIGM logo. To the side of the belt if a framed collage of all of the participants of the bout in their moments of highlight, from KO punches, harrowing dodges, and some even simple raised gloves in victory by the ref. The participants shown are all of those from Mission 233.
    • Journal Entry: "In an outstanding mix of heart and skill, PARADIGM went toe-to-toe with the best of the WVBA. Alongside taking down the champion, everyone ensured to give their all, making a clean sweep of the night's contenders. The spotlight shone bright on the Agents - faces alight that the crowds won't soon forget."
  • Yunzabit World Martial Arts Tournament: The top left shelf contains a second place trophy, featuring the names of Elias Jerico, Izumi Saotome, Hayate Uzumaki, Ontlaan, Hikaru Yuta, Shaila, Shinshi Seta, Genevieve May Nadia Saillune, Farrah Strife, and Kouhei Kurosaki. It's made of shining silver, and is in the Effigy of the World Champion of Martial Arts, Mr. Satan.
    • Journal Entry: "Despite the sudden turnaround at the end of the tournament, the fights the Agents had to go through were terrible and harrowing, giving them a good chance to show off the techniques they spent an exceptionally short time developing to such an extent. They were so good they even impressed the World Champion of Martial Arts, Mr. Satan!."
  • Indra's Light and The Broken Pocket Watch: Bottom left shelf, resting on a rubberized sword stand. A sword with a black blade that lightly courses with electricity. Those that hold it's leather hilt can sense a locked away power. A silver plated pocket watch with strange arcane symbols etched into it's face also lays coiled around the hilt of the blade. A rather large bullet hole still remains through the face plate of the item.
    • Journal Entry: "Little had our Agents had known that these, among other artifacts, would lead them into a race against time and the will of an immortal monster. Indra's light was one of three swords used to break the seal on The Forgotten One's tomb. The Pocket Watch is a cruel reminder that not all foes are maddened creatures of the night."