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Age Unknown
Voice Actor Shizuka Furuya
Relatives Unknown
Series Gold Digger/Original
Player Soul
  • Name: Lynde
  • Age: Unknown
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: June 30th
  • Parents: Uknown
    • Place of Birth: Small town in America
    • Nationality: American?
    • Specialty: Shapeshifter
    • Hobbies: Mechanical and Engineering Tinkering
    • Likes: Motorcycles, planes, cars.
    • Dislikes: Negative Thoughts
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Horn Necklace. Crystal Bracelet.
    • Level of Education: Partway through Highschool
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Shizuka Furuya (Nano Shinonome from Nichijou)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'1"
    • Weight: 103 lbs
    • Eyes: Amber
    • Hair: Red
    • Special: Tends to display two horns on her head that curve and sweep back, as well as pointed ears.
      Also, in her very natural state, seems to have dark purple skin with black eyes and a weird teal hair color.


She normally has an average stature of a short white woman. Her clothing tends to be on the tomboyish side, always wearing baggy clothing with gloves and a coat that works as a hoodie when needed. She never normally wears anything that seems feminine. The only exception is ribbons in her hair.


Lynde tends to be a very timid, yet friendly, girl. Her mood tends to randomly swing at times depending on the people around her, but she tends to be shy and withdrawn from others unless it is to talk about something she is fascinated with.


Lynde was found by a simple family that lived in a very rural area, in some sort of advanced looking space capsule. The baby looked human enough, with the exception of the horns and pointed ears on her head. The couple decided to raise her as their own, having no child of their own until now. (As any Superman-ish family would do.)
She grew up in a loving family, though she was treated as an outcast when she went into town or to any public event. This was not an issue for long, as one morning at the young 'age' of eight, she found herself looking like a completely normal human girl. The horns and pointed ears were gone! With this sudden development, she was able to go to school and meet more people and blend in like a normal person.
Eventually she figured out how this happened, and that she could change her appearance at will to who or whatever she felt like, with limitations, of course. She also discovered she had other abilities, which she began self training with over time to begin perfecting and tailoring to her own style.
Upon receiving a proper education, Lynde fell for mechanics. Engineering, specifically. She loved the fact that airplanes and the like could make it into the air and sustain altitudes. Being too eager for normal schooling, she decided to sneak out and embark on her own for adventure. She would find her own way to make her own plane, or even a helicopter!
In essence, she is just a traveling fool right now.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Good (+2)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)
  • Subterfuge: Abyssal (-1)
  • Streetwise: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Performance: Novice (+1)
  • Computers: Incredible (+4)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Science: Good (+2)
  • Technology: Incredible (+4)
  • Driving: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival: Abyssal (-1)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken: Good (+2)

Powers & Merits


  • Aura/Healing Mage: She is a holy infused type of magic user. Her abilities mostly deal with healing others or putting protection spells on them. Her magical aura feels as if it were from the heavens itself.
  • Absorb Ether: Ether energy is the excessive type of energy coming off of every living person that is alive. The more magic a person has in them, the more ether they give off. This is the type of energy she needs to survive, and can only absorb the ether off of someone if they remain still. The process of collecting energy takes concentration on her behalf (it is automatic if she is unconcious). The sensation of having the energy drawn off of a person tickles, so it is unlikely she can take it off of someone that is awake. If they move, the energy transfers back to them and takes some of the energy she was exerting in the collection process, leaving her worse off than when she began.
  • Sense Desires: This is the main tool a Rakshasa abuses to collect energy from another being. She can read the mood and sense the desires of a person. Once this is achieved, she can take on the form of a person that matches the desire of the person, for the purpose of romancing them. (They really are full out psychics when at full power, but for now Lynde will only be an empath or some such.)
  • Sense Ether/Magic: She can sense magic in the air, but that's it. She can't determine type or quality. This works with her Absorb Ether. She has to know it exists and such to be able to get it. Mages have more Ether, so she would be drawn to them more than an average person, who would still have Ether, but not nearly as much.
  • Form Shift: The most amazing ability of a Rakshasa. This goes hand in hand with sensing desires. She can change her form, including genders, to minic how people look. She can also mimic someone from a person's memories and imitate them perfectly, including mannerisms and speech pattern. A Rakshasa is normally genderless, but she prefers to be a female, as it fits with her feminine and timid personality. If she decided, she can grow muscles to augment her physical strength for use in a fight, or shrink to escale chains or ropes binding her.
  • Language Understanding: As she is a magical creature that is meant to understand anyone and anything, she hears every language as if they were her own, and can be understood by anyone as well. Somehow this also allows her to understand if something is a name or just a normal spoken word. (This only applies to spoken language and thoughts. This does not apply to writing.)
  • Shield/Barrier: She can throw up a slightly glowing shield around herself or others. This shield will deflect minor to moderate attacks from entering the shield, but will not stop attacks from leaving the shield. Attacks that are too fast or strong for the shield will simply shatter it. The shield will also fail after taking enough sustained damage, unless she puts effort into keeping the shield going. She can not do anything else for as long as she concentrates on keeping the shield up.
  • Heal: She is capable of healing moderate to slightly major wounds. If someone has broken bones or burns that are fresh, she can mend the bones and restore the flesh. If the wounds have been setting for too long/become the normal state of being for the injured party, she can not undo time to bring them back to perfect health. She can, however, sense if someone is poisoned or infected. If she concentrates hard enough, it is possible for her to heal bad/critical wounds, but will not be able to fully heal it in one try (She will stop the bleeding and bring the person back from dying, but will need help in healing someone to a full recovery).
  • Holy Blast/Smite: She can summon up a ball of holy light and shoot it at an enemy. This attack does moderate damage and can knock the oppoent backwards if not down. She is able to hurl multiple energy blasts in a quick hurry if she needs. This does take actual aiming to do. She can not simply make it automatically fly at someone regardless of their movements.
  • Holy Fire: A more advanced attack than the Holy Blast, this attack burns with a stronger brilliance and will catch the oppoent on fire upon contact. The energy diminishes after a few seconds, but the effect of the blast with it is stronger than her regular attack. She can not hurl multiples of this blast in quick succession.
  • Healing Flame: A more advanced version of her heal, this fire will flow through a person, healing them more thoroughly than a standard Heal would. This will also remove moderate poisons and diseases within a person, unlike standard heal. This heal will more effectively restore someone's health, but takes a lot out of her to cast overall. This can not restore any lost limbs. She will be greatly drained if she repeatedly casts this spell or attempts to maintain it for too long.


  • Common Sense (1): You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.
  • Lightning Calculator (1): You have a natural affinity for numbers. +1 bonus when relevant.
  • Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.
  • Poison Resistance (2): You have an innate ability to resist the effects of many toxins. Whenever you need to roll to resist poisons, you get a +2 Bonus.

Special Abilities

  • Mechanic/Engineer/Roboticist: Lynde is a very broad mechanic. She can work on electronics, such as computers and other things alike. She can also work on vehicles, machinery, planes, and in some cases robots themselves.
  • Magical Scientist: While she might not be a physics major or a rocket scientist, she understands the flow of magic and knows how to entwine it with electronics.

Unique Items

  • Ether Crystal Bracelet: She has a bracelet on her right wrist that glows in prismatic colors in the dark only. The gemstone in the bracelet slowly draws in excessive ether found in the air during the day, letting her absorb it safely at night.

Items Of Note

  • Horn: She has a small horn that was left with her as a baby. It works like a whistle, but has a very dull sound compared.

Weaknesses & Flaws


  • Energy Starved: As she is a being that feeds on and uses ether, she has to keep her energy reservoir stocked up. If she gets low on energy, she may show symptoms of withdrawal and even get delerious. If she runs completely out of energy she will die.
  • Empathic Backfire: As she is an empath/borderline telepath, her mood can be influenced by others. If someone is feeling strong enough of an emotion, it may be powerful enough to overwhelm her and make her feel the same.


  • Shy (1): You're not a social butterfly, to say the least. Many social rolls are at -1 penalty, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at -2 penalty.
  • Weak-Willed (2): You are easily mind-controlled and manipulated. Opposed rolls are at -1 Penalty for you, and when the odds are against you, you tend to crumble. This is a crippling as hell Flaw in a Free Form RP channel, so think hard and long before taking it for two extra points.
  • Addiction (3): Ether : After jonesing for long enough all your rolls are at -1 Penalty. -2 if a three point flaw. A one point flaw will never incur penalties, but you should start RP'ing out how badly you need a drink or smoke and be easily distracted by that very idea.