Yoiko Hyuga

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Yoiko Hyūga
Yoiko Hyūga
A.K.A. Yoiko Inuzuka
Age 20
Voice Actor Natsuko Kuwatani
Relatives Inuzuka Kiba (Father)
Hyūga Hinata (Mother)
Series Naruto
Player Soul
  • Name: Yoiko Hyūga
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: June 12th
  • Parents: Kiba Inuzuka & Hinata Hyūga
    • Place of Birth: Konohagakure
    • Nationality: Fire Country
    • Specialty: Medical Ninja
    • Hobbies: Playing boardgames, or the drums.
    • Likes: Family and friends.
    • Dislikes: Disputes, fighting.
    • Favorite Food: Beef Jerky, Pork/Beef Buns.
    • Least Favorite Food: Ramen
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Necklace with a locket.
    • Level of Education: Jōnin
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Natsuko Kuwatani (Ryoko Asakura from Suzumiya Haruhi)
  • Physical Stats:
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 131 lbs
    • Eyes: Hyuuga White, with a tint of violet
    • Hair: Very dark blue
    • Special: Eyes look slightly feral. Has small fangs.


She is a bit of a hyper, if not sweet girl. She'll get into the fun of things, such as pulling pranks on people or making a fool of them, but she never intends harm. She is a bit eccentric in her sexuality, but is straight for the most part. She will meet a fight head on, for better or for worse. She is very bright and will partake in simple games that only old or boring men would seem to be interested in.


She grew up with high expectations in life and the dream to rise to the top and help remold the Hyuuga family into something people can see as more respectable. She graduated from the academy and made Genin rank fairly easily.
When time came to take the first Chuunin exam, she had grown too confident and arrogant in her abilities. She overlooked the fact her pet companion was not as even in ability as she was, due to her having byakugan. A bad choice she made during the chuunin exam let her win the fight she was in, but had killed her companion at the same time. She was devastated by her loss.
Since then, she had turned to not standing out much, just getting by as a genin. She sat back and did normal missions as if she had no goals in life anymore. After a while, she decided to become a medical nin, as she felt her byakugan might give her special insight into being able to healing people, more than hurting people. She works in fighting ability and medical ability as if they were equally important.
A few years later, she passed the Chuunin exams and started to wonder what type of person should be leading the village, and if it would be something she can handle.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5) (She has enhanced vision, hearing and sense of smell.)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4) (As a ninja she trains very hard to keep herself in shape.)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3) (She is an official ninja, after all.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2) (As a ninja, she has been taught to lie and deceive people for the sake of the mission.)
  • Streetwise: Novice (+1) (She sort of stands out regardless of what she tries, coming from a somewhat noble family.)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2) (She does have fangs.)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3) (She's capable of trying to handle a situation.)
  • Expression: Novice (+1) (She's a bit quirky, so is odd with dealing with people.)
  • Etiquette: Very Good (+3) (Though she is weird, she was raised with a proper family in a 'proper' setting.)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abyssmal (-1) (What's a computer?)
  • Medicine: Good (+2) (She is very good in ninja medicine, to an extent, but modern medicine is quite different.)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abyssmal (-1) (Death on wheels here. She's better off running or walking.)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4) (She'd have no issue making it on her own.)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3) (She -is- a bit of a nice girl, and tries to be understanding.)
  • Animal Ken: Amazing (+5) (She's a bit of a 'dog person' ... ha ha ha ha ha.)

Special Abilities

Basic Jutsu

  • Bunshin no Jutsu: This technique must be mastered by any ninja who has graduated from the Academy at the Hidden Leaf Village. It's the most basic technique a Genin must know, since it can be a real lifesaver. This ninjutsu creates a shadow clone of the caster.
  • Henge no Jutsu: Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Genin. It is a very useful and widely used skill in the series, as it has many uses. It's mostly used as a decoy, to confuse the opponent by transforming into somebody that's an ally with the enemy.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu: The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way.
  • Bikou Ninjutsu (Shadowing Stealth Technique): Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible.
  • Nawanuke no Jutsu (Escaping Skill): Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.
  • Kinobori no Waza: Act of Tree Climbing
  • Suimen Hokou no Waza: Act of Water Surface Walking


  • Jyuken (Gentle Fist): This is the opposite of the Tekken (Iron Fist) Taijutsu style. The attacks are softer, more open palm, and cause damage by flowing chakra into the opponent's inner coil system of chakra veins and tenketsu (chakra holes). Attacking through the inner coil system allows them to cause damage to their opponent's internal organs, which nobody can train, as the chakra veins surround all the chakra producing organs, most notably the heart. Also, by sealing the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu in the human body, the ninja can cut off their opponent's ability to control their chakra, limiting their means to attack, and possibly even killing them. First performed by Hyuuga Neji and Hyuuga Hinata in chapter seventy-nine. Only members of the Hyuuga Clan can use this style, as one must have the Byakugan to see the inner coil system of the human body.
  • Hakkeshou: Rokujuu Yonshou (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Sixty-four Palms): A Taijutsu technique utilizing the Byakugan (White Eyes) and the Jyuken (Gentle Fist). With the ability to see the inner coil system, the ninja performs a series of graceful movements while attacking sixty-four of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu. First, they attack two points, quickly followed by two more, then four more. Next, they attack eight more tenketsu, followed by sixteen more, and finishing the attack with the last thirty-two. With these sixty-four points sealed, the opponent's inner coil system is entirely shut down, causing incredible internal pain and effectively preventing them from using their chakra. This is an extremely advanced jutsu that only members of the Hyuuga Clan can use.


  • Harichakra (Chakra Needles): A Ninjutsu technique requiring a ninja to be able to use Jyuken. The ninja creates small needles from the tenketsu upon their fingers that are able to slice through things made of chakra, which normally could not be broken.
  • Juujin Bunshin (Beast Human Clone): A Ninjutsu technique involving a dog as a ninja tool, and usually a soldier pill for each of them to momentarily increase their chakra. The dog leaps upon the ninja's back and assumes the form of a human, typically the ninja them self, as the ninja becomes more beast-like, as with the Shikakyu no Jutsu (Quadruped Technique). This technique is exclusive to the Inuzuka clan. Special Note: Yoiko performs this by herself, without the aid of a dog companion, due to thelack of having one.
  • Tsuuga (Piercing Fang): A Taijutsu technique following the Juujin Bunshin (Beast Human Clone), where the ninja spins violently at their opponent scratching and clawing at them. Unlike the Gatsuuga (Double Piercing Fang), this technique is done by the ninja alone, without the aid of their dog.

Medical Jutsu

  • Chakra Enjintou: A Ninjutsu technique used, primarily for field surgery. The ninja concentrates a powerful aura of chakra around their hand, creating a blade capable of tearing through muscles and arteries, or breaking bone, without actually breaking the skin of the person they're using it on.
  • Chiyute no Jutsu: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person.

Kekkei Genkai - Clan Specific Jutsu

Byakugan (White Eyes)
An advanced bloodline technique belonging to Konoha's Hyuuga Clan. The Byakugan allows its bearer to do a wide variety of things with their vision. It gives them perfect vision for one hundred meters straight, allowing them to see through obstacles as well. Or, instead of one hundred meters straight, the bearer can be granted three hundred and sixty degree vision for fifty meters in any direction, barring an almost unnoticeable blind spot behind their first thoracic vertebrae.
In addition to simple ocular tricks, the Byakugan also gifts their clan with the ability to see chakra in its rawest form, making most Ninjutsu and Genjutsu ineffective against it's bearer. In addition to simply being able to see chakra, they allow sight to the hidden inner coil system of chakra veins and tenketsu (chakra holes) through which a person's chakra flows.
With this sight, members of the Hyuuga Clan are able to utilize Jyuken, the Gentle Fist Style. With this style of Taijutsu, they can attack their opponent's internal organs, and they are able to effectively cut off the flow of chakra through the human body by closing any or all of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu, incapacitating or even killing their opponent.
Only members of the Hyuuga Clan are privilege to this ability.
  • Hakkeshou: Kaiten (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Heavenly Spin): A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja expels chakra from every one of their tenketsu, effectively pausing any attack moments before it would connect with them. Then, they spin their body like a top while continually expelling chakra from their body in a twisting sphere, launching their attacker or their attacker's weapons away, tearing apart any object within the sphere of the attack. This is a very complicated technique because it requires expert control of chakra and a large amount of stamina to use. Typically, in battle, even a ninja at the level of Jounin is only able to expel chakra from a single part of their body while in heated combat. To use this technique and utilize every tenketsu at once is almost impossible.
  • Hakke Kusho (Eight Trigrams Empty Palm): This technique is similar in practice to Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, but has a specific target rather than a general area. To perform it, the user precisely pinpoints the enemy's vital points with the Byakugan and releases a high-speed palm thrust. A "vacuum shell" compressed using the Gentle Fist is formed to attack the opponent's vitals from a distance, blowing them off their feet with tremendous force before they even notice they were hit.
  • Shoutei (Palm Bottom): This attack consists of a quick, precise thrust of the users' palm to an opponent's body. Like other Gentle Fist techniques, it sends chakra into the target to cause internal damage which will temporarily paralyse an opponent.

Powers & Merits

  • Gall (2): You got moxy, kid. You get a +1 bonus to any Social roll requiring backbone.
  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Common Sense (1): You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.
  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.
  • Soothing Voice (2): You have an entrancing voice. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.
  • Good Old Boy/Girl (2): You're just a nice person, and people recognize and appreciate that. +1 Bonus on social rolls when interacting with your fellow folk.

Items Of Note

  • Locket: She wears this at all times. It contains a picture of the animal companion she had lost in her early career. A reminder that she has to take life seriously.
  • Hyuuga Clan Secret Healing Cream: An ointment the Hyuuga Clan has for healing wounds. It's pretty effective.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation. A very bad flaw to take with certain evil sadistic GMs.
  • Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.
  • Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.
  • Isolated Upbringing (1): You were raised in your supernatural society, or were somehow otherwise sequestered away from "normal" life, so you have trouble dealing with this Outside-World thing. Dealing with any community outside the one in which you were raised raises a -1 Penalty on Social rolls, when RP'ing accomodates it. (She was raised in a ninja world. Things be weird here.)