Largias Dragons

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Dragons of Largias
Also Known As Children of the Gods
Organization Type Race
Leadership None
Membership Inilth, the Taker Of Life;
Associated With Largias Religion
Related To Largias Continent

Here is where you should put in a short but concise writeup of the organization.


The history of the organization, mostly notable facts or important events.

Dragon Species

There are several types of Dragons. Each of them varies in type, personality, cleverness and aggression. Each of them are recognized for something, have different traits and special advantages, and most of all, are all incredibly dangerous, to other species as well as other Dragons of another color.. and even then. All Dragons, however, share similar traits, it's the details that sets them apart from one another.

Common Dragon Traits

  • Dragon Breath: The signature of the Dragon. All Dragons have an incredibly powerful breath weapon of some sort, from lightning, to acid, to the much renowned fire. A Dragon's breath is stronger than any version of the element it erupts, flame hotter than magma and lightning more powerful than any thunderstorm.
  • Dragon Fear: The presence of a Dragon is horrific to mortals. One theory behind this is that Dragons are the true children of the gods, and mortals are accidents born of their war. Another theory is that Dragons have fed on mortals for so long, it has become instinctive to be terrified of them. The most common theory, however, is that Dragons are amazingly powerful magical beings and all mortals are in terror of such power on an instinctive level, and magically affected.
  • Magical Affinity/Resistance: All Dragons are able to control magic to a degree.. some more than others. Dragons are able to accomplish almost any spell effect by willing it, without the need to actually cast any spells, allowing them to become incredibly dangerous, even to other beings of their size (Giants) or humanoids somehow able to resist their other abilities. Dragons are also resistant to magic. Any non Dragon-cast spell directed at them has a chance to simply fizzle out, and attempting to use a spell while in contact with a Dragon, even on oneself or on others, has a chance to fail from its presence.

Dragon Types

Red Dragons:

Blue Dragons:

Green Dragons:

Black Dragons:

White Dragons:

Golden Dragons:

Silver Dragons:

Known Members

  • Maliath, the Firestarter:
  • Zinath, the Oncoming Storm:
  • Inilth, the Taker of Life: A Great Green Wyrm, a greedy and opportunistic Dragon of incredible power. He went to war with the Elves several centuries ago, and was the largest cause of Elven death in history, hence his title of 'Taker of Life'.
  • Kalinth, the Nocturnal:
  • Seddrinth, the Evil One:


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.