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Luciana Testarossa
A.K.A. Lucy
Age 21
Voice Actor Chiwa Saito (J), Jennifer Hale (E)
Relatives Leonardo Testarossa
Teressa Testarossa
Series Full Metal Panic
Player Josh
  • Name: Luciana "Lucy" Testarossa
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: 28 November 2008
  • Parents: Leonard Testarossa and an unnamed mother; adopted by Teressa "Tessa" Testarossa
    • Place of Birth: Unknown
    • Nationality: Dual-Citizen, American and Swiss
    • Specialty: Science, military operations
    • Hobbies: Engineering and design, fashion, making toys, playing the viola, swimming
    • Likes: Fashion, robots, sailing, mystery novels, laughing children
    • Dislikes: Terrorism, "dirty" warfare
    • Favorite Food: Spumoni
    • Least Favorite Food: Borscht
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Swimming
    • Favorite Movie: Real Genius
    • Level of Education: Advanced College, multiple Ph.D's
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'2"
    • Weight: 110
    • Eyes: Grey
    • Hair: Platinum Blonde/Silver


Lucy tends to wear comfortable european clothes when she's not on duty. She has a variety of military uniforms and special duty uniforms to fit various needs.


Text goes here


The Difference One Minute Makes

The snow was falling. It was always going to fall on the 21st of February in Campione d'Italia. Today, Elena Garibaldi had intended to leave her husband, along with the girl who had been left in her and her husband's care three years ago. The organization, her husband's employer, and paid them well; but Francisco Garibaldi had turned to liquor and turned to abuse. Her world was falling apart around her, and the phone call she had overheard didn't help: her husband worked for Amalgam, and they were coming to take little Luciana away. She packed the car, bought tickets to Geneva... someone at the U.N. would know what to do.

One minute was all the difference it made. A car cut off Francisco as he was driving back to his home. He swore at the driver, nearly taking his anger out on him. He made him miss the traffic light. By the time he made it home, Elena and Luciana were gone.

The Hard, But Better Life

Lucy grew up as happily and well-adjusted as any supergenius could. At age four, she created her first AI, Dolce, as a playmate. Dolce was first installed into a doll-sized Bonta-kun replica, a present to her from "Uncle Sousuke", who would have given her a full-scale model if Kaname hadn't "convinced" him it was a poor choice for a child's present. To this day, Lucy still enjoys making toys, and frequently donates new toy designs to orphanages and childrens' charities around the world.

At age six, Lucy began work on Arm Slaves and Bonta-kun, working on perfecting their design, especially in the field of autonomous, personal-scale Arm Slaves like her father's Alastor units. Unfortunately, even now, she has been unable to resolve the issue with the "quirky" voice modulator used in Bonta-kun field units. Oddly, even Dolce's voice functions fail when attached to a Bonta-kun unit. During this time, Lucy built a feline body for Dolce in addition to a larger Bonta-kun. Lucy enabled Dolce to transfer herself between bodies if they're within a hundred meters.

When Lucy turned seven, Amalgam successfully kidnapped her. However, before she could be brought to meet Leonard, she managed to escape her captors. Hurrying to the Arm Slave hangar, she boarded an old, damaged M9, and merged the control AI with Dolce. A squad of Codarl units were sent to capture her, but she was able to disable them without killing the pilots, and escaped by effecting field repairs on the ECS system, upgrading it by removing the ozone emission and UV spectrum weaknesses that anti-ECS weapons were designed to counter. Not leaving empty-handed, she managed to steal (and erase) Leonard's latest Alastor designs.

Determined not to allow herself to be used by Amalgam, Lucy completed an Alastor body for Dolce by her eighth birthday. This first step completed, Lucy left a note for her mother, and left home for two years, determined to learn more about the world. During this time, she travelled between several countries, narrowly escaping capture by Amalgam with the assistance of Dolce, and Mithril agents who were dispatched to track her. She involved herself in several incidents, including two child hostage rescues, and defusing a hydrogen bomb in Sri Lanka. She trained herself physically and mentally the whole time, occasionally allying herself with forces she determined to be unjustly treated. Her crowning achievement during this time was the discovery and rescue of a group of child soldiers who had been recruited by a charismatic young leader. She infiltrated the group, then escaped with several of the children whom she had managed to convince to leave with her.

Lucy returned home at age 10, where she was promptly grounded for two years. She used the time to train further with Ben Clousseau and Melissa Mao. Her two year excursion allowed her to identify her weak points and focus on training to improve her martial skills. On the day after her grounding ended on her twelfth birthday, she secretly entered an Arm Slave competition, and propelled the side she joined to a decisive victory. Satisfied with the results, she applied for, and received, a commission with Mithril to work in the Tactical Division.

Lucy continued to work on improvements in Arm Slaves and Bonta-kun. Determined to test her designs personally, and to understand the needs of soldiers in the field, Lucy regularly deployed her own prototypes in the field with her unit. Her most important achievement during this time was the development of human-scale Lambda Driver units which could be deployed in Alastor and Bonta-kun units. This is a closely-guarded secret of Mithril, and only very specialized SRT units are equipped with them.

At age 14, Lucy completed one of her two major secret projects: She created a human-appearing body for Dolce. Now she could bring her friend with her for excursions on town and on missions. Also, during this time, she requested a leave of absence in order to attend high school. Despite the fact that she was lightyears beyond the average student in scientific and mathematical fields, she felt she was still inadequetely prepared to handle the rigors of Japanese social life. She and "Dolce Vita" spent three years attending Jindai High School, the alma mater of both Chidori Kaname and Sagara Sousuke. Their first six months were nearly disastrous, but they were able to pass off their problems as being foreigners from Europe. After this time, though, they began to adapt themselves to school life, and eventually formed a close group of friends. Lucy and Dolce occasionally completed missions for Mithril during this time.

Their graduation from Jindai was interrupted, however, by a terrorist attack sponsored by Amalgam. The terrorists took over the school and attempted to abduct Lucy. To Lucy's horror, Amalgam's Alastors came equipped with the very Lambda Drivers that she had designed for Mithril. Dolce sacrificed her android body to defend Lucy and her friends from an attack by one of the Alastors, but managed to download herself into it. Usurping control of the Alastor, she was able to hold off the remaining Alastor units until reinforcements could arrive.

Lucy resumed her commission in Mithril, spending the last two years with Tactical Division and cooperating with Research to develop new technology. At age 19, she's made the second, and most significant, of her breaktrhoughs: Personal Lambda Drivers. An experimental technology, she is bringing it out into the field to test with Mithril's TWAU unit.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+5)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Amazing (+5)
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Good (+2)
  • Performance: Good (+2)
  • Languages: Japanese, English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Arabic, Farsi, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)

Mental Skills:

  • Military Tactics: Amazing (+5)
  • Computers: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3) - She's no Holmes or Batman, but she does have practical experience in research and information gathering.
  • Medicine: Very Good (+3)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Abyssmal (-1)
  • Politics: Incredible (+4)
  • Repair: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)
  • Robotics: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)
  • Science: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)
  • Technology: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)
  • Weapon Systems: Amazing (+6, Whispered Power)

Other Skills:

  • Mecha Piloting: Incredible (+4)
  • Driving: Incredible (+4)
  • Survival: Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy: Good (+2)

Powers & Merits

  • Whispered - Lucy is a Whispered, a human being enhanced with the ability to understand scientific and technical knowledge far beyopnd the level of current earth technology. Her subconscious is tapped into a shared memory of highly advanced scientific understanding.
    • Mental Merging - Whispered have a limited ability to communicate with others of their kind through a means of "mental merging"; this process carries the risk that the user will lose herself in the other's mind.
  • Self-Confident (5) - Lucy is highly confident in her skills, training, and intelligence. When it's time to get something done, she knows it comes down to her. One free successful roll during a mission.
  • Culture Knack (3) - Lucy has a knack for fitting in wherever she is, and can pick up on customs quickly. In appropriate situations, her social difficulties may be lowered, or she can recover from a failed social roll with a reroll.

Unique Items

  • ALS-1X Hasebe - The Hasebe unit is, effectively, an optimized Alastor frame rebuilt for use as a powered armor suit. It contains a pair of railgun rifles, and has a flight system as well as enhanced jumpjets. It is equipped with an ECS stealth system and a Lambda Driver for defense.
  • B-3C Bonta-chan - The "outer shell" which can be attached to a Hasebe armor suit, Bonta-chan is an enhanced tactical platform disguised as a cute female version of Bonta-kun. It has a full sensor module. The rear bow can expand into wings for sustained flight.
  • ARX-12 Mjolnir - This is Lucy's Arm Slave. She personally developed its AI and weapon systems as an upgrade to previous ARX/Arbalest-class Arm Slaves. It has two high-frequency daggers, a pair of AS-sized railgun pistols, and a longer-range railgun rifle. It also has a full Lambda Drive system, flight capabilities, and ECS. The enhanced muscle packs have a longer usable life, allowing for more time between pack replacement cycles.
  • TX-4 Tactical Railgun Pistols - A unique invention by Lucy, these weapons are magnetic railguns housed in pistol-sized casings. As the system uses directed magnetic energy to fire its rounds instead of chemical propellant, the guns are incredibly quiet. Lucy has created a number of specialty rounds for use with the gun, which she can swap out as needed.
    • Standard Shell - A solid, high-velocity railgun charge.
    • Explosive Shell - This shell contains a concentrated chemical explosive based on RDX. The explosive force is roughly equivalent to a normal hand grenade.
    • Electromagnetic Pulse Shell - This shell emits a very short-range EMP burst, designed to scramble the electronics of a target the bullet strikes, while leaving the rest of the combat field unaffected.
    • Tranq Shell - This shell is a nonlethal shell which contains a potent tranquilizer, designed for knocking out a target and subduing it without killing it.
  • TX-1 Tactical Railgun Rifle - The rifle version of the railgun pistol
  • TX-1S Tactical Railgun Sniper Rifle - Long-range sniper rifle
  • Frictbang - Another unique invention, these weapons are small disc-shaped devices which are rolled along the floor or thrown to a target area. Upon activation (with either an impact or timed trigger), one of two effects are generated by the device.
    • Sticky Mode - The Frictbang generates a field of increased friction and inertial dampening, causing targets to effectively "adhere" to the surfaces they're standing on.
    • Slippery Mode - The opposite effect occurs, decoupling friction from nearby surfaces, causing targets caught within the field to slip with no resistance on the surface they're standing on.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Whispered - Lucy's greatest strength is also something of a weakness. She can't always tune out the Whispers she is constantly hearing in her head. Sometimes it can be distracting. In worst case scenarios she can completely freeze up.
  • Soft Hearted (1) - Lucy absolutely cannot stand to witness suffering, and may take action if she deems it necessary to prevent it.
  • Compulsive Speech (1) - Lucy is a military officer and can be a bit blunt and unapologetic.
  • Nightmares (1) - Lucy has been around the world and has seen some pretty terrible things, up to and including the attempted detonation of a nuclear device. These are hard things to get over.
  • Enemy - Leonard Testarossa (2) - Lucy's father is keen on getting her back or "regrettably" ensuring that she won't interfere in his plans.
