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Picture of Cerelia. Temporary if player actually feels like drawing her.
A.K.A. Administrator of the Fourth Tower in Sol Dius, Mother Goddess, Divine Protector, Materia, and "C"
Age 452, Appears 21
Voice Actor Maaya Sakamoto
Relatives Shurelia - Friend
Frelia - Friend
Tyria - Friend
Mir - 'Acquaintance'
Series Ar Tonelico game series
Player Azriel/Heather
  • Name: Cerelia
  • Age: 452, Appears 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: ???
  • Parents: Father of Sound Science & other human scientists
    • Place of Birth: El Elemia, Sol Ciel
    • Nationality: Reyvateil Origin
    • Specialty: Exclusive administrative rights for the Fourth Tower of Sol Dius, Song Magic, and Hymmnos.
    • Hobbies: Stabilizing the Aerathermix Reactor, maintaining and supporting the Tower, taking quiet walks, and being a strong leader for the residents of Sol Dius.
    • Likes: Summer breezes, crafting song magic, bubble baths, songs, birds, peaceful days, her ELMA-DS Hunters, and protecting others.
    • Dislikes: Viral intruders, humans who mistreat Reyvateils, war without reason, ignorance, and gore.
    • Favorite Food: Salad
    • Least Favorite Food: Alcohol
    • Favorite Music: Hymmnos
    • Favorite Sport: None (Unless you count walking as a sport)
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Hymn Crystals
    • Level of Education: ???
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Maaya Sakamoto
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 115 lbs.
    • Eyes: Purple
    • Hair: Light Green
    • Special:
      • Her eyes have an uncanny, natural glow to them.
      • She carries the HD-Cellophane gene within her body which allows her to never age and maintain her youth and beauty permanently. Unfortunately, it also means her personality stays static as well and she has had the same personality for 452 years.
      • She is also able to freely exist or otherwise move through the Binary Field such as Frelia, Shurelia, Tyria, and even Mir.


Cerelia, as her human creators intended, has the exterior appearance of a young, slender, curved woman. Although she has prematurely stopped in growth, her personality and behavioral habits ensure a motherly atmosphere about her. Like all Origin Reyvateils, she has an Install Point located on a certain part of her body, primarily the left side of her hip. This Install Point is the only entryway on her body that will allow Grathnode crystals into her as a means of boosting the effects of her song magic and the procedure can only be done by someone she deeply and faithfully trusts.

Although she was built mainly for singing and not so much for combat, her body, as frail as it may look belies an immense amount of inner strength that can catch most opponents off-guard in battle. Her soft skin is much more durable than a normal human, but can still be punctured through by other means. As a combination of genes from the other Origins such as Shurelia, Frelia, and Tyria; Cerelia is meant to embody perfect synchronization of all three Reyvateils flawlessly through physical characteristics and the magical output of her song magic. She has the light green, airy-like hair from Frelia, Tyria's violet eyes, and Shurelia's distant, serious, and calculated look.

As a Reyvateil, she never had a need for other clothing other than her administrator's outfit and is completely content to walk around in that for all occasions. The claw on her left arm was actually incorporated much later into the design by herself as a means of personal self-defense when she did not feel like wasting energy on singing meaninglessly. Needless to say however, she is the only Reyvateil Origin with a prominent chest at her disposal. This was another tweaked characteristic that set her apart from the other Origins and ensured that "motherly" goddess appeal her creators were striving for. It is also known that she is the second Origin to not require a Linkage armor around her body to protect herself from attacks when alone.


Because of Shurelia's distant and serious personality becoming mingled into Cerelia's own, she carries a stoic or very calm face majority of the time. Some can even take it as a sleepy or otherwise disinterested look at some point in time.

Cerelia, aside from her very calm and serious demeanor, can be very dedicated to anything she sets her mind to. She loves and respects her job and its responsibilities very much and will do almost anything to protect the residents of Sol Dius whom she feels obligated to do so. As a mediator for the people, she is very clear and clean-cut when it comes to arguments and will simply not have them, but she will solve them in a very orderly and efficient way. There has never been a time when Cerelia has ever raised her voice in a violent or angry tone. The only time her voice has ever been raised is when she is singing.

Although somewhat limited in emotions, she remains agreeable to trying out new things and still enjoys life and its simplicities. And who knows, perhaps new stimulation will allow her to open herself up more to those around her. She likes to learn new things and is very open-minded to most people. Cerelia does support her own Cosmosphere within her mind, although not much is known about it since she has never let anyone "Dive" into her mind with good reason.


Cerelia, known as the youngest Reyvateil Origin, was solely created by humans during the First Era by the descendant of the Founding Father of Sound Technology, Eleno. Shortly after the birth of the first three Origins Eoria (Shurelia), Frelia, and Tyria, they prepared a project for the creation of the fourth and final artificial Reyvateil. She would be known as Cerelia, Hymmnos for "Motherly Goddess of Harvest or Earth". It was their intention to create a Reyvateil, despite being much younger than her predecessors, to portray a maternal, calm, strong, and highly responsible personality. Cerelia would also be known as the first Origin that would have natural combat instincts and be able to withstand harder hits, longer songs, and properly defend herself when she had no one to protect her.

Nevertheless, the humans had also wanted to instill the genes from the other three into her as a way to really make her feel whole as a "Mother Goddess". They wanted a Reyvateil that, perhaps, could even surpass the first three Origin's strengths and weaknesses. The process took a year and half as opposed to only a year because the genes from the other three had to be balanced very carefully with Cerelia's own genetic make-up. Once she was born, it had already been predetermined that Cerelia would need a Tower of her own, a world to call her own. So, as a means of good faith with the citizens there, she was sent in a pod over towards the harsh and barren land of Sol Dius which was ravaged during the Grathnode Inferia, a catastrophe that nearly wiped out majority of the human and Reyvateil race, destroyed most of the ancient technology, and sank large portions of land into the inhospitable and cloudy Sea of Death below the Towers.

Upon arrival, Cerelia had already been "pre-programmed" to create a beautiful and marvelous land in which the very few remaining survivors of Sol Dius could build and live off of. With her appearance and cool attitude, it didn't take very long for the people to recognize her as their savior, their Goddess. It was on that day that Cerelia became more than just a person, she became a religious idol and they started to build up a faith and support group for her. The people didn't even need to get to know Cerelia on a deeper and personal level, they just knew she was there to help them. They were so stricken with grief and stress, they poured all their hopes and dreams into what they believed was a miracle from the heavens.

During the rise of the Second Era, Cerelia, already imbued with the power of the Hymmn Crystal Hymmeli, sang so brightly and boldly that the song began to manifest more land that was fertile and lush for the residents of Sol Dius. After the work of her song, she began the lengthy and difficult toil of constructing her own Tower of Ar Tonelico and granted the title of "Divine Light" onto the land itself. It would take many more years of her life, not that she was going anywhere anytime soon, to finish the fourth and final Tower of Ar Tonelico. Little by little, each level of the tower started to come together and the formless shape began to grow into a beautiful, white ladder that reached high above the atmosphere to touch the stars and heavens.

Within the nooks and crannies of the tower, forests, waterfalls, deserts, and even animals began to spawn; some were harmless, some were not. However, Cerelia had made clear which parts were strictly off-limits to the people in order to better protect them from getting hurt. These parts were specifically the Aerathermix Reactor, the Rinkernator, the Symphonic Core, and mostly the interior pathways within the Tower. The Rinkernator was the highest point of the tower, far above the clouds and the orbiting broken fragments of the Grathnode Discs. This point was mostly where Cerelia had distinguished as her own personal place to rest and survey over the land without interruptions. Once the tower was finished, she appointed herself as the Tower Administrator who would support, protect, and maintain the daily functions of the Tower and become a beacon of light for the people.

Nevertheless, Cerelia became so in-tuned with the tower that she hardly had much free-time for other things than her own duties. It had become more than a responsibility now, it became her permanent home. Although the residents do not see her as often as they had used to, they continued to believe in her power and strength to support their world. Cerelia, despite becoming secluded to the Tower, still strives to get out when she can and even goes as far as visiting the other Origins occasionally. Still, she did not anticipate one of her occasional journeys to turn into something much more complicated and confusing when her pod had decided to crash land somewhere else by a fluke of strange luck and viral interference.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Good
  • Athletics - Very Good
  • Stealth - Good
  • Melee Combat - Good
  • Stamina - Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Abysmal
  • Streetwise - Novice
  • Intimidation - Novice
  • Leadership - Amazing
  • Expression - Novice
  • Etiquette - Good
  • Performance - Amazing

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Amazing
  • Technology Maintenance/Repairing - Incredible
  • Law - Good
  • Politics - Very Good
  • Science - Very Good
  • Knowledge of Grathnode Crystals - Amazing

Other Skills:

  • Empathy - Incredible
  • Animal Ken - Very Good
  • Singing - Amazing
  • Energy Conservation - Very Good
  • Crafting Song Magic - Amazing
  • Actual use of Song Magic - Incredible
  • Languages:
    • Hymmnos - Amazing
    • English - Good
    • Japanese - Very Good

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jujitsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • None at the moment


(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.)

  • Hymmnos - songs derived in the ancient language of Hymmnos that give power to the singer and those she protects. Hymmns also allow Reyvateils the ability to make direct contact or otherwise "speak" with machines.)
    • EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. (A Hymn with a beautiful and soothing melody that is great at calming down others.)
    • EXEC_Z/. (A Hymn that is mostly battle oriented and will strengthen the Reyvateil's abilities physically as well as strengthen those around her.)
    • METHOD_HYMMELI/. (A Hymn with the power to create or replenish land and make it lush and beautiful to live on. Has no bearing in the modern world.)
    • EXEC_SUSPEND/. (A Hymn that puts the entire Tower in standby mode, putting also the Administrator (Cerelia herself) in a cold sleep state. This is only used for emergencies. Can't be used without the Tower.)
    • EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. (A Hymn used to activate the defense mechanisms of Sol Dius when threatened with a viral attack.)
    • EXEC_HARMONIOUS_FUSION/. (A Hymn that calms down the hearts of the listeners and quells negative emotions. It also works well against machines that have gone out of control to calm them down.)

  • Song Magic Tree
    • Red Magic (Attack Magic & Specials)
      • Gale Shot - shoots a gust of wind.
      • Sonic Shot - shoots a burst of sound energy.
      • Thunder Shot - shoots a bolt of lightning.
      • Ice Shot - shoots chunk of ice.
      • Flame Shot - shoots a burst of fire.
      • Analyzer - analyzes a destroyable target.
      • ELMA-DS Hunters - summons two ELMA-DS class type programs to either protect Cerelia from harm or hunt down her enemies at her bidding and attack with laser beams from their mouths. It is also known that they can feign existence between reality and the Binary Field to evade attacks and make them very persistent and very difficult to get rid of once they have their sights on you.
      • Symphonic Core - allows Cerelia to connect directly to the Symphonic Core and use it make herself even stronger than she already is and emit heat seeking rays of light from her body to destroy those in her way. (Can't be used without being in the direct presence of her own Tower, literally, in her own world.)
      • Sol Dius - the strongest magic any Origin will have and allows Cerelia to make direct contact and use of the Tower Sol Dius and annihilate her enemies with a powerful beam of divine light from above the clouds. Light/Holy based attribute. (Can't be used without being in the direct presence of her own Tower, literally, in her own world.)

  • Blue Magic (Support Magic)
      • Dawn - summons a fairy of morning to help heal an ally's injuries and wounds at a faster rate than normal.
      • Twilight - summons a fairy of evening to protect others against elemental attacks with a wide shield of concentrated energy.
      • Helios - summons the goddess of light to boost attack power, defense, and agility of all allies within her line of sight.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Hymn Crystal Hymmeli - downloads the hymn METHOD_HYMMELI/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.
  • Hymn Crystal Suspend - downloads the hymn EXEC_SUSPEND/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.
  • Hymn Crystal Cosmoflips - downloads the hymn EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.
  • Hymn Crystal Z - downloads the hymn EXEC_Z/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.
  • Hymn Crystal Arphage - downloads the hymn EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.
  • Hymn Crystal Harmonious - downloads the hymn EXEC_HARMONIOUS_FUSION/. into a Reyvateil for use. It only needs to be downloaded once.

Items Of Note

  • Cold Sleep Pod - a specially designed pod to fit Cerelia's frame when she is required to go on long journeys under incognito that also puts her in suspend animation for the length of time it will take to arrive at her required destination
  • Administrator's Outfit - The very, very simple outfit she wears on a daily basis made for her. It also has some basic armor protection imbued into the material and it comes with her specially designed claw for melee combat
  • Grathnode Crystals - Just a simple assortment of colorful Grathnode Crystals used for Install that would give her songs different effects such as power-ups, elemental attributes or resistances, harmonics increases, or weaken enemies. There have even been some rare Crystals that one shot KO enemies as well.)


  • Clear Sighted(3) - Due to Cerelia's enhanced senses unlike normal humans and her technological background, she cannot be fooled by illusions created from magic. (You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.)
  • Concentration(1) - As a Reyvateil Origin, Cerelia has a very good concentration from her training as an Administrator and also because she must be able to sing for a long time. (You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.)
  • Soothing Voice(2) - She is a Reyvateil after all. (You have an entrancing voice. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.)
  • Green Thumb(1) - Since Cerelia is a natural at creating land through her hymns, it doesn't take much toil either to make fauna grow without singing either. (Not only do plants thrive in your care, they almost seem to burst into bloom from your touch.)
  • Un-aging(2) - An ability gained from being made a Reyvateil Origin. (For some reason, you never age. While this has its benefits, if you know people long enough, they'll start to notice you not getting any older, which may cause some suspicion. While it's unlikely you'll die of old age, this merit does not keep you from getting ill or wounded.)


  • Lifesaver(3) - Cerelia, as a Reyvateil Origin, who creates and supports life will make it a point to not kill anything outright unless it is absolutely necessary in order to save herself, her world, or her friends. Viruses, however, are a different matter. (You revere all life and will not risk killing someone at all costs. Unfortunately, as a mercenary, this can sometimes be a problem.)
  • Soft-Hearted(1) - As a being described as the "Mother Goddess", it's only natural for Cerelia to become weak and in pain for those she sees suffering. (You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.)
  • Hatred(3) - Cerelia absolutely, positively, and completely has a strong dislike, distrust, and distaste for any being considered viral in her eyes. She loathes viruses and will do everything in her power to stop them no matter the cost. (There is something out there which you absolutely loathe, and will do anything to destroy it. If you need to roll to resist a berserker state, your roll is at a -2 penalty.)
  • Otherworldly Taint(2) - Cerelia, either by her flamboyant outfit, hair, or eyes, it will definitely be know that she is not your average, typical girl. (You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.)
  • Shy(1) - A flaw from having a portion of Shurelia's personality genetically imbued into her from birth. (You're not a social butterfly, to say the least. Many social rolls are at -1 penalty, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at -2 penalty.)

NPC(s) to go with char

  • ELMA-DS Hunters (mostly for battle and the occasional interaction)