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(Linn Ssynec Rocr Ïarlumec Dreuc Haïder Asagyrh)
A.K.A. Asa
Age 17
Voice Actor Chiwa Saito
Relatives Jinto (Father), Lafiel, Ïadhyrec (Brother)
Series Crest of the Stars / Banner of the Stars
Player Lucian aka Josh
  • Name: Linn Ssynec Rocr Ïarlumec Dreuc Haïder Asagyrh ("Asagyrh")
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Nov 10
  • Parents: Ghintec ("Jinto", father), Lamhirh ("Lafir"/"Lafiel", "mother")
    • Place of Birth: Lacmhacarh ("Lakfakalle", Imperial Capitol Colony)
    • Nationality: Abh Empire (Frybarec)
    • Specialty: Piloting
    • Hobbies: Low-Gravity Sports, Mountain-climbing and other ground-based activities, ground and space exploration
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food: Peach tea (til nom) with a slice of lemon (lope)
    • Favorite Sport: Mountain-climbing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Photo of her father and "mother" together
    • Level of Education: Imperial Pilot Academy
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Chiwa Saito
  • Physical Stats
  • Height: 5'10" (176cm)
  • Weight: 115 lbs (52kg)
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Light blue
  • Special: Like all Abh, Asagyrh has a "space sensory organ" on her forehead. This appears as a small, diamond-shaped "pearl" on the middle of her forehead. She usually wears a specially-designed tiara to cover it.


Abh are genetically modified before birth to share some common physical traits. All Abh have blue hair, though the particular color may vary by the taste of the parent. Asagyrh has light blue hair and red eyes, and facial features reminiscent of her "mother".


Asagyrh is a care-free young girl with a noble lineage. She is the heiress to the Earldom of Haïdec. Because her father is human, she'll have to take the title and office sooner than most Abh are accustomed to, so she plans to live her life and have fun while fulfilling her obligations as a noble. Like all Abh, she takes her job and her obligation seriously, but she's very much inherited the curiosity and sense of wonder of both the surface world and of space alike, from both of the people who have supplied her genes.


Asagyrh (pronounced "Asagiri") is the daughter of Count Ghintec of Haïdec, a large populated star system within the Abh Empire. Like all Abh, she only has one parent, her father. Her "Mother" is her father's long-time friend, Queen of the Dobreusc Kingdom and Empress Candidate Lamhirh (pronounced "Lafiru" or "Lafiel"). Carrying on a bit of a joke between Lamhirh and Ghintec, Asagyrh's father allowed her to believe that the person who supplied her genes was one of the family cats.

When she was about six years old, her father introduced her to a new friend, a young, quiet boy named Ïadhyrec. They would play together often, exploring and causing a bit of trouble around both the Imperial Capitol and the space colony orbiting Martinec, her father's home planet. It wasn't until she turned 14 and left for the Imperial Naval Academy that she learned that the quiet young boy, her childhood friend, was a Crown Prince, the son of the queen of one of the Eight Kingdoms, and her older brother.

Asagyrh arrived at the Naval Academy to begin her obligatory military service training. She found that she excelled at piloting, a skill she learned when Ïadhyrec let her try her hand at flying one of the family's small private shuttles. She entered the pilot training program, quickly advancing through her studies, displaying her mother's natural gift with spatial sense and graceful flying. She was absolutely beside herself with joy when she learned that her training cruise would be aboard one of the Empire's newest space exploration vessels.

While exploring a region of Planar Space, however, her ship came under attack by a rogue fleet of United Mankind militants. Dissatisfied with their defeat almost forty years prior, these militants sought to spark a new war against the Abh Empire, seeking to restore the glory of their old regime. Asagyrh's ship fought with incredible ferocity, eliminating seven of the ten ships that attacked it. However, hull and systems damage was accumulating to the point where the ship couldn't sustain itself any longer.

The captain ordered Asagyrh to take a shuttle and report the incident to the fleet. However, Asagyrh's shuttle was damaged in the explosion of the mother ship. With her space-time field generator beginning to collapse, and life-support beginning to fail, all seemed lost... until a new Gate opened up directly in the path of her shuttle. She used the last remaining main system power to correct her shuttle's path, lining it up to pass through the Gate, and hopefully, to a planet where she could survive.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Detectable by her Spatial Sensor power - Amazing (+5), Other situations (sounds, purely visual cues like writing) - Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: In Conjunction with her Spatial Sensor Power - Amazing (+5, +7 including Gracefulness, Catlike Balance), Other situations (Endurance checks, etc) - Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice (+1) - Deception is somewhat foreign to Abh. They very much call it like it is.
  • Streetwise: Abyssmal (-1) - Asagyrh is a Space Countess and military officer and knows virtually nothing of life on the mean streets.
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Combat Tactics: Very Good (+3) - Asagyrh has a good head for battle and combat, especially starship combat.
  • Computers: Incredible (+4) - She's from the FUTURE.
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Basic First Aid - Good (+2)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Abyssmal (-1) - What's a ghost? Silly human superstitions, that's what.
  • Politics: Abh Empire - Incredible (+4) - She's a noble.
  • Science: Motion Physics - Incredible (+4), Everything else Very Good (+3) - She's from the FUTURE.
  • Language: Baronr - Native Language, English - Very Good (+3), Japanese - Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Amazing (+5) - Not only does her spatial sense afford her improved sense of space, but her increased gravity tolerance gives her the ability to execute maneuvers which otherwise would strain normal drivers.
  • Piloting: Amazing (+5, +7 with Ace Piloting) - Same above, but with piloting air and space vehicles, especially high-G maneuvers.
  • Survival: Good (+2) - Her father has encouraged her to spend time on the ground. She knows her way around basic camping and survival gear; she can make a fire with sticks, and knows how to find good shelter.
  • Empathy: Novice (+1)

Special Abilities

  • Combat Piloting: Asagyrh's primary focus is combat piloting of all types of spacecraft. Abh spacecraft are specially designed to take advantage of the "spatial sensor" organ which all Abh possess. This allows her to have a fully three-dimensional view of the environment around her ship when she connects her tiara to the ship's sensor systems.
  • Weapon Training: Asagyrh has had formal military training with blaster pistols and rifles, and grenades. Her spatial sensor grants her extra-fine ability to aim and shoot as one of the skills pilots learn is the ability to predict motion based on spatial displacement.
  • Acrobatics: Abh are physically graceful, and Asagyrh's participation in both low-gravity and standard-gravity sports affords her a special talent to perform feats of acrobatic skill in almost any environment.

Powers & Merits

  • Spatial Sensor: Abh possess a spatial sensory organ, which allows them to see and feel the space around them. As such, any person or object which enters Asagyrh's detection radius, about 100m, is "visible" to her, whether or not they're using any effects such as stealth, cloaking, or ki suppression. This ability functions in any lighting situation as it is not visual in nature. With this ability she can perceive illusions as fake if they are otherwise incorporeal or concealing a difference in mass or shape of the disguised object or individual. You can't hide the space and air you're displacing. The only exception to this is if a person or object is phased or concealed entirely within a solid mass.
  • Acceleration Tolerance: Abh are capable of withstanding extreme gravitational acceleration and physical impact.
  • Physical Perfection: Abh are genetically engineered to high levels of physical perfection. As such, they do not catch any diseases, nor do they ever display any genetic maladies such as cancer. Abh live for about 200 years. They grow about the same as a normal human until age 15, then slowly mature for the next ten years. After that, they show no further signs of physical aging until they die.
  • Loyalty - Abh Empire (1): Asagyrh is a member of the Abh Empire and the Imperial Star Forces. All Abh are fiercely loyal to the Empire.
  • Common Sense (1): She's had the best of both worlds with practical wisdom to survive both in space, on planets, in the military, and in politics.
  • Time Sense (1): A necessary feat for space pilots, she has an impeccable sense of timing. In conjunction with her spatial sensor, she can accurately predict the travel time, speed, and estimated time and point of impact
  • Crack Driving - Piloting (1): Asagyrh is very good at piloting Abh ships.
  • Graceful (2): Abh are naturally graceful, but Asagyrh's interest in sports has led her to gain a very solid gracefulness of her own.
  • Catlike Balance (2): Her spatial sense and gracefulness combined grant her a strong sense of balance, even in extreme situations.


  • Clynh: A wrist-mounted computer, a Clynh is a combination of a personal assistant and an interface to the pilot control systems of an Abh spacecraft.
  • Blaster Pistol: A charged matter weapon. Abh weapons do not require ammunition, though they do require a charging period about every 100 shots fired.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Spatial Sensor Dependence: Asagyrh absolutely depends on her spatial sensor organ. If she's in a situation where this power is suppressed or hindered (example, some kind of spatial anomaly all around her), her Driving, Piloting, Alertness, and Athletics skills all drop to Abyssmal (-1), and all of her other skills take a -2 penalty due to the confusion.
  • Curiosity (-2): Asagyrh is very curious about new places, planets, and experiences.
  • Isolated Upbringing - Alien (-1): She's an alien. Earth's social customs are a bit foreign to her.