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Akaru Stingray
Age 16
Voice Actor Mizuhashi Kaori
Relatives Mackie Stingray (father)
Tomoe Hotaru (mother)
Toki Stingray (sister)
Series Bubblegum Crisis / Sailor Moon
Player Josh aka Lucian
  • Name: Akaru Stingray
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Jan 12
  • Parents: Mackie Stingray, Tomoe Hotaru
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Mechanics and mechanical engineering
    • Hobbies: Motorcycle racing
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mizuhashi Kaori
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 155
    • Eyes: Violet
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


Akaru tends to dress well in most situations, prefering jackets, dress shirts, and slacks. When he's working in a machine shop, though, he'll wear jeans and t-shirts of popular pop bands.


Akaru is highly confident and adept at social situations. Sometimes, though, he can overreach with his confidence, which can turn around and bite him hard. Akaru has a bit of a wandering eye for the ladies, and while he certainly has no trouble with girls, he can sometimes be manipulated by a girl who can catch his wandering eye and use it for her advantage.


Akaru is the son of billionaire businessman Mackie Stingray and child prodigy Hotaru Tomoe. One day, when he and his sister were little kids, a strange young girl named Sagiko came to visit them. The girl was shy and quiet, like his sister, but they found that they played well together. Akaru always found interesting things to show her, whether it was fireflies in the park, or views of the Rainbow Bridge. Her visits were occasionally brief, and he looked forward to her return. However, when he got older, Sagiko stopped visiting. His sister reassured him that she would return someday.

Akaru grew up as an outgoing and carefree young man. He seemed to have a natural affinity for meeting and relating to people, and got along well with all of his classmates. He did his best to help his sister with her difficulties in school, making sure he'd include her in activities and exposing her to his clique of friends.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible +4 (Increased by Lenneth), Normally - Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Amazing +5 (Increased by Lenneth), Normally - Good (+2)
  • Stealth: Good +2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible +4
  • Streetwise: Very Good +3
  • Intimidation: Good +2
  • Leadership: Novice +1
  • Expression: Good +2
  • Etiquette: Incredible +4
  • Performance: Good +2

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good +3
  • Investigation: Incredible +4
  • Medicine: Good +2
  • Law: Good +2
  • Politics: Good +2
  • Robotics: Incredible +4
  • Repair: Incredible +4
  • Science: General - Very Good +3, Motorcycles - Incredible (+5, +7 with Crack Driver)
  • Technology: Incredible +4 (+5 with Ability Aptitude)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good +3
  • Survival: Novice +1
  • Empathy: Very Good +3

Special Abilities

  • Firearm Training: Akaru is skilled in defending himself with firearms.
  • Basic Self-Defense Training: Akaru is also skilled in basic self-defense... escapes, throws, basic martial arts.

Powers & Merits

  • Gall (2): Akaru, for a mere mortal, has a pretty strong social backbone. He calls it like it is and people tend to listen.
  • Ability Aptitude (1) "Engineering": He's got an incredibly solid grasp on mechanical engineering... there's very little he can't build with time and parts.
  • Animal Magnetism (1): Akaru is a natural playboy.
  • Crack Driver (1) "Motorcycles": Akaru is an expert motorcyclist and capable of insane riding stunts.
  • Self-Confident (5): Akaru has an incredible sense of confidence. He's good at what he does and he knows it.


Coming in the form of a Tarot card, the Persona are a person's inner power manifested. Usually by making a deal or summoning some sort of supernatural entity, bound to the Tarot card it becomes the user's Persona, which can be summoned and used as a weapon or to cast magical effects.

Lenneth Valkyrie

Lenneth Valkyrie.
  • Name: Lenneth Valkyrie
  • Type: None
  • Affects: Agility
  • Resistances: Physical Damage
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Electricity, Nuclear, Almighty
  • Special Abilities:
    • Physical Defense: Lenneth increases the user's defense, and allows them to survive other types of attacks normal humans could not. It is especially resilient against physical attacks, but its defenses against its weaknesses are non-existent. The Persona itself, if summoned, takes heavy damage from those. (Gameplay Wise: The Persona user can take punishment that could kill an ordinary human and survive it. It does not give them invincibility or even resistance to those things, but like a Magical Girl, they can take 'general damage' instead of 'Bullet wound to the neck'. It provides NO defense against its weaknesses.)
  • Special Attacks:
    • Gram Slash: Lenneth Valkyrie appears and slashes with her sword at one enemy.
    • Return to Valhalla: Lenneth Valkyrie slashes at high speeds through all enemies, with the wind forming from her blades, causing low Sword + Wind damage.
    • Niebelung Valesti!: Lenneth Valkyrie stabs her sword into the ground, causing a wide area to freeze over, and those caught in it might suffer frost, slowing them down considerably. (Game Terms: Low Ice-type damage on all enemies in a 30' radius from the target spot, and chances are they will be Slowed and Freezing, making them sluggish and in pain. Ice-weak enemies will automatically suffer these penalties.)
    • To Me My Einherjar: Lenneth Valkyrie raises her sword and enchants all allies around the user, magically protecting them from instant death and boosting their resolve. (Game terms: Mild Magic and Physical protection on all party members, and they can ignore wound pain and all attacks do 'generic HP damage', even head shots, leg slashes and so on, for a few minutes of combat.)
    • ????
    • ????
  • Spells: A Persona can use Tarot cards or other methods to learn spells. Each Persona has a number of 'slots' it can use to learn spells. Spells can be taught to the Persona then either upgraded to the next level, or replaced by an entirely different spell.
    • Open Slot
    • Open Slot
    • Open Slot

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Compulsion (1) "Lecherousness": Akaru likes the ladies.
  • Phobia (1) "Darkness": Akaru is afraid of the dark.
  • Overconfident (1): Akaru can be a bit too confident in his abilities, even if something is actually beyond him.
  • Weak-Willed (2) "Prone to seduction": Akaru is prone to being maniuplated by ladies. This can and will get him into extreme danger, often requiring rescue by a very irritated Soldier of Silence.