Miki Amagi

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Miki Amagi
A.K.A. AMI, Sister Miki, Kamen Rider Faiz
Age 22
Voice Actor
Relatives Takumi and Mari Amagi (Parents)
Series Original/Kamen Rider 555
Player Brandon
  • Name: Miki Amagi
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 19
  • Parents: Takumi and Mari Amagi
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan, Alternate Earth
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Music
    • Hobbies: Playing and recording music, doing live shows
    • Likes: Music, jam sessions, junk food, talented people
    • Dislikes: Manufactured art, people who don't let her go with the flow
    • Favorite Food: Combini Snacks
    • Least Favorite Food: Fancy food
    • Favorite Music: Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Motocross
    • Most Valuable Possessions: ESP Crying Star Phoenix guitar
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 130 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Hair dyed blue at the roots


Usually wears skinny jeans and t-shirts or tank tops with band logos on them. Has a black leather jacket she adds when it's cold. Prefers sneakers or non-feminine boots for footwear. Generally has her hair spiked up in a fauxhawk/rooster comb style. Has numerous piercings on her ears, and usually wears a pendant with the greek symbol phi on it in red.


Miki likes to go with the flow. She is casual, likes to smile and enjoys the company of most people. She tries to be friendly with people and is generally slow to anger. Bullying is one thing, however that will incite her to anger fairly quickly. She also gets fairly short with people who are overly meddlesome, in her life or others. She has a sense of justice that extends beyond the more petty social concerns as well, which allowed her to settle into her double life fairly easy, but also allowed her an open enough mind to be able to make the call when her power should and should not be used. Overall she generally has two settings for anything in life. Figuratively speaking she is either playing lazy acoustic or she is shredding with the volume at eleven. As such she is generally either lazy and/or ambivalent about things or she is extremely enthusiastic about things, with the only middle ground being that she sometimes replaces lazy with casual.


Miki was born to a musical virtuoso with little to no direction and a conservatory professor and orchestra soloist. Her father, the virtuoso, encouraged her to try whatever musical forms struck her fancy from an early age and her mother made sure that her learning was backed up with solid music theory. The result was an upbringing powered by sheer musical talent and little interest for much else. On her way to a gig sometime after high school, she stumbled upon a young woman who accidentally took the wrong bag after they had both eaten at the same restaurant. She followed the girl to get her bag back, only to find her being attacked by some kind of monster. Seeing the girl as being in trouble and unable to properly defend herself, and doing no thinking beyond that, she charged in to try to buy the girl time. Instead of running the girl put on a strange belt and tried to do.. something with it, that did not work, rejecting the poor girl quite physically. Backed into a corner, Miki grabbed the belt and tried the same thing.. thus beginning her journey as Kamen Rider Faiz.
Through her battles with the monsters (soon identified as Orphnochs, a sort of externally hyper-evolved human akin to a lycanthrope or a vampire), Miki found out that she was able to use the Faiz gear because she herself was an Orphnoch, having been born with the potential and making the change when she was struck by a car and "killed" some time prior to her adventures. During her final battles with the Orphnochs' leaders and grand machinations for the rest of mankind, her identity as both Faiz and an Orphnoch were made known to the people of Tokyo. She fled to Osaka, changing her appearance enough not to be immediately recognizable and was shortly thereafter contacted by PARADIGM.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Good (+2)
  • Stealth: Novice (+1)

Social Skills:

  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Abysmal (-1)
  • Performance: Amazing (+5)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good (+2)

Special Abilities

Is a virtuoso guitar player, both acoustic and electric, in multiple styles.
Is an excellent bassist, specifically electric bass. Her focus is on rock and metal, but she can branch out some.
Is an experienced drummer with a focus on rock and metal.
She can read and write even the most complex sheet music.
She is learned in sound engineering, mixing and other techniques used for recording music.

Powers & Merits

Time Sense (1 pt)
Gall (2 pts)
Danger Sense (3 pts)
Ability Aptitude: Performance (1 pt)
Eidetic Memory (2 pts)
Concentration (1 pt)

Wolf Orphnoch
As the Wolf Orphnoch, Miki's senses are heightened dramatically. She also possesses strength and speed comparable to her Kamen Rider Faiz form. Her body in this form is covered in blades, and comes equipped with retractable claws in the fingers and hard, knuckle-duster like plating on the right hand.
Orphnochs can regenerate injuries, shown via blue flame emanating from the wound (this effect ends when they revert to their normal human body).
Orphnochs do not speak as humans do, but they can project a hologram of their human form through their shadow and speak that way.
Orphnoch powers do not apply in human form in any way, aside from some measure of unnatural toughness.
Miki is a "Born" or "True" Orphnoch in that she was born with the potential to reach this evolution. While Miki would -NEVER EVER DO THIS-, it is noted that because of this, Miki can create "Sired" Orphnochs; if she kills a human while in her Orphnoch form, there is a chance that human will resurrect as a "Sired" Orphnoch.

Unique Items

Kamen Rider Faiz - The armor of this suit grants the wearer heroic strength, speed and toughness. In it's base form, the user's punching and kicking force tops out at a few tons. With a running start, Faiz can clear 30 meters and is capable of short bursts of incredible (for a human) speed. The suit is lined with channels through which photon energy flows to power the suit, or in the case of an "Exceed Charge", powers an external unit held or mounted by focusing energy down one photon channel, allowing Faiz to deliver a single finishing move. The helmet gives the user vision in the dark as well as the ability to track heat or movement. If Kamen Rider Faiz takes too much damage, a fail-safe system engages and the transformation is reversed, leaving the wearer exposed. While the suit has no real limits on energy output, "Exceed Charge" can only be used sparingly, one or two times per encounter. Note: The Faiz gear, like all other rider gears from this world, are specifically keyed to Orphnoch DNA and will reject anything else. There are secret methods to circumvent this feature, but as mentioned, it's a secret.
SB-555B Faiz Driver - The transformation belt for the Faiz system. Coupled with the Faiz Phone, allows the Kamen Rider Faiz transformation and abilities to be used.
SB-555P Faiz Phone - The control unit and brain of the Faiz gear. Can be converted to a gun firing single or bursts of three shots of photon energy, either way containing fifteen shots per charge. Activates "Exceeed Charge." The Faiz Phone is also a fully functioning cellphone on Japan's national network.
Mission Memory - A chip that is the difference between the Faiz phone being just a phone and being the control unit for the Faiz gear.
SB-555C Faiz Shot - A knuckle duster disguised as a digital camera. During "Exceed Charge," Faiz can deliver a super powered explosive punch known as "Grand Impact."
SB-555L Faiz Pointer - A strange device resembling an over sized laser pointer, is used expressly with "Exceed Charge." In this state, the Pointer wraps the leg it is mounted to in an energy drill and "Crimson Smash," a flying, piercing kick is delivered. Upon impact, Faiz and all the pent up energy of Crimson Smasher are phased into a single beam, which is what actually pierces the target, with Faiz reappearing behind them. Alternatively, the drill can be fired at a target and will open up like a funnel to be kicked into on impact. In this version, it may stun an enemy briefly to allow Faiz to finish the attack. This attack exists in much the same way in Blaster Form, however the energy funnel is gold and projected by the Faiz Blaster system in Breaker Mode (explained below), and is called "Super Strengthen Crimson Smash."
SB-555H Faiz Edge - A summonable sword type weapon powered by Photon energy. While it has a physical blade, its true cutting and damaging power comes from being energized with photon energy. During "Exceed Charge" the weapon allows Faiz to launch a shock wave along the ground. If the shock wave hits, it binds an enemy in an anti-gravity field for a brief time as Faiz dumps the rest of Exceed Charge's energy into the blade and moves in to repeatedly slash the enemy for a coup de grace. This attack is known as "Sparkle Cut."
SB-555W Faiz Axel Watch - The Axel Watch can only be activated once per encounter. When activated, Kamen Rider Faiz morphs into it's "Accel Form." Accel Form lasts for ten seconds. During this ten seconds, Faiz's speed is increased to insane levels and "Exceed Charge" is in constant effect, allowing Faiz to hit multiple enemies with finishing moves, or single enemies with multiple finishing moves. When the ten seconds are up, Accel Form disengages, Exceed Charge is burned out for the length of the encounter, and the armor will be automatically set very near it's damage threshold, ensuring that Accel Form will be one of the last things done for that battle.
SB-555T Faiz Blaster System - A box shaped external unit with a port for the Faiz Phone. If the phone is plugged into it and the device engaged, Kamen Rider Faiz will morph into it's "Blaster Form." Blaster Form sees an overall increase in all of Faiz's physical stats, however it disables use of all weapons aside from the Faiz Pointer and the Blaster System itself, which can be converted into a photon energy rifle, known as "Buster Mode" and a photon sword (similar to Faiz Edge), known as "Breaker Mode." Additionally, Blaster Mode has a photon energy powered flight pack allowing for limited flight, known as "Photon Field Floater." The jets from this pack can also swing around and over the shoulders and focus the photon energy into low damage, rapid fire guns, called "Bloody Cannons." Both configurations have limited use. The Blaster System's Exceed Charge attacks depend on the configuration. Breaker Mode's finisher is "Photon Breaker," in which golden photon energy will wrap around the blade and extend it to twice it's default length and width, at which point Faiz will perform a fly-by slash using the flight system. Buster Mode's finisher is "Photon Buster" which fires a supercharged photon blast at the enemy. The same rules for Exceed Charge apply in Buster Form as they do in the default form.
SB-555V Auto-V - An armored motorcycle that used to be able to transform into a robot. One of Auto-V's handlebars is the grip for the Faiz Edge and this is where it rests when it is not in use.

Items Of Note

A collection of musical instruments:

  • ESP Crying Star Phoenix guitar
  • Gibson Firebird X guitar
  • Fender Stratocaster guitar
  • Gibson Explorer III guitar
  • Ibanez RG J-Custom guitar
  • Gibson SG Standard guitar
  • Ibanez SR Prestige bass
  • ESP Amaze bass
  • Takanmine 12 String acoustic guitar
  • Ovation Custom Legend, David Gilmour edition acoustic guitar
  • Tama Starclassic Bubinga Omni-Tune drums
  • Assorted Gear

Weaknesses & Flaws

Henshin: The Faiz gear is awesome but only when it's turned on. She needs to take a few seconds (or a turn) to transform if she has not done so all ready. Form shifts also take a couple seconds.
Nekojita: Meaning "cat tongue," is a nickname given to Miki by many of her friends because she can't handle food that is too physically hot.
Gear Based Powers: All of Miki's powers as Kamen Rider Faiz requires she have the piece or pieces of gear tied to the ability. Additionally most of her abilities require a physical imput into the Faiz Phone or the Buster System. This is not a HUGE thing, but obviously if she can't free up a hand to push a button or two, she won't be able to do the thing. If the Faiz Phone or Mission Memory are lost or damaged, the entire system is useless until the problem is fixed.
Damage Threshold: As mentioned, if a damage threshold is reached, the Faiz system automatically disengages. This can potentially lead to temporary loss of the gear or it's various extra components (has totally happened before).
Monstrous Form: The Wolf Orphnoch is clearly a monster and social interactions in this form may be affected by this.
Dark Secret (1 pt): Actively keeps her Orphnoch side under wraps, and will become extremely distraught if she has to transform in front of people she knows. After the fact, she may change how she interracts with people who witnessed her transformation.
Disturbing Mannerisms (2 pts): When Miki gets into a song she's listening to, she gets REALLY into it. Her emotional responses to music are turned up to eleven. A sad song she likes will make her bawl. If she rocks out she's standing on the coffee table air guitaring, things like that. Food that is too hot will have her blowing on it for uncomfortably long periods of time. Finally there may be habits she has that are vestiages of years of living alone; habits that show a lack of awareness that she lives with other people.
Otherworldly Taint (2 pts): To people with supernatural senses, her not being entirely human becomes apparent whether she likes it or not.
Offensive to Animals (1 pt): Sometimes animals catch a sense of what she is and become really skittish around her.
Addiction: Caffeine (1 pt): Miki keeps a steady flow of coffee, tea or soda going into her through most of her day but especially in the mornings or while performing. She gets very irritable if she doesn't get her fix at these key points.
Deep Sleeper (1 pt): Miki is a nocturnal creature attempting to live a diurnal lifestyle with varying (usually poor) results. She also has a bit of a lazy streak.

NPC(s) to go with char

Parents, Some friends, the two wielders of the other rider gears
