Shadow Elves

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Shadow Elves
Also Known As Lumbe Elda
Organization Type Elven People
Associated With Mountain Elves; High Elves; Wild Elves
Related To Largias Continent

Here is where you should put in a short but concise writeup of the organization.


The history of the organization, mostly notable facts or important events.


Shadow Elves function on a system of Castes, where the Great Houses contain several smaller Houses under their banner, each of these smaller Houses owes fealty and service to the Greater House that acts as their umbrella, and each of these Great Houses form a council, each of them adding their House's skill to the Shadow Elf community. Overseeing these Houses is the Justicar, the ultimate authority over the Shadow Elves. The Justicar can guide the Houses towards what he considers best for the Shadow Elves, and he commands over the military.

Justicar: The Justicar is the final, and supreme, authority on all matters involving the Shadow Elves. Eschewing the popular royal titles, the Justicar of the Shadow Elves is a member of the Eledhwen family. As Justicar, he leads the Shadow Elves in matters of political, social, military, and judicial importance. While many smaller details of ruling the city are handled by the Primogen, the Justicar has the final say over everything. He is like a King in all but title, and his word is law, able to change edicts from the Houses, or from his own mouth, at a whim. He has right of life and death over any Shadow Elf, a very powerful right for a race of immortals.

Seneschal: The Justicar's main adviser. The Seneschal's duties are many, and the potential reward is less than one expects. The Seneschal is in charge of observing the Justicar's actions, learning from him, and providing counsel when called upon. For all intents and purposes, this is a powerless role, which commands many responsibilities, such as dealing with the House's envoys, and dispatching orders to the Sheriff's Lieutenants. The Seneschal's duty is to ensure the Shadow Elves' nation runs well. The advantage, however, is that when the Justicar is otherwise occupied, the Seneschal is the man in charge of the city, having all the powers of the Justicar in his absence.

Sheriff: The Sheriff is the Justicar's muscle, but no Sheriff is there solely because of their strength of arms or magic. The Sheriff has the power to settle disputes, arrest unruly Shadow Elves, and generally act as the arm and eye of the Justicar. The Sheriff has complete control over the city's military, delegating others to act as his Archons, getting their own squads and divisions to use in times of war. All combat decisions generally come down to the Sheriff, unless overruled by the Justicar. Even the Primogen think twice before contradicting the Sheriff, though they technically outrank him, the autonomy granted to the Sheriff in peace time is rather hard to contradict.

Archon: The Sheriff's lieutenants. Generally they carry a military role, such as training new recruits, or special forces, or any other necessary aspect of the military. Some are chosen for their roles in peacetime, such as a gifted investigator or an unbeatable warrior, but they can be more specialized than the Sheriff. They carry power over the military they command, and little else, save during investigations, where they can arrest suspects. They are usually the ones patrolling for invaders to the land of the Shadow Elves.

Primogen: The head of a Great House of Shadow Elves. Primogen are the De Facto council in the Shadow Elves' lands. They have complete authority, both over their own House, and the lesser Houses under their banner. Each Primogen is expected to be a notable expert in their House's specialty, if any, and as such, bring services and advice to the Justicar when it calls for it. They carry much power over most of Shadow Elf society, being the authority figure most Shadow Elves are likely to interact with to some degree. They are generally involved in their House's affairs, putting some degree of priority to their own troubles over others, but are expected to act for the greater good when council is held.

Elysian: The Elysian, or Keeper of Elysium, has a special and enviable role in Shadow Elf society. This Elf is in charge of Elysium. It his her duty to maintain it, and it's a position that brings much prestige, to both the Elf and her Houses. The Elysian is charged with cleaning, embellishing, protecting, and generally ensuring the well-being and security of anyone in Elysium, a hallowed ground for the Shadow Elves. While officially, the Elysian holds little power, for the sake of preserving this most sacred Elven place, the Elysian is granted much leeway in their demands, and gets an impressive amount of prestige and respect. Generally, in Elysium, the Elysian is allowed to give orders to all but the Justicar, within reason.

Harpy: The Harpies are considered a necessary nuisance. These are rumor-mongering and gossip-heavy Elves, interested in the coming and goings of their fellow Elves.. at first view. Officially, they command much respect, as they are in charge of keeping track of promises and deals made within Elysium or at council. They make sure no Great House cheats the smaller Houses, and make sure the smaller Houses know their place. A well placed word and subtle reminder of the promises ensures society keeps going civilly for another few decades, often. The Harpies' influence can grant people an audience with the council, and they are the ones who report requests to the Primogen, from smaller Houses or other Elves.

Known Members

A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.