Yozen Son

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Son Yozen
Yozen doing the Monkey.
A.K.A. Sun Yang Shen, The Monkey Prince
Age 14
Voice Actor
Relatives Son Goku/Sun Wukong, Father
Gyu Lirin, Mother
Gyu Kougaiji, Uncle
Series Saiyuki
Player Frank
  • Name: Son Yozen / Sun Yang Shen
  • Age: 14
  • Sex: Male.
  • Birthday: Jan 24th.
  • Parents: Son Goku and Gyu Lirin.
    • Place of Birth: India.
    • Nationality: Indian, Chinese, and Youkai.
    • Specialty: Monkey see monkey do.
    • Hobbies: Climbing things, throwing things at people, training.
    • Likes: Learning new martial arts.
    • Dislikes: Learning anything else.
    • Favorite Food: Pretty much everything.
    • Least Favorite Food: Nothing.
    • Favorite Music: No idea.
    • Favorite Sport: Climbing.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing.
    • Level of Education: Barely literate.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'2"
    • Weight: 200lbs
    • Eyes: Hazel.
    • Hair: Reddish brown.
    • Special: Usually moves like a monkey. Pointy fangs.


Yozen is a tough and dirty looking young lad with tan skin and dark red hair. He usually looks messy and dirty from his travels, and is rather solidly built for a kid, but doesn't look too imposing next to adults. He always has a friendly, devil may care look to him and usually smiles when meeting new people. Also often has traces of food on him.


Yozen is a friendly kid, always wanting to meet new people and happy to make new friends. He never lets up on his goal to eat all foods and become the world's greatest martial artist and is proud to proclaim this every day. Easy going and carefree, it takes a LOT to get Yozen mad at anyone, as he was raised by the world's greatest collection of a$$holes, and a lot of things just slide off his back. However, he will not let the strong bully the weak, because that's an insult to being strong, and doesn't stand for what he's explained is genuinely evil.


In the dark times of the long ago, there was a group. This group was on a journey.. a journey.. to the west. They eventually got there, and it was basically India. However, during their travels, they met another group, who was determined to stop them. The two repeatedly came to blows, because the youngest of the first group, called Son Goku to the Japanese, was the Monkey King of legend who had stood with the Sanzos to seal off the Ox King, the second group's leader's father. They came to blows many, many times, but ended up working together just as often, forming a mutual respect and admiration for one another.
From that respect eventually came more, and the Ox King's daughter, inheritor of his massive strength, eventually grew into a woman ...at least emotionally, and decided the only man for her was the man who had defeated her father, so she set about to seduce Goku. While at first Goku was disgusted and annoyed by this very prospect, as the woman, known as Lirin, was the only person in the world dumber than he was, he was eventually won over by her clever plan of using food to lure him to her.. and not eating it for once. Since Goku liked the food she made for him, she tricked him into saying it was a marriage contract and Goku, too dumbfounded to argue, acquiesed.
Eventually the two got married for real in a ceremony presided over by Sanzo because this was amuzing to him, and they were blessed by the birth of a son. Goku wanted to name him Nataku and Lirin wanted to name him Kougaiji. They settled for Yozen, which was reputedly an old friend of Nataku from before the time of the Ox King. This also relates to some of Goku and Lirin's adventures before they were married, which are saved for another time.
Yozen grew up raised by his mother, father and Sanzo. Unfortunately for him, this was pretty much the worst group of people ever. Yozen's first memory is Sanzo placing golden bracelets on his hands, then yelling at Goku and Lirin over something. Being basically a little monkey, Yozen imitated his mother and father, learning climbing and eating skills hardly surpassed by anyone. He also learned it was okay to throw.. things... at people from a tree. He also inherited his family's love of a good fight, and by the time he could walk, he started trying to fight his parents. This... did not go well for him. Not only did he not have their raw power, but he also lacked his father's powerful weapon, the Nyoi-bo.
So, Yozen tried to see how he could match up. After all, Sanzo could contain Goku, so there had to be a way. Eventually, he found it. Looking at movies and TV, he saw the great equalizer was Martial Arts. Guys could fight people with guns or even aliens and demons if they learned Karate or Kung Fu, so he decided he'd do that to be like his mother and father. So he took his clothes and left the house to go train, starting on a Journey.. to the East. He was ten at the time.
Goku did eventually catch up with him (Lirin forgot he was missing a few times), and after rightly beating his ass in for what he did, asked him why. When Yozen gave his reasons, Goku thought about it long and hard.. passing out once in the process... then gave his blessing. He told his son he should learn more of what the world had to offer, and find out what he liked from everywhere, like he did when he was his age.. give or take 500 years. Yozen decided he'd taste every food the world had to offer, after figuring out that was the part of his journey that kept him happiest and reminded him of his mother. So in the Himalayas, Goku bade his son farewell and headed back home, content. Yozen was still 10 at the time.
Yozen eventually made his way from Tibet into Mainland China, where he searched long and hard to study all types of martial arts, eventually finding someone willing to teach him monkey style kung fu, which came naturally to him, then told him to go progress on his own. The reason for this is Yozen beat him to within an inch of his life and he got scared. After working VERY HARD to get him to understand why he shouldn't ever kill unless he has to and convincing him to use his style and training to hold back, he sent Yozen on his way, and the boy spent the next three years learning different moves and trying to find more complex styles accross China.
Yozen came accross many things in his travels. Learning of legendary weapons from Phoenix Mountain, Yozen travelled there and asked if he could have them. The bird people kicked him off the mountain, which broke his ankles. He stayed at the base of the mountain for ten days, after which he had healed, and ran away from there, developping a rather terrible fear of heights. One day he came accross a large body of water, and, figuring it was good excercise, he decided to swim accross it. So he ended up in Japan and this is where we're at now.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good.
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Very Good.
  • Martial Arts: Very Good.

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal.
  • Streetwise: Abysmal.
  • Intimidation: Abysmal verbally. Incredible physically.
  • Expression: Good.
  • Etiquette: Abysmal.

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal.
  • Investigation: Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal.
  • Survival: Amazing.
  • Empathy: Incredible.
  • Animal Ken: Incredible.
  • Languages: Chinese, Japanese and Indian.

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Monkey Style Kung Fu: Yozen is an expert at monkey style, primarily because he's a monkey. He can move rapidly and unpredictably, making him dangerous to fight and savage when it comes down to it.
Monkey See Monkey Do: Yozen is incredibly adept at learning new movements due to being like a monkey. As such, he can more or less imitate most martial arts motions after seeing them displayed. This does NOT give him the ability to copy special techniques or moves, but if someone does a Kata, he can copy it very well after seeing it once.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Superhuman Strength: Inherited from his mother and grandfather. Yozen, at his full power, is superhumanly strong in every way, able to lift large and heavy objects above his head with the greatest of ease. His current strength level is at 1/2 his full power, with his adult potential not withstanding.
Invulnerable as the Mountain: Yozen is the son of Sun Wukong, the monkey king, born from an egg on a mountain top. Goku himself is as hard as the mountain, reputedly. Yozen shares this with his father, but his current resistance level is down by half, making him just as hard as half a mountain. This means that while he's incredibly tough to hurt and near invulnerable to bladed weapons, blunt attacks of enough strength can hurt him, and even though he's bulletproof, larger caliber bullets will harm him dangerously. Otherwise, he can just take a ton of (dramatic) punishment and keep on tickin'. He heals exceptionally fast, and never needs medical care to get back to full health. However, this is not a healing factor. It requires rest and recovery, but almost any critical injury will heal within a week at most.
Agile like a Monkey: Yozen is a monkey. As such, he has exceptional dexterity and speed. He can multitask with each limb and can use his feet instead of his hands for just about anything. He has superhuman reflexes and can move at exceptional speeds, but again, is only half as fast as his legendary father.
Son of Ox and Monkey: Yozen's full power, which can only be attained with a Sanzo.. or any other spiritiually powerful person. Using a blessing on Yozen's golden wristbands will cause their power to fade temporarily, granting Yozen access to his full power, that of the Monkey and Ox King's strength. (The Ox King's power went into his son, Kougaiji, so neither Lirin nor Yozen have access to that.) The bracelets were put in place to keep him from destroying the place while he was growing up and to stop him from throwing Sanzo around accidentally. Yozen has literally NO idea about this, but any spiritually aware person can tell something is up with the wristbands, and a successful occult roll (Difficulty 8) will tell them about this aspect of him.

Acute Sense - Smell/Taste: (2pts) Yozen can smell anything around him and tell every individual ingredient from any food he tastes.
Ambidexterous: (2pts) Yozen can use both his arms.. and his legs... to do pretty much anything with perfect coordination.
Innocent: (2pts) Yozen is a pure hearted youth so whatever he does he does with child-like glee and purity.
Catlike Balance: (2pt) Yozen can hold his balance and use his full agility in any condition and situation.
Double Jointed: (1pt) Yozen Can dislocated or bend his arms out of whatever binds he's in. Holding him down is better done with magic than technique.
Ability Aptitude - Athletics: (1pt) Yozen is naturally gifted at any display of agility or dexterity, so he can juggle upside down hanging from a flagpole if needs be.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Golden Bracers: As hard as the monkey king himself, Yozen's wrist bands are solid gold and can be used to block arrows, bullets and what have you. They also limit his power by half, because otherwise he's a danger to himself and others. Mostly others.

Items Of Note

Travelling pack.
Tent made of animal pelts
Water skin.
Various moneys.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Youkai: Yozen is a youkai, pure and simple. Spiritual and holy attacks can and will wreck the #$%# out of him, and he's vulnerable to all the limitations of any other youkai.
Gold: Because of the golden bracers, any attack made on Yozen by gold will affect him as it would any normal person. For example, a normal guy hitting Yozen will break the guy's fist, but with a gold set of knuckle dusters, Yozen will take the hit like a 14 year old of his build would, and remain wounded from the impact. Golden blades and bullets will have the same effect, and throwing gold at him will hurt him as it would anyone. The plus side is he can actually swim in gold like Scrooge McDuck.
Happy Dumbass: Yozen is very stupid. He's about as smart as his father but lacks his cunning and experience. His mother is outright retarded. Because of this, Yozen is not adept at any major brain problem he can't solve with his fist or moxy, which tends to make him sad and despodant. When faced with complex math or puzzles, he is likely to either have a monkey freakout, or nosebleed and pass out.
Golden Bracers: Put in place by Sanzo, these limit Yozen's power by half. Only a Sanzo can remove them, but any spiritual person can lift the limitations off Yozen temporarily. However, until that is done, Yozen's power is limited by half.

Phobia - Heights (1pt Flaw) Yozen is terrified of heights. Anything under 10 floors is okay, but above that he gets nervous, and the idea of sky scrapers and towers make him incredibly nervous. Being on a mountain and plane counts as a complete phobia, causing panic or pure paralysis.
Airhead: (1pt) Yozen is very prone to forget people's names, new information and dates of all kinds, but not for lack of trying. If a number or name is really important he might write it everywhere around the room to make sure not to forget. Until he leaves the room.
Offensive to Animals: (1pt) Because he's a monkey, other types of animals tend to distrust and dislike him. Also he's a youkai.
Isolated Upbringing: (1pt) Yozen was raised in India by a group of.. well. Assholes. So he has a different view on the world and doesn't know what everything is. He also has no concept of 'mine' and will take whatever is lying around or that he feels he needs, like a kleptomaniac, because people around him kind of do. All the time.
Compulsion: Climb Everything: (1pt) Yozen likes to climb things. Anything smaller than a sky scraper, he'll try to climb. Even in gala events.
Child: (1pt) Yozen is and looks like a kid. He's a tall, athletic kid, but a kid, and can't even pass off as an adult.

NPC(s) to go with char
