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Grace Hayama
A.K.A. Pegasus
Age 16
Voice Actor Mai Nakahara
Relatives Elton Hayama (father)
Naomi Hayama (mother)
Player Josh aka Lucian
  • Name: Grace Hayama
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: October 12
  • Parents: Elton Hayama, Naomi Hayama
    • Place of Birth: Unrevealed (Adopted)
    • Nationality: Dual-citizen US/Japanese
    • Specialty: Performance, Subterfuge
    • Hobbies: DRAMA, Costuming
    • Likes: Shakespeare
    • Favorite Food: Mead, Meat pies
    • Favorite Music: Showtunes, Jazz, Classical, some rock
    • Favorite Sport: Tennis, Volleyball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Pocketwatch, Locket with two locks of hair, one blue, one green, braided together.
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mai Nakahara
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 125 lbs
    • Eyes: Ice Blue
    • Hair: Light Blue


When not in the school uniform, Grace tends to wear eccentric clothes, usually from the 20s, 50s, 60s, Elizabethan and Victorian eras of England, and the like. She favors hats, umbrellas/parisols, and scarves as accessories to her clothes, as well.


Grace is a fun-loving girl at heart. She's witty, charming, and occasionally subconsciously arrogant; all too often, she's so interested in what's going on around her that she forgets to be scared. She is an incorrigible prankster, though, with a keen sense of humor. Normally, she'll apply her practical jokes to her enemies, but if she's bored, she may engage in some "harmless fun" with her friends.

She is a huge fan of classic Earth drama, literature, and history, particularly European, but especially Greek and Shakespearean. She is constantly in search of classic tomes, and is a voracious reader... it is likely at any given moment that she'll be curled up reading a musty old book.


Once upon a time...

There was a golden princess who loved all the people of the galaxy. She fought for them against the Thunder God, but eventually, his armies became too much to face alone. So she searched far and wide, and found four girls who could become her knights. One was a beautiful winged pegasus... another was a swan... another, a beautiful feathery dragon... and the fourth, an angel, the most beautiful of all the universe. Together, the five drove back the armies of the Thunder God, but... the endless battles started to weigh heavily on the four knights.

One day, a mysterious woman in a mask came to the Pegasus, who was their leader. She offered to teach her how to be stronger, and for a while, it worked... but there was a darkness that began to grow within the Pegasus's heart. Tragedy struck, and the Pegasus's home, and everyone she loved besides her sister the Swan, were gone. She searched desperately for a way to reverse their fate... The masked woman said that if Pegasus gave her her beautiful heart to hold, she could give her the power to end all the struggling and sadness. In her despair, she agreed, and the masked woman laughed. She told Pegasus that she could increase her power if she got the hearts of the other knights as well. She told her that the real reason of all the sadness in the galaxy was because of the Princess fighting against the Thunder God.

The first to fall from grace was the beautiful Angel. The masked lady taught Pegasus how to send agents that would appeal to the Angel's secret, vain side. Then Pegasus, who was the Angel's truest friend, would come to her to offer her help. The Angel believed her best friend, and was the first to be betrayed by her.

The dragon and the swan began to suspect something foul was happening, as their friend and sister were not the same anymore. The swan wanted to confront them together with the dragon, but the dragon, in her pride, went to face them alone. This would be her undoing. The agents of the Pegasus and the Angel overwhelmed her, but she did not know they were their agents... When Pegasus and Angel finally revealed themselves, they came to her aid... and introduced her to the masked lady. And so, the Dragon fell, leaving only the Swan.

The Swan came up with a plan to save her sister and her friends... she sought out the lair of the masked lady. Sneaking in silently, she found where the hearts of her friends were held. The masked lady had been consuming them, because it was the masked lady's fate to consume everything in the universe. The Swan stole part of the Pegasus's heart, but then she was caught by the other three. She begged them to stop, before it was too late for them, but they wouldn't listen. They subdued her, held her so that the Masked Lady could take her heart. But while they were distracted, the Swan returned the piece of Pegasus's heart to her. It was tiny, no bigger than the tiniest grain of sand... she didn't know if it would take root and grow.

That, though, was the last she would care about, as her heart was taken, and with it, all Hope with it.

Finally, the four knights were ready. The Princess was fighting the Thunder God, with his armies behind him, alone. She longed for her friends, for she was the heart of the galaxy, binding them all together. She could feel herself weakening with the hearts of the knights being devoured... and she was relieved when she saw the four of them arriving, believing that they had returned to her.

But she was wrong.

The Princess fought in her defense, but could not raise her sword to strike them. She too tried to save them, tried one last time to turn them away from their path, but then it was revealed that the masked lady, was Lady Entropy, the ally of the Thunder God. While the four knights held her, Lady Entropy sealed the Princess away. Inexplicably, the Thunder God was angry, and knocked the sealed princess away before Lady Entropy could steal her heart. Furious, Lady Entropy made the knights attack the Thunder God. With her power coupled with theirs, Lady Entropy enslaved the Thunder God, making him her knight as well.

Lady Entropy unleashed her knights on the galaxy, partly to sate her terrible hunger, and part to find the Princess's heart. They destroyed many worlds... but within the darkness inside Pegasus, the piece of her heart began to grow. Only knowing the smallest fragment of the truth, Pegasus snuck into the lair of Lady Entropy, and found the hearts. She reached for hers, but the Thunder God attacked her. They fought, and as they did, the heart inside her grew and grew. In his anger, the Thunder God hurled Pegasus's heart away. Without her heart nearby, Pegasus was too weak to fight him, and he easily knocked her away as well.

...but was the Thunder God as unpredictable as always, and full of anger? Or did he secretly have a plan of his own? For a long time ago, his heart was stolen too... but that is another story.

Oh, what happened to Pegasus?

Grace's earliest memories are waking up in a hospital in Tokyo at ten years old. The doctors claimed she was in a terrible gas explosion in a building and had somehow survived with a concussion, some broken bones, but no permanent burns. An attempt to find relatives failed, and after she was released from the hospital, she was put into foster care. A young couple adopted her, and a short time later, the family moved to the United States for a few years, returning to Tokyo when Grace turned fourteen.

Grace's love of drama and theater led her to become an officer in her school's drama club. One afternoon, while practicing for a major performance, a mist crept into the auditorium, and all of the students except Grace collapsed. Vaguely-human monsters lept onstage, moving to kidnap her friends. Something inside her snapped, and a memory came to the surface. She shouted a phrase, "Pegasus Constellation Power, MAKE UP!" and was transformed into a magical girl, the Soldier of Light and Imagination, Sailor Pegasus! As Pegasus, she quickly subdued the attacking monsters, managing to turn them back into the inanimate objects they were created from.

To this day, Grace has a vague sense that there are wrongs she needs to right. She hasn't told anyone about her powers yet, but she's enlisted the help of her gym teacher, Miss Saotome, to help her learn "self-defense".


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics - Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth - Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation - Good (+2)
  • Leadership - Good (+2)
  • Expression - Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette - Good (+2)
  • Performance: Acting - Incredible (+4), Singing - Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: First Aid - Novice (+1)
  • Occult: Celtic Mythology - Incredible (+4)
  • Science - Novice (+1)
  • Technology - Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Empathy - Incredible (+4)
  • Sewing/Tailoring - Very Good (+3)
  • Makeup/Disguise - Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

  • Sword Fighting: Pegasus is a trained stage sword fighter. Learning how to train this into real sword fighting has been challenging for her, but somehow, she seems to be taking to it readily...

Powers & Merits

  • Pegasus Constellation Power Make Up! - Grace is able to transform into Sailor Pegasus, Soldier of Light and Imagination. As Sailor Pegasus, no one is able to know her true identity unless she transforms directly in front of them (or tells them outright). As a Sailor Senshi, Pegasus gains enhanced strength, agility, and endurance.
  • Pegasus Wing - Sailor Pegasus can fly at up to 100 miles per hour. She can only carry what she could normally carry on her own, and her speed is reduced by half when carrying others.
  • Starburst - Pegasus can launch spheres of hard light energy which fly out at targets in multiple directions. She can aim them at targets, but once fired they continue in the direction they were shot, like bullets.
  • Searing Spotlight - Pegasus can channel a blast of pure hard light, almost as bright as direct sunlight. Usually fired through her hand, she can also channel the blast through her soul sword.
  • Sparkle Star - Pegasus creates a field of shimmering lights that can be used to distract or mesmerize an opponent
  • Shimmering Masquerade - Pegasus's most powerful ability, Shimmering Masquerade allows her to project complex illusions with sight, sound, and even limited tactile elements. Further, the illusions can either mask or project other kinds of magical energy or even ki, allowing Pegasus to hide or misdirect the presence of herself or others.
    • Simple Invisibility - The most basic of her illusions, Pegasus can hide herself from plain sight. She can move and even attack with this level of invisibility up, but people with illusion detection or other enhanced senses can easily see through it.
    • Nondetection - Significantly more powerful, Pegasus can completely mask her own presence, the presence of others, or the presence of certain objects, even those with strong magical or ki signatures. While she can use this ability in conjunction with her illusion powers, this requires significant concentration.
    • Disguise - Pegasus can use this ability to appear as someone else. This is completely dependent on her memory of the subject; the more she knows about the person the better she can impersonate them. Thanks to her natural acting ability, she is highly effective.
    • Illusory Cloning - Similar to a ninja's Shadow Clone technique, Pegasus can create multiple copies of herself. These clones are illusions; they can be seen and even heard, but they have no physical substance. The more clones she deploys, the more concentration is required. Again similar to shadow clones, if one of these clones is physically 'damaged', it disappears instantly.
  • Concentration (1): Grace is very good at focusing, and suffers no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat herself often.
  • Ambidextrous (2): Grace can use either hand equally effectively, especially useful if she's trying to impersonate someone who is a leftie.
  • Eidetic Memory (2): Grace has nearly perfect memory, and can recall almost any detail she's encountered. She regularly uses her memory in conjunction with her illusion ability
  • Natural Linguist (2): Grace is fantastic at picking up not only languages, but verbal cues and accents.
  • Clear-Sighted (3): Grace is rarely fooled by illusions.

Unique Items

  • Transformation Locket - Allows Grace to transform into Sailor Pegasus
  • Senshi Communicator - Allows her to keep in contact with other Sailor Senshi
  • D'Artagnan - Pegasus's Soul Sword, D'Artagnan is a magical rapier. The metal blade can transform on command into a beam saber.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Dark Secret (1): Pegasus has been through the Face-Heel Revolving Door; she started out as a hero, then betrayed her world as a villain, and now is seeking redemption.
  • Amnesia (2): Grace doesn't remember any of her past before her adoption by the Hayama family
  • Enemy (3): Susano-Oh and the other Constellation Senshi want her back

NPC(s) to go with char

Lady Entropy
Sailor Draco
Sailor Cassiopeia
Sailor Cygnus
Faith Ryuzaki (Classmate)
Angel Himeno (Classmate)
Hope Uzuki (Classmate)
Chisa Saotome (Gym Teacher)
