Cho Kohaku

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Kohaku Cho
Cho Kohaku
Age 22
Voice Actor
Series Naruto
Player Mainy
  • Name: Kohaku Cho
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Aug 13th
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: Kohona
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Cooking
    • Hobbies: Surfing, singing, playing guitar
    • Likes: Cooking, the sea, surfing, surfer boys.
    • Dislikes: Cold.
    • Favorite Food: Ramen
    • Least Favorite Food: Pork chop necklaces.
    • Favorite Music: Folk
    • Favorite Sport: Surfing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her Cleavers
    • Level of Education: High school? What's the equivilant in Naruto?
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 120lbs
    • Eyes: Amber
    • Hair: Orange
    • Special: Butterfly bead hanging from a braided lock of hair


Cho is an athletic girl, her physic that of a surfer/swimmer. Standing at 5'4", she has orangey, fiery hair that is slightly wavey, and hangs to about mid-back, with a single braid that comes from under her left ear, and ends with a purple glass bead, then a hand crafted glass butterfly. She has slightly tanned skin, and she has sleepy, mellow looking amber eyes, which some how constantly seem amused. She often wears tank tops or bikini tops, with kahki capries, and flip flop sandles.


Cho is a rather mellow girl, prefering to stay away from dramatics and attention grabbing scenes. She enjoys quiet times, but she understands there's a need for spark and spice, particularly when it comes to parties, which she's rather fond of. She will help a person out, she beleives in Karma, but she also believes in the good of people.


Cho was not born to be in baby pagents. Not unless it was at a local circus. One eyebrow, constantly crossed eyes, hefty frame, abnormal shape, “Troll baby of the year” was the only prize she could ever dream of winning. Her intensely bad looks caused her to be teased and tormented by her peers, and when she was 6, after a particularly tramatic porkchop around the neck incident involving dogs, her parents decided it would be best if she went to live with a distant relative, where she would learn the ropes of the family business, the Ramen Stand. While away, Cho learned there was more beautiful things about her then her outward appearence, one being her incredable talent for all things noodle. From her relative, she learned the secret ways of Noodle Ninjutsu. Of course, she didn't only work and learn in her far away home, she also learned surfing, and to play the guitar, as well as learned to accept herself for who she was. Recently, she decided she would travel the world, and see what she may learn from other cuisines and cultures.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredable
  • Stealth: Incredable
  • Blades: Amazing (Specially Cleavers)
  • Karate: Very good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Novice. (She has big cleavers.)
  • Leadership: Abysmal
  • Expression: Incredable
  • Ettiquette: Very Good
  • Performance: Incredable

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal
  • Investigation: Abysmal
  • Medicine: Novice
  • Law: Abysmal
  • Occult: Abysmal
  • Politics: Abysmal
  • Science: Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Novice
  • Survival: Very Good
  • Empathy: Very Good
  • Animal: Ken Good
  • Cooking: Amazing

Special Abilities

  • Chakra Control: Incredable
  • Nin: Very Good

Powers & Merits

Spice Recognition: Amazing

Unique Items

Two Giant cleavers, both 2 and a half ft long.

Items Of Note

Cho comes with a Ramen cart, where she does business.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Cho is terrified of Canines and Dogs, due to a traumatic experience in her past.

NPC(s) to go with char
