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A.K.A. N/A
Age 30
Voice Actor Furusawa Tohru
Relatives Sesshoumaru, Genetic Father; Doku-Hana, Genetic Daughter; Kagome Higurashi, Genetic Mother; Inu-Yasha, Genetic Uncle;
Series Inu Yasha, Slayers.
Player Frank
  • Name: Unimaru
  • Age: 30
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: March 27th, he doesn't know.
  • Parents: Clone of Sesshoumaru and Kagome by way of Mazoku.
    • Place of Birth: Wolfpack Island
    • Nationality: None
    • Specialty: Tracking and Hunting
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'4"
    • Weight: 200lbs
    • Eyes: Silver
    • Hair: White with black lines
    • Special: Pretty features, stripe marks on the face, sharp claws and fangs, demonic eyes.
  • PARADIGM Stats:
    • D Rank Missions:
    • C Rank Missions:
    • B Rank Missions:
    • A Rank Missions:
    • S Rank Missions:
    • Total Cash Rewards:
    • Non Cash Rewards:


Unimaru is a very toned, well built young man, with a small but agile tail, a well balanced, muscular frame, and sharp extensions about his extremities. This gives him a very feral, predatory look, which he usually does not seek to disguise. He has long, unkempt, flowing silver hair with black extremities, which he only ties in a ponytail while researching or writing. He has sharp features, almond shaped eyes, a very feminine face, and long claws. His fangs only show when he chooses to, though they are not retractable. He usually has an intense, brooding demeanor, and rarely is he 'on edge', though always prepared, with his senses on the prowl.


Unimaru is a very silent, intense, usually calm person, but is in fact repressing almost 2 decades of rage, anger and abuse. While naturally cold, unsociable and cruel, Unimaru can in a very short time become a violent and dangerous killer who acts with ruthless efficiency. He is fascinated by knowledge and seeks to find his true parents, whose names are unknown to him and will make any sacrifice for it.. but has been tricked too often by his former masters to just blindly follow people. He is untrusting and very callous towards others, but confident in his abilities. He is very 'no nonsense' in outlook, and as such will not hestitate to take a situation to the limit.


Unimaru was created in a Chimerical laboratory on Wolfpack island, by the same research The red Priest, Rezo used to create his clone, Zelgadis, Vrumugun and the other Slayers clones. He was formed by taking a DNA sample by Kagome Higurashi and Sesshou-Maru and growing them into a humanoid child.
The Samples were taken by Xelloss Metallium while he was staying at the Maison Ikkoku, and learned of the power of the Shikon Jewel. As Kagome had the DNA to sense and use the Jewel, and Sesshou-Maru was a stronger version of it's current protector, Inu Yasha, Xelloss explained to his mistress, Beast Master Zelas, that a chimera made from them could be used to take the jewel back at any time. Zelas agreed and oversaw the creation of Unimaru.
From birth, Unimaru was trained as a hunter and scholar on Wolfpack Island, having to live and fight with the Beastmaster's Pets, as well as learning as much as he could about Legends, lores and powers from both worlds (Earth and the Slayers' World), all for the sake of his eventual mission. Unimaru was then trained mercilessly by his 'parents', and only rewarded with a fleeting glance of a picture of his mother's family when he performed admirably, which was very subjective to the views of Xelloss. (AKA, almost never.)
Unimaru learned to focus his rage into quiet fortitude, enduring the training, learning and torture for nearly 16 years before finally besting all the wolf kin on the island, destroying them, and running off, away from his masters, and off to find his parentage.. and the Shikon Jewel. Unimaru picked up many travelling skills on the way, using his training as a hunter and scholar, and went on to find a way off his current world to the world of his birth. In fact, he followed the faint smeel of a blood that smelled similar to his to a portal, and followed. After landing in the forests of India, Unimaru made his way accross Eurasia to finall swim to Japan, in search of his family, his heritage, and ... whatever else he may decide after this.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Good
  • Etiquette: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good
  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Politics: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal
  • Survival: Incredible
  • Empathy: Good
  • Animal Ken: Very Good

Special Abilities

Nothing to speak of.

Powers & Merits

Youkai: Unimaru is mostly a youkai, built for power and battle. As such, he has resistance to normal weapons, and can survive wounds that would kill any normal man.
Superhuman Strength: Unimaru is devastatingly strong, even for a youkai.
Superhuman Speed: Unimaru is exceptionally fast, even among youkai, even some whose powers include speed.
Superhuman Senses: Unimaru's senses are incredibly sharp. His sense of smell in particular, but they are all attuned to locate spiritually powerful items, in particular.
Supernatural Healing: A Healing Factor with all that implies. Non spiritual damage will heal with some rest, no matter how heavy.
Claws and Fangs: Unimaru's claws and fangs are sharper than literally any material found in nature, and coupled with his strength and energy, he can force them through any armour.
Sankon Tessou: Unimaru can force energy into his claws to make them hit a wide area and literally tear it to shreds.
Dosu Muchiko: Unimaru can grow long, whip-like trails of poisonous youki from his claws, whipping and slashing through a target.
Teleportation: Unimaru can literally teleport himself (and his possessions) one mile away. At which point, he will collapse, undergo massive physical trauma, and have to pass out, for hours, unable to get up.

Clear-Sighted (3pts): Unimaru is used to illusions and deceit. Also his 'mother' DNA is quite immune to illusions.
Animal Magnetism (1pt): Being literally part animal, and physically flawless, Unimaru is dangerously attractive to the opposite.. and same... sex.
Gall (2pts): Unimaru does not do social niceties. He speaks as he feels and acts in charge at all times.
Well-Travelled (3pts): Unimaru has spent time learning a LOT about the world while acting as a Hunter.

Unique Items

Makaze Mezanken: A sword infused with an evil air youkai, forged like a Katana. This sword can draw upon Unimaru's youki, but more than that, it draws upon the very air around him. The more the sword is swung, the more powerful it becomes, until sheathed again. The sword itself gathers wind around it with each strike, enhancing the blows. They do not start especially strongly, but after a very short time, they are at least the equal of it's wielder.
Tatsumaki Reppuken: The sword's ultimate power, blending Unimaru's youki and the air around it. After focussing for a few moments, Unimaru can swing the sword and send out a powerful and devastating Hurricane. The hurricane is infused with demonic power, and as such can damage other supernatural beings. The hurricane will travel for quite a bit and tear up a lot of property as it moves.
Reppu Zan: Wind Blade, a swing of the sword can send out a powerful, focused slash at an enemy, from a distance. This is the sword's basic attack, so long range isn't an issue for the wielder. This vaccuum blade can cut through anything short of heavy metal, but it can easily scratch it.
Yaiba Kaze Sen: The sword's most subtle power, the more it's swung, the more wind it gathers, and the more power it gathers from it. The swings become either much more powerful (like a warhammer), or cut much deeper (turning a nick to the shoulder into a full out cleave), as if the sword was either becoming larger or simply much much heavier. This isn't a conscious power, the sword simply becomes stronger with each slash. HOWEVER, using any other power 'resets' the blade to default.
Kazekunai Saya: The Makaze Mezanken's sheath is specially enchanted to resist wind. As such, it can be used to block any other wind attacks, and even act as a wind shield if held out against the incoming wind. Obviously, it's made to contain the sword itself without the wind being an issue. Unimaru needs to say a word to unlock the sword from it's sheath.

Runeblade: Bazeltrize:. A powerful runeblade made of a higher level Mazoku, former bodyguard of Maryuou Gaav. The Mazoku's essence was trapped in the shape of his own runeblade, an already rather potent demonic sword. It lay from battlefield to battlefield, being attractive to humans, and taking over their minds when weilded, then influenced them to cause more destruction and chaos, for no apparent reason, until it's owner fell, only to repeat the process over and over. Several hundred years ago, the Dragons found Bazeltrize's sword, and had it taken away, leaving powerful spiritual guardians. On one of his journeys on his homeworld, Unimaru found (and dispatched), those guardians, and claimed Bazeltrize for himself. The Mazoku tried to take over Unimaru, but found it could not, because the younger demon's mind and power were too much for it. Unimaru has since carried this sword, and uses it against other powerful demons. He isn't fond of drawing it, because of Bazeltrize's attempts at influence, which are rather noisome. It is, however, magnitudes stronger than Makaze Meizanken.
Bloodletting: The sword acts much like a sword of wounding. If it causes damage to a target, the cut is unaffected by healing powers or natural regeneration. On top of that, it resists attempts at healing until it's fully closed, and will reopen stitches and other non magical attempts. Even those are stymied by it.
Unholy Sharpness: The sword is unnaturally sharp. Even armour and stone are vulnerable to this blade, regardless of the skill of the weilder. It can cut through other lesser weapons and shields, causing massive damage in the process.
Astral Presence: The sword itself exists simultaneously in the physical and astral planes. As such, supernatural entities, reguardless of power, can be affected by the Runeblade's touch. Even ghosts and demons will suffer it's effects as if they were physical. The reason for this is that Mazoku are physical manifestations from an Astral being, and Bazeltrize is no exception. This also makes the sword go inert when hit with a powerful anti-astral spell (like Ra Tilt), but it will not break from such, being, after all, a fully functional metal sword.
Mazoku Resistance: The sword's most potent ability, once jammed in the ground, the sword creates a Mazoku's barrier in front of the weilder (think AT Field), which acts as a demonic resistance to any attack. Astral and Holy magics will pierce the barrier, but otherwise, only devastatingly strong attacks may break it. This can be used to cover others as well, provided they stand near the weilder. It also forms a protective shell around Unimaru (or another demon that holds it), feeding off his youki to do so. This power is ONLY available to the demon cursed beings, because it needs demonic energy to feed off of. Which is why the former human weilders all died somehow. The Shell is active in combat, but it drains immensely fast.
(Not exactly a power, but the sword is Unimaru's until he dies. He can't give it away, and it will reappear near him if he throws it away. Only sealing it with powerful dragon magic or holy energy can get rid of it. To that effect, the sword itself has a bunch of spiritual wards around it at all times, to avoid detection.)

Hunter License: Regular issue Hunter's License.

Items Of Note

Picture of his mother's family.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Holy Power: Spiritual and Holy power will cause serious, heavy damage to Unimaru, and weaken his powers, partially and completely, in that order.
Sensory Overload: Sudden increases in sound or sights will paralyze and damage him, if not outright stun him.

Nightmares (1pt): Unimaru remembers his early life and dreams about it.
Flashbacks (3pts): Unimaru, if caught or imprisoned, might very well sink back into his childhood trauma.
Otherworldly Taint (2pts): Unimaru very clearly is not human, even when he attempts to present himself as such. He can wear gloves, hide his ears, wear sunglasses and speak with nary a lip movement, there's still something very obviously 'off' about him.

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