Axel Demir

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Axel Demir
A.K.A. Axeman
Age 35
Voice Actor N/A
Relatives None
Series N/A
Player ShinWei
  • Name: Axel Demir
  • Age: 35
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: August 17
  • Parents: Killed in a drive-by shooting
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Motorcycle Repairs
    • Hobbies: fixing motorcycles
    • Likes: anything that has to do with motorcycles, climbing trees
    • Dislikes: people who intentionally annoy him, guys who disrespect or harm women or kids
    • Favorite Food: any kind of fish or shrimp
    • Least Favorite Food: squid
    • Favorite Music: techno, hip-hop with heavy bass
    • Favorite Sport: baseball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: his motorcycle
    • Level of Education: College graduate, if you can believe that (also a certified motorcycle mechanic)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: N/A
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'5"
    • Weight: 242 lbs
    • Eyes: right is green, left is light blue
    • Hair: black
    • Special: feline eyes


Big and tall, semi-dark skin, looks like he works out a lot, has a long mullet and full beard, and usually wears black or dark-colored clothing. He's always seen riding a custom black Kawasaki Ninja with "Axeman" on both sides in Japanese, and huge claw mark graphics going from front to back.


gets along well with people he considers friends, but when meeting someone for the first time, he's always on his guard. If anyone bothers him when he wants to be alone, especially if they've been asked (or told) several times to leave him alone, Axel won't hesitate to threaten them with violence. If it's a young child, however, he'll simply ask them what it is they want, and if necessary, will help the child get what he/she wants or is looking for. He doesn't dare harm a child.


Childhood - Axel had a pretty normal childhood, raised by his parents for the first 13 years of his life. They weren't a rich family, but they weren't poor either. They had everything a normal family could want: food, a place to call home, and most importantly, each other. They were, put simply, a happy family.

Things Go Bad - On an unseasonably-warm spring day, Axel and his parents were out in the Shibuya area, looking for a place to get lunch. Unfortunately, they never got that far. As they were walking, two men inside a passing car opened fire on the crowd. The boy dove to the ground and stayed there until the shooting stopped. When he looked up, there were several people lying on the ground near him, dead. Among them were his parents. All the boy could do was stare in horror, as people were running around in a panic.

A Sign of Hope - A group of men from a local biker gang had seen the entire incident from across the street, but initially stayed where they were. When the crowd had mostly cleared, they saw a lone kid sitting on the sidewalk, surrounded by several bodies. They knew almost instantly that the kid's parents had to be among the dead, and crossed over to where the boy was. One of them knelt down by him, and told him they'd seen everything. He assured him that the ones responsible would not get away for long. When the boy asked what would happen to him, the man said they would be willing to take care of him. Feeling as though he had nowhere else to turn, the boy accepted the offer.

Life With a Gang - Things were a bit rough at first for Axel. Having just lost his parents not long before, he had to get to know a whole group of new people. It took quite a bit of time, but he eventually got used to his new "family". Unlike most gangs, these men knew how important an education was, and they wanted to make sure this new kid could continue his. Axel was able to keep going to school, and continued all the way through high school. He attended a high school that specialized in vehicle mechanics and repairs, and studied hard to become a certified motorcycle mechanic. The boy passed all his courses with flying colors, graduating near the top of his class. The following year, he was accepted at University of Tokyo, where he would go on to graduate, once again, near top of his class.

Present Day - Axel currently spends most of his free time with his gang at their favorite hangouts, though this is usually in the evening, since during the day, he works at a motorcycle repair shop, fixing all kinds of motorbikes. He hasn't forgotten the day he lost his parents, but to him, the gang is his only family now. He is usually seen riding a custom black Kawasaki Ninja with hatchet and claw mark vinyls, and 'The Axeman' in Japanese.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very Good
  • Athletics - Very Good

Acrobatics - Due to his natural cat-like reflexes and mannerisms, Axel is able to get himself in and out of tight spots, literally. He has no trouble squeezing through the smallest leeway and has almost perfect balance on ledges and hightops. In some cases, it has been known for him to land on all fours from a higher fall that would normally break a few bones, but in his case, it merely rumbles a couple bones and disperses the shock evenly throughout the body.

Enhanced Agility - Axel was born as a natural sprinter and it shows through his athleticism and muscular stature, however, his feline attributes only adds to it and improves his natural speed. In some situations, Axel is capable of displaying short bursts of speed while sprinting to get him clear from a dangerous situation or to close the distance. These enhancements also provide decent evasion skills much better than those of the average human.

  • Stealth - Amazing (He's very light on his feet, despite his size.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge
  • Streetwise - Very Good
  • Intimidation - Good
  • Leadership
  • Expression
  • Ettiquette
  • Performance

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Good
  • Investigation
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Incredible (on a motorcycle, anyways)
  • Survival - Incredible
  • Empathy
  • Animal Ken - Very Good

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Feral Senses - With this ability, Axel is granted the basic enhancements that you would find in a typical housecat that only amplifies his human senses as well. Because of his genetic make-up as a feline, Axel's eyesight has become much more refined and focused. He is able to concentrate on targets from greater distances than the average human, and even has perfect vision at night. This also enhances his trait as a marksman and allows a higher chance at critical shots involving greater accuracy. Besides his eyesight, his sense of smell has also been enhanced to pick up trails and scents from farther distances as well, allowing him the ability of tracking opponents down. And let's not forget his sensitive ears. Axel can hear things most people wouldn't be able to hear, such as distant footsteps. This is very useful if he needs to listen for approaching enemies.

Powers & Merits


Shapeshifting - General ability to transform himself from an average human male into a hybrid with feline tendencies, physical features, and attributes.

Feral Combat - As a metahuman with feline prowess, its only natural for Axel to display overly long fingernails roughly defined into claws and elongated fangs in his mouth. Of course, they're not anywhere close to vampiric ones, but its enough to state business or scare off potentially weaker-minded opponents from getting too close to him. The claws are far more useful in close combat situations than the fangs of course, and he will only use his fangs in the most dire situations.

Unique Items


Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

Curiosity - Being part cat, Axel is naturally curious about things. This curiosity has gotten him into trouble a few times, but he's managed to keep out of serious trouble so far.

Intolerance - Axel can't stand guys who disrespect women in any way.

Claustrophobia (1) - Axel is extremely afraid of being trapped in tight spaces, and if he ever gets locked in a small closet or other small space, he will completely freak out and try to break out of said room any way he can. If he is unable to escape after a certain point, he will almost always huddle up in a corner, shaking and mumbling incoherently to himself until someone lets him out.

NPC(s) to go with char
