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A.K.A. The Third (Experiment)
Age 25
Voice Actor Mamoru Miyano
Series Original
Player Tommy
  • Designation: Oratorio
  • Real Name: Takuma Kuga
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: April 15
    • Nationality: Appears to be Japanese
    • Specialty: Frontline tanking
    • Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar
    • Likes: Grilling meat, nature, music
    • Dislikes: Scientists
    • Favorite Food: Anything with meat
    • Least Favorite Food: Cucumber
    • Favorite Music: Any decent rock band
    • Favorite Sport: Basketball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: A necklace with his wedding ring looped through it and an old photograph from his wedding day.
    • Level of Education: College (through science facility learning pod)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mamoru Miyano
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 187 cm (6'1")
    • Weight: 74 kg (165 lbs)
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Eyes glow at night


A young man appearing to be of Japanese descent with bright crimson eyes. Has a very lean and toned build. In his previous life, he dressed in very trendy, stylish clothing and some of that fashion sense still prevails today.


Due to the heavy experimentations done to him, he was rather anti-social and reserved. He developed a rather extreme paranoia of people in lab coats and harbored a deep-seated hatred for the scientists that worked in the genetic research program that he belonged to.

However after escaping, and spending several years traveling and going on many adventures while making a few new friends, his personality and demeanor had become more relaxed and outgoing. He's still wary of people in white lab coats though and has some trust issues with new people. He has no sense of shame when it comes to being in his birthday suit, which is what he usually ends up being after each genetic transformation but he has learned to be considerate of others and usually go off to finish the human transformation over in a conveniently-placed bush or behind a large tree.


<collapsetext> DNA engineered human with monstrous transformations. Expand for tragedy! <collapse> Cruelty. He knew this word all too well. He was only 20 when he was abducted by strangers on his way home back to his wife. Little did he know that his life would be change forever by these people. He was denied of his former life, most of his memories were erased. Which left him with the painful agony of being unable to recall the vague and fragmented memories that were induced whenever he looks at the wedding ring hanging off his necklace, his one and only prized possession that was the only link back to his former life.

The young man was thrown into a series of genetic experiments that would permanently alter his DNA. The experiments were funded by A.W.O. (Armstech Weapons Organization) and carried out by a high-tech genetic research company named Ouroboros Genetic Engineering (GenEn). He was given the designation "Oratorio" and soon found out he was the end result of the third and final experimentation by 'Him.' The cruel man that started it all. That man combat-tested Oratorio's new-found abilities to the point of physical exhaustion and brink of death constantly, which led to Oratorio's overwhelming hatred for everyone involved in the experimentation.

He wanted revenge... to deal back the pain and misery they did onto him. One day when the scientists' sense of security was lulled around him, he manages to escape his cell. Instead of leaving like any ration person would do, he sought out the cruel man and his subordinates. No one was spared at the facility. Blood and organs covered the walls of the once immaculate labs. The scientists' lives had ended shortly and so abruptly after they were celebrating what they thought was having achieved 'perfection' with the third experiment.

The cruel man was found then cornered into his office. That man's begs and pleas fell on deaf ears. He was killed quickly in the most gruesome fashion by Oratorio. His body ripped apart beyond recognition with the remnants strewn across the table in a similar manner that Oratorio was forced to when they wanted to dissect and poke around his body. After the rage was quelled, it was at this point that he would discovered the cruel man's notes and found out that two other people were similarly subjected to the same experiments that he had endured. They were both female and were considered 'failures' in the man's notes. Their names would forever be etched into his mind: Robada and Cantata. Oratorio considered them to be kindred spirits... 'sisters' if you will. He found out through more investigation that these two females had no recollection of the experiments at all and once they were deemed as failures, they were tossed out like garbage. Oratorio considered them to be fortunate to have no memory of the horrible experiments. He left the science facility in frustration when he found no information whatsoever about his previous life.

Years and several adventures later, Oratorio found more information about the experiments by that cruel man. Everything he knew about his old life was an elaborate lie that was implanted into his mind by the scientists. He wasn't born naturally but created in a lab, just like his two 'sister's before him. His love for singing and even his dreams of being in a rock band wasn't his own but implanted subliminally via a learning pod. Even the wife that he thought he was forcibly separated from and wanted to find again was fake, which painfully broke his heart. That cruel man was still able to hurt Oratorio so greatly even in death. Oratorio sank into a heavy depression, unable to find the will to live and continue on with his current life. At the end, his friends managed to help him pull through with the help of their kind-hearted compassion and strong bond they developed with him.

"The Third is the fortunate, the complete, the captive. He sings as the Sky, and though he dwells in Day he sees only Night.
END: The storm clears: ORATORIO"
-Quote from The Cruel Man </collaspetext>


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3) [Incredible (+4) in wolf form]

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Amazing (+5)
  • Leadership: Novice (+1)
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Good (+2)
  • Performance: Incredible (+4) [anything music related will be Amazing (+5) for him]

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good (+2)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Science: Very Good (+3)
  • Technology: Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Amazing (+5)
  • Empathy: Good (+2)
  • Animal Ken: Incredible (+4)

Special Abilities

Xing Yi Quan (形意拳): Amazing
Pre-programmed into Oratorio by the scientists. Characterized by aggressive, seemingly linear movements and explosive power that's most often applied from a short range. Uses coordinated movements to generate bursts of power intended to overwhelm the opponent, simultaneously attacking and defending.

Baguazhang (八卦掌): Amazing
Another pre-programmed martial art skill to compliment with Xing Yi Quan. Contains an extremely wide variety of techniques as well as weapons, including various strikes (with palm, fist, elbow, fingers, etc.), kicks, joint locks, throws, and distinctively evasive circular footwork. As such, is considered neither a purely striking nor a purely grappling martial art. Practitioners are known for their ability to "flow" in and out of the way of objects allowing the practitioner able to fight multiple attackers. Baguazhang's evasive nature is also shown by the practice of moving behind an attacker, so that the opponent cannot harm the practitioner.

Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳): Incredible
Self-taught 'soft' style of martial arts used to fight against opponents he does not wish to seriously hurt. Also practiced to help with his psychological health.

Powers & Merits

DNA Transformations: Oratorio's DNA has been genetic engineered to be the ultimate framework for transforming into various monstrous forms.

Oratorio in werewolf form.

Classic (Werewolf)

  • Two-phases:
    • Humanoid Werewolf
      • Traits:
        • 7'8" tall
        • 550 lbs
        • Supernatural strength
        • Supernatural endurance
        • Supernatural healing factor
        • Single battle transformation limit before having to transform back to human form to recover
      • Usual werewolf form. During human form, the muscle and bone structure in Oratorio's body undergoes a drastic transformation. Jet black fur will cover all over his body, claws will sprout from his fingertips and toes. His head will take on the form of a wolf's, complete with the long snout filled with razor sharp canines and fangs. His ears will turn pointed and triangularly-shaped and a tail will sprout out from his rear. In this form, Oratorio's form looks half humanoid and half wolf (walking upright majority of the time and his limbs still shaped similar to a humans except with more muscle mass). In this form, he has the highest pain threshold and endurance. The scientists have nicknamed Oratorio the 'living tank' due to the amount of punishment his body can withstand with the help of his extreme healing regeneration.
    • Wolf
      • Traits:
        • 4 ft tall x 7.5 ft long
        • 220 lbs
        • Supernatural speed
        • Supernatural agility
        • Supernatural sense of smell, sound and sight
        • Unlimited time limit on transformation
      • He will look more like a feral wolf, bigger than any natural wolves produced by Mother Nature. His muscles and bone structure are reconfigured to produce the lightest body and the most streamlined. Strength is sacrificed for speed, making stealthy attacks his forte in this form. His sense of smell and hearing are intensified. He cannot see the world around him with his eyes in this current state. He now 'sees' the world through what can be similarly described as thermal imaging. Creatures or beings with higher concentrations of magic or spiritual energy will show up more prominently in his radar-like view than those with lesser magical strength.

Zinogre - Thunder Wolf Wyvern

  • A solitary apex predator. Zinogre have powerful legs to help it swipe prey easily and powerfully. Its body is very stocky due to the raw muscle power of this creature. Zinogre also has armor with spikes to help fend off attackers. It has surprising agility for such a large monster. It can also harness the power of electricity using it to take down larger prey and to defend itself and its territory. When it becomes enraged, Zinogre enters a supercharged state, they seem to glow, internally and externally. When supercharged, the spikes on their backs become erect in order to release excess electricity so that they don't injure themselves or possibly die from too much electricity surging in their bodies.
  • Traits:
    • 6m (20 ft) tall x 17m (55 ft) long
    • Single battle transformation limit before having to transform back to human form to recover
  • Standard Attacks:
    • Charge Up: Gathering spiritual energy to charge up, bringing it closer to its supercharged state. Can be interrupted by attacks. If it manages to enter its supercharged state, it'll let out a deafening roar followed by multiple blasts of electricity all around him. Will use up a round in battle.
    • Claw Stomps: Slam its claws down twice at its target, alternating with each arm
    • Backflip Tail Slam: Runs a short distance away from the target, then performs an aerial backflip before slamming its tail on the ground.
    • Tornado Tail Swipe (SIGNATURE): It winds its body and tail up counter-clockwise, plants its right arm on the ground, then spins clockwise, lifting itself off the ground as it does so. It spirals into the air, swinging its clawed paws and spiked tail to strike anything immediately around it then lands a few moments later.
    • Charge Attack: Charges at its target, damaging them if hit as it tackles the target.
    • Roar: At 125 decibels, this painful, booming roar will cause everyone to cover their ears if they're not using earplugs. Used to stun the enemies around it.
    • Lightning Ball (SIGNATURE): Jumps into the air and performs a sideways roll while airborne then fires two "balls" of electricity when it lands. The lightning balls follow a curved path, possibly from the tail being used as a ramp, first moving outwards then back in. Getting hit by one induces a paralyzing blight debuff, limiting the mobility of a target.
    • Pin Attack: Zinogre will gnash its teeth at the air several times then leaps towards its targets, pinning them down with its giant clawed paw if hits. If a target is pinned, it'll start biting down at it.
    • Hip Slam: Turns so that its side is facing towards the target then slams them with its hip. This attack has surprisingly high range.
    • Head Butt: Rears back slightly then moves towards the target, slamming/shoving them with its horned head.
    • Back Slam: Leaps high into the air then slams down on its targets below, landing on its back spikes. High risk move since the back spikes will make it stuck in the ground for a round in battle.
  • Supercharged State Attacks:
    • Claw Stomps: Performed three times instead of two with electrified claws.
    • Lightning Storm: Raises its head and howls, summoning several bolts of lightning to strike in a large radius around itself. Inflicts paralyzing blight debuff.
    • Lightning Ball (SIGNATURE): Same attack but instead is performed twice in a row when in its supercharged state. The second set of lightning balls will always follow a "mirrored" path to the first (i.e. if the first two move out to the left then back in again, the second two will move out to the right then back in).

Zamtrios - Monster Frog-Shark

  • Zamtrios is a large, quadrupedal monster with grey-blue skin and yellow fins. It is superficially shark-like in appearance, with a long, pointed snout and a mouth filled with multiple rows of sharp teeth. Zamtrios is sometimes seen encased in an ice-like armor, which forms many spines and horns all over its body.
  • Traits:
    • 6 m (20 ft) tall x 18.7 m (61 ft) long
    • Chilled air aura
    • Ground burrow ability
    • Single battle transformation limit before having to transform back to human form to recover
  • Standard Attacks:
    • Ice Armor (SIGNATURE): It is able to produce ice armor by secreting a special fluid from its skin that quickly freezes once exposed to the air. This armor acts as a secondary protection against threats and also acts as weapon. When it forms this armor, it will also produce a long, harpoon-like spike made of ice on top of its head and wide, bladed spike on its tail as another weapon. The armor is breakable and will stun Zamtrios for a round when it happens.
    • Water Blast: It spits freezing water balls at its target.
    • Ice Blast: It spits the same special fluid from its skin at targets to slow them down. If it hits, the target will be comically encased in a ball of snow with their legs unhindered (they're free to run around but their arms are tucked inside the snow ball, can be freed by teammates poking the snowball or running into a solid object, or even brute strength)
    • JAWS: Zamtrios will burrow underground to stalk its prey then cause the ground to tremble like there's a frenzy of water splashing. If the target hasn't escaped the immediate area, they will be launched into the air by the explosive entrance of Zamtrios as it bursts out of the ground to do a cliched Jaws-style bite in midair at the target.
    • Bladed Spin: Only used when it has the ice armor on. Zamtrios will stance into a tightly-balled up form with its tail tucked in. Then does a super fast 360-spin in place, cutting and slicing anything that is close to it.
    • Roar: At 125 decibels, this painful, booming roar will cause everyone to cover their ears if they're not using earplugs. Used to stun the enemies around it.
    • Inflate (SIGNATURE): When Zamtrios takes enough damage, it'll do a defensive reaction in which it swells up to massive proportions thanks to the special fluid and it's elastic skin. Highly vulnerable to attacks and maneuverability is dramatically decreased.
  • Inflate Attacks:
    • Rollover: You don't want to be underneath an inflated Zamtrios when it rolls over because that is basically being rolled over by a weight similar to a whale.
    • Hoppity Hop: Zamtrios musters a lot of energy and actually pulls itself upwards to do a big hop to crush anything down where ever it lands. Just imagine a person riding on one of those big balloon ball things except times fifty.
    • Ice Blasts: It spits the same special fluid from its skin at targets to slow them down. If it hits, the target will be comically encased in a ball of snow with their legs unhindered (they're free to run around but their arms are tucked inside the snow ball, can be freed by teammates poking the snowball or running into a solid object, or even brute strength)
    • Deflate: Zamtrios can manually deflate itself out of its inflated state. It exhausts the build up of special fluid in its belly as icy vapors. Caution is advised if anyone is near it when it deflates.

Brachydios - Crushing Wyvern


Brachydios punching a downed monster.

  • Brute wyverns coated with an explosive green substance, a material that is thought to be a unique slime mold that is primed to explode by an element in the monster's saliva. They are capable of powerful foreleg strikes.
  • Traits:
    • 6.1 m (20 ft) tall x 19m (62 ft) long
    • Forelimbs and horn constantly secrets a slime mold that chemically reacts with an explosion reaction to its saliva
    • Being hit with any attacks from its horn or forelimbs will cause a slime ailment, which if the victim does not immediately remove off their body will slowly reach a point to where the slime will explode
    • If it doesn't hit its target with its forelimbs or horn, it will leave a puddle of slime on the ground that will explode on its own after several minutes
    • Single battle transformation limit before having to transform back to human form to recover
  • Standard Attacks:
    • Hook Punch: Performs a right or left hook with its fist, inflicting slime ailment upon impact.
    • Strafe Punch: Leaps 90 degrees to the left or right while punching downward with the corresponding arm, inflicting slime ailment upon impact. Leaves a slime puddle on the ground.
    • Advancing Punch Combo: Brachydios will travel forward in a straight line, delivering alternating punches with its fists as it goes. It will perform five punches in total. Each Punch will leave a slime puddle on the ground behind it.
    • Tail Swing: Brachydios will whips its tail 45 degrees, twice in a row.
    • Diving Dual Punch: Brachydios walks backwards while licking its forearms, and then runs forward and leaps a considerable distance to attack its target with both its forelimbs. This attack leaves puddles of slime and inflicts slime ailment upon impact.
    • Flame Wave: Brachydios slams its horn into the ground and drives it forward, creating a large wall of flame that advances outward a considerable distance.
    • Explosion Flurry: Brachydios slams its horn into the ground. A few seconds later, many explosions begin occurring within an immediate distance on all sides of it.
    • Roar: At 125 decibels, this painful, booming roar will cause everyone to cover their ears if they're not using earplugs. Used to stun the enemies around it.

Amatsumagatsuchi - Storm Dragon AKA "Heaven's Catastrophe"

Amatsumagatsuchi floating mysteriously.
Amatsumagatsuchi performing a Grand Vortex Beam.

  • "Brave are those who challenge the Raging God of Storms. Folly to those who come unprepared but for those who triumph, in them is bestowed, Eternal Glory"
  • An Elder class dragon with complete control over storms. The Amatsumagatsuchi has a large amount of fins and wings along its body, which contribute to its ability to fly smoothly through the air. Its horns are large compared to the size of its head, much closer to the size of the fins. Whilst its forearms/wings are long, they are slender and designed for flight, not for walking. The amount of webbing in its fins and wings makes the Amatsumagatsuchi seem larger than it actually is, as they billow out in the wind.
  • Traits:
    • 13.7 m (45 ft) tall x 31 m (102 feet) long
    • Battlefield becomes drenched with rain
    • Forever airborne, even it passes out, it'll stay afloat in the air
    • Elder Dragon class transformation, transformation only lasts half a battle due to it being an extremely physically-demanding transformation
  • Standard Attacks:
    • Water Blast: Amatsumagatsuchi charges up a ball of water and launches it at the target.
    • Tail Swipe: Amatsumagatsuchi quickly slaps the target with its tail.
    • Charge: Amatsumagatsuchi quickly charges at target while in midair.
    • Tornado: Amatsumagatsuchi quickly charges up 3 small tornados that spin around the area.
    • Super Tornado (SIGNATURE): Amatsumagatsuchi creates a small twister that begins to suck in its targets then hits them hard with a tornado-shrouded charge. It takes one round to do the first twister then the following round for the tornado attack. After the first twister has been casted, Amatsumagatsuchi will revolve around the second twister, encompassing a wider area with every revolution. The second twister will remain on the field for several seconds before disappearing and can still cause damage if anyone gets close enough.
    • Grand Vortex Beam (SIGNATURE): Amatsumagatsuchi will fly high up above the clouds and spits three highly-concentrated wind/water beams. The beams are telegraphed by an looming shadow a second before it is shot to indicate where the beams are landing. Once the beam hits the ground then the ground itself will explode with a torrent of water rising upwards.
    • Fin Slap: Amatsumagatsuchi slaps the target hard with its fins.
    • Water Beam: Amatsumagatsuchi will lower its head and fire a concentrated wind/water beam. Not as potent as the Grand Vortex Beam.
    • Roar: At 125 decibels, this painful, booming roar will cause everyone to cover their ears if they're not using earplugs. Used to stun the enemies around it.


  • Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.
  • Acute Senses (1 - Smell): One of your five senses is incredibly sharp, and Alertness rolls involving this sense have a +1 Bonus. You must buy this merit separately for each sense.
  • Acute Senses (1 - Hearing): One of your five senses is incredibly sharp, and Alertness rolls involving this sense have a +1 Bonus. You must buy this merit separately for each sense.
  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
  • Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...
  • Soothing Voice (2): You have an entrancing voice. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Text goes here

Items Of Note

  • Pair of Jian swords
  • Wallet with some cash and business cards
  • Cellphone

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Flashbacks (3): When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that past event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.
  • Nightmares (1): You're constantly plagued by nightmares, which at the worst may indicate there's something nasty in your fate, and at the least will make you cranky and irritable most of the time. A particularly bad night may cause you to have a -1 penalty on all rolls.
  • Phobia - Scientists (1): You have a specific, incredibly powerful fear. At 1 pt, you will avoid any contact or nearness with the object of your fear, and all rolls near it will be at -1 penalty.. as well as other shortcomings, like nervousness, fear, and the general wanting to get the hell out of there, which you will at the first opportunity.
  • Otherworldly Taint - Glowing Red Eyes (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.
  • Twisted Upbringing (1): Whoever taught you the ways of your people gave you an incredibly skewed version of those ways, and your faulty beliefs can get you in big trouble... You REALLY should come up with a few actual major flaws on your world view, not just pop them in randomly, as this makes for less of a tragic, very screwed over character and more the proverbial Fishmalk or Schitzophrenic idiot with no sense of IC.
