Zaeria Ceres

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Zaeria Ceres
A.K.A. The Illusionist
Age 19
Voice Actor
Player Tony
  • Name: Zaeria Ceres
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: July 23
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
    • Nationality: American
    • Specialty: Storytelling, Illusions
    • Hobbies: Reading, writing, relaxing
    • Likes: Literature, stories, A LITTLE BIT of adventure, ambient atmospheres
    • Dislikes: Loud music, disruptions, 'disturbing the peace'
    • Favorite Food: Fruits
    • Least Favorite Food: Curry
    • Favorite Music: Atmospheric Electronica
    • Favorite Sport: Softball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Two thick books of oral-tradition stories from around the world.
    • Level of Education: High school
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: N/A
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 135 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Thin-framed glasses


A girl of medium height with slender shoulders and black hair that reaches the middle of her back, zaeria has a smooth complexion and sharp eyes behind the thin-framed glasses she generally wears. She dresses modestly in a myriad of casual clothes, ranging from pants and skirts to blouses and button-up tops. She prefers to look nice at all times, and generally wears very light makeup and constantly keeps her hair presentable and her nails painted. She does, however, typically wear a pair of fingerless gloves on both of her hands, with special glimmering jewel laid into the palms.


Zaeria has a generally personable disposition; she is quiet and attentive, a positive thinker, and isn't very opinionated. She likes to get along with people and is generally agreeable except in certain situations that would require her to stand up for something that she feels is simply important. Above anything else, she loves listening to and telling stories, either personal experiences, those of others, or simply listening to a legend or myth, or a book-reading. She is almost childlike in that manner, and can be counted on to read something before going to sleep.


Born to a middle-class family in Los Angeles, California, Zaeria was raised with her education at the forefront of everything. However, she was not a prodigy by any means; she just liked to read. A lot. As a child, her favorite time of the day was being read to by her parents, even after they ran out of books to read her. When she was old enough to read, she would frequent the local library and bring books home to read before, during, and after doing her schoolwork or when she wasn't spending time with her friends, usually enrapturing them with her own manner of storytelling. She discovered one night, however, that if she were able to focus her imagination enough, she would be able to visualize the scenes she was reading -- literally. The images would manifest in front of her like a thin hologram, a warping of light to her mind's whim. Nurturing this gift from then on, Zaeria would provide these illusions for her own amusement and her friends', and it became their "big secret".

As a high school student, Zaeria obtained a job at the local library that she had frequented for years and began reading to children and spending her time amongst her passion. She would "come out" with this gift and entertain and fascinate these children with her projections, enrapturing them in the stories and invigorating them with encouraging reminders that they could do the same in their imaginations. As her now well-practiced gift continued to grow, she began applying scientific thought to her technique, and after spending her entire amassed working money on expensive prisms and refracting lenses, Zaeria crafted herself a set of gloves with these prisms and lenses embedded in them, allowing her to further warp and enhance light through them, making her illusions all the more believable. After more and more practice, she was able to influence sounds as well -- creating sound from nothing to make voicescome from characters and even out of thin air. With these talents she would enrapture the imaginations of nearly anyone who would listen to her, weaving intricate and believable illusions for their collective entertainment, and soon she began to perform shows at local theaters and birthday parties like any other junior performer.

After graduating high school, Zaeria decided to take time for herself rather than attend college. Following the advice of a friend of hers, she embarked on a trip to Japan, where she intends to find a job teaching English with the Japanese that she learned in high school.


(Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Novice
  • Athletics:
  • Stealth:

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation:
  • Leadership:
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Ettiquette: Good
  • Performance: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good
  • Investigation: Novice
  • Medicine: Novice
  • Law:
  • Occult: Good
  • Politics:
  • Science:

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Novice
  • Survival: Abysmal
  • Empathy: Good
  • Animal Ken: Novice

Special Abilities


Powers & Merits

  • Photokinesis - the mental manipulation of light.
  • Sonokinesis - the mental manipulation of sound waves.
  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Eidetic Memory (2): Having a "photographic" memory, you can accurately recall any sight or sound with a successful Alertness roll. The higher you roll the more you remember. You also rarely forget -anything-.
  • Soothing Voice (2): You have an entrancing voice. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.

Unique Items

Illumina Gloves - a set of makeshift gloves used to enhance light-based illusions. Light is broken apart and placed back together while being cycled between them using photokinesis, allowing the user to bend and shape light literally with the hands.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.
  • Deep Sleeper (1): Waking up is hard; getting you moving is hard enough (+2 difficulty to attempts to wake you), getting you comprehending what's going on after you're up isn't much easier (+1 difficulty to all rolls during the scene).
  • Enraptured: Zaeria is a slave to imagination; when she is being told a story, watching a movie, or any other sort of imagination-capturing medium -- aside from other illusions -- she is enthralled by them and studies them to extremes. This makes her nearly unbreakable away from these, and can become rather moody when disturbed.

NPC(s) to go with char
