Crono Arinborn

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Crono Arinborn
1321399776 l.jpg
A.K.A. Chosen of Kemmessur
Age 22
Voice Actor Nakamura, Yuuichi
Relatives Chronus and Emilia Arinborn (deceased)
Series Nexus(Original)
Player Crono
  • Name: Crono Arinborn
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 15th
  • Parents: Chronus and Emilia Arinborn
    • Place of Birth: Royalsia (Nexus)
    • Nationality: Royalsian
    • Specialty: Swordplay, Divine magic (Paladin)
    • Hobbies: Swordplay, Music, Adventure Books, ballroom dancing
    • Likes: Enabling others, A Good Challenge
    • Dislikes: Abuse of innocence, 'Hopeless' situations
    • Favorite Food: Beef stew
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Lightbringer (Great Weapon), Holy Symbol of Kemmessur
    • Level of Education: Paladin's Order (Reading, basic math, law and politics)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nakamura, Yuuichi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 180 lbs
    • Eyes: Sharp Blue
    • Hair: Ruffled, Blond
    • Special: Blade-given scar down his backside


A healthy, honed figure that appears more agile than bulky. Tends to have soft, unconcerned expressions. Hair is well trimmed but left free and ruffled.


Crono is a driven, confident youth with the prowess to back it up. He often enjoys a good challenge, and is not afraid to put a strong foot forward to overcome anything. Contradicting this, however, he rarely acts for the sake of the limelight, preferring that his actions enable others when feasible. This follows from his pious beliefs, worshiping a deity whose domain is based around 'Hope', enjoying nothing more than granting hope to others in situations that are bleak, even those mundane.


Crono was born Royalesian, to Chronus Arinborn, one of the High Templars of Kemmessur. Crono followed closely in his father's footsteps in this regard, becoming a Knight of the Never-ending Stride, until a dispute over the arrival of Sirus Irons and his collection of Great Weapons caused a rift between the pair. Circumstances boiling from that lead Crono to a swift departure from the order, but not his faith. Since then, he has been a wandering beacon of Hope for those he's come across.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: 4
  • Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
  • Stealth: 2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: 1
  • Streetwise: 2
  • Intimidation: 3
  • Leadership: 4
  • Expression: 3
  • Etiquette: 3
  • Performance: Violin: 4
  • Performance: Singing: 1
  • Performance: Juggling, Pen Tricks: 4

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: 0
  • Investigation: 2
  • Medicine: 2
  • Law: 3
  • Occult: 4
  • Politics: 3
  • Science: 1
  • Technology: 1

Other Skills:

  • Driving: 0
  • Survival: 2
  • Empathy: 3
  • Animal Ken: 2

Special Abilities

Paladin of Kemmessur

Crono was brought up as a knight in the Order of the Never-ending Stride, in worship of Kemmessur. Kemmessur is a deity who, above all else, defies the idea of 'hopeless' situations. His paladins seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves, especially when concerning their abuse or unfair treatment of higher authority. Kemmessur's worshippers believing in inspiring those around them - not to the paladin, but invoking a belief in themselves. Crono's personal trainings from this come below.

Divine Abilities - Powers granted to Paladins of Kemmessur's Faith, each limited by their spiritual prowess.

  • Lay on Hands - The paladin has the ability to cure wounds in a warm light and touch. Effective only on the living.
  • Purge Ailment - The paladin has the ability to purge magic debuffs and poisons, but cannot intervene on natural disease.
  • Turn Undead - The paladin has the ability to stagger, drive back, or crumble undead (depending on the strength of the creatures and their numbers).
  • Bless Water - The paladin has the ability to turn water into Holy Water, which stings undead and evil entities like acid. Otherwise, very refreshing!

Divine Spellcasting - Spells under Kemmessur's Domains

  • Endure Elements - Protects a touched target, allowing them to exist comfortably in hot or cold environments for several hours. Can be re-cast. Minimal effect at best on elemental attacks.
  • Divine Favor - Spend a round in calling for aid under Kemmessur's watch. His or his target's next attack (choose one) is blessed with added divine guidance in insight for striking true to mark, and can only be mitigated, not avoided.
  • Shield Other - Take half the damage of a chosen target. Persists until willfully broken.
  • Daylight - 60-ft. radius of bright light, cancels out magical Darkness, causing the area to be filled with natural light. Can be cast upon an object and carried.
  • Kemmessur's Arrow - An arrow of crackling electricity that can be thrown a medium distance, or fired from a bow at its usual range. Can be used as an attack or a beacon. When used to attack, strikes with the strength of a magically imbued arrow as electric/magic instead of physical damage. When fired overhead, it will burst in the sound of thunder and lightning will take the shape of the holy symbol of Kemmessur - either at maximum distance or when striking a ceiling. This symbol will harm nothing, but is bright and obvious, lingering for a couple minutes.
  • Challenge(Taunt) - Choose a target, and challenge them bring the fight to you. Creatures compelled must meet the challenge, or suffer weakness until the time of conflict is over, or until they choose to meet said challenge. Weakness ends if Crono chooses to retreat, bound to meet the challenge himself. Foes that are compelled by this challenge understand its effects and the consequence of ignoring it.
  • Martyr's Bargain - Sustain any amount of damage and hold it for up to three rounds after as though untouched. Cannot be used twice in succession - if attempted, the former damage immediately triggers. This damage cannot be reduced in any way from outside source, and is not subject to current circumstances.
  • Mark of Justice - Mark a target through divine contract that binds them to an agreement. If this agreement is broken, the mark will glow and the subject will suffer a penalty to their highest stat (strength, agility, wisdom etc) and have a small chance of being staggered (10%) in any given round of combat until the curse upon them is either purged by strong magic, or amends have been made on the prior agreement. Has a several minute cast time that involves constant contact with the subject, and thus can only be realistically cast upon one either willing or restrained. (Minor geas which can be purged by strong enough dispels, fine dropping this one pending concerns).
  • Ritual of Retribution - Using a piece of or a possession of a target the paladin has previously encountered, the paladin gains a divine insight of the shortest path to their target, at a cost. While they maintain a vague sense of their target, so too does the target maintain a vague sense of the paladin, able to prepare for their coming. While it may be cast, this effect does not cross the boundaries of dimensions, as Crono has no meaningful way to translate 'direction' across such borders, coming into effect only once he and the target on once again on the same dimension.

Disciple of Shenhale

Outside of his duties as a Paladin, Crono was trained under a master of martial combat in Royalsia, who takes mysteriously few pupils. Its benefits are below.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
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Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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