Cait SithMkVI

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Cait Sith Mark VV!
Age N/A
Voice Actor
Series FF7
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Cait Sith Mark VI!
  • Age: N/A
  • Sex: N/A
  • Birthday: N/A
  • Parents: N/A
    • Place of Birth: Midgard
    • Nationality: Midgard
    • Specialty: N/A
    • Hobbies: N/A
    • Likes: N/A
    • Dislikes: N/A
    • Favorite Food: N/A
    • Least Favorite Food: N/A
    • Favorite Music: N/A
    • Favorite Sport: N/A
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Itself
    • Level of Education: N/A
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'4
    • Weight: 376 Lbs
    • Eyes:
    • Hair:
    • Special: It's a robot!


See Pic




Note: Most skills are pilot dependent, only those that are physical reliant on the model itself are listed.

Alertness - Amazing
Athletics - Amazing
Investigation - Incredible
Stealth - Incredible (Light sensors stationed along the body allow the pilot to determine just how visible their suit is)
Performance - Incredible (Hundreds of recorded songs!)

Special Abilities

Cait Sith Mk. VI!

The latest in line of Cait Sith models, we at Shin-ra Corp took a drastic turn! Personal mobility! Never be without your Cait Sith ever again! We've enhanced it in many new and exciting ways! Just take a look at some of these features!

-=Scanners=- Why try to improve on perfection? Because we're Shin-ra, that's why. These scanners are back and better then ever! Scanners switch between modes with merely a thought, minimap interface is included, with friend/foe desginations and enhanced targetting parameters, assisting the pilot in aiming at vital targets and preventing friendly fire.

-=Thrusters=- Remember the boosters? Remember the five hundred pounds? Well we did a few work arounds, and while we've made the machine weigh less, we made sure it still packed the punch it needed to. These thrusters allow the pilot to not only propel themselves in almost any direction, they do so with enough to punch through a brick wall without damage! OH YEA!

-=Armor=- That's right, with an increase in boosters, and to protect the vitals of the pilot, we've used new found armor layering techniques to make the armor just as tough, if not tougher, then in previous models! So whether it's wrestling a Marboro's tentacles, or being crushed by the infamous Midgard Serpent, know that your armor will keep you safe. Warning: We at Shin-ra corp do not recommend using the Cait Sith Mark VI to wrestle a Marlboro or be crushed by the Midgard Serpent.

-=Bad Breath!=- This nonlethal form of defense is also back and worse, with two fine options. The first is a small and controlled stream that ejects from the palm of of the Cait Sith Mark VI, used in cases where friendlies are nearby, the other is the same gas attack from before, coating an area in the foul stench, carefully cultivated in labs all over the world.

Now those are just some of our favorites coming back, now onto the newer features of the Cait Sith Mark VI!

-=M.M.L.S=- M.M.L.S?! What is this MMLS!? Why its the Multi-Materia Laser System of course! We at Shin-ra corp felt that throwing money at any problem came along while effect, gave our financial department a headache to no end, so we developed this! Using a high powered laser, and it's not just any regular laser, that wouldn't be Shin-ra if it was, this laser is enhanced with, you guessed it, Materia. This system sports the following features.

Single Shot: Looking for precise targetting? Perhaps only need to fire a warning shot? This would be the preferred method of delivery.

Burst Fire: Most effective at short range, and good overall, this method fires a three round burst at the enemy.

Gatling: This favorite has returned with a triumph! No longer limited to how much cash you've shoved into your favorite method of exploration and combat.

But that's not all, this finely made MMLS is..MATERIA MODULAR! Heading for an icey climate? Load a Fire materia into it and use elemental shots, teammate injured? Switch it over to your Cure Materia and give them a boost, choose your favorite six materia and load them in for your combative purposes!

-=Claws and Tail!=- That's right, Claws. We're going full on cat mode here. These claws give the pilot both a melee option should the situation gets tough, and even give the pilot options for when it comes to climbing or gripping. But that's not all! These claws also contain various tools the pilot might require for whatever reason that might be necessary! These claws even allow the pilot to climb along walls and other surfaces, including the ceiling! (Warning: Climbing along the ceiling will cause dizziness after sometime)

As an added feature, these claws, can share the traits of whatever Materia is loaded into he MMLS at the time! Electric claws?! NOT A PROBLEM!

Now onto the Tail! What kind of cat lacks one?! A NON-SHINRA ONE! THAT'S WHAT. This tail allows the pilot to assist with all balance issues, along with being an extra limb to grip, grab, and manipulate with, and, in a worse case scenario, a mono-molecular cutting ribbon! This handy little virtual assistant can be loaded with all sorts of neat features, including alerts to dangers the pilot might not be aware of, to monitoring various biological scanners. Should the pilot ever be rendered unconscious, the can take command of the suit's basic motor functions, and retreat them to a safe location for medical treatment.

-=Extra Features=-

With an internal temperature control, the pilot doesn't have to worry about environmental features such as heat, cold, or even drowning or it's own Bad Breath attack! Storage compartments in the arms are available should the pilot require to carry any non-vital tools, or contain snacks and drinks for longer trips. A knife is contained within another hidden compartment, located on the outside of the thigh, and in the other, a utility "combat shovel" that can be assembled within a minute is contained in the other both of which add utility to the beloved Cait Sith Mark VI.

On the long haul? With friends? Feel like playing some music as you lay waste to those who stand before you and want to play a tune to the lamentations of their women? We've installed a personal sound system both internal and external, allowing you to listen privately, or blast out your favorite tunes.

To further increase the Cait Sith's manueverability, retractable wheels have been installed into the units' feet, enabling the pilot to coast along distances while the thrusters remain active.

Powers & Merits

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Weaknesses & Flaws

NPC(s) to go with char