Michelle Mishina

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Mishina 'Gabriella' Mayao
Michelle-sama at the beach. Artwork by Cinnie
A.K.A. Michelle-sama
Age 21
Voice Actor Orisaka Ai
Relatives Eikichi Mishina - Father
Series Persona
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Mishina 'Gabriella' Mayao
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: October 30th
  • Parents: Mishina Eikichi and that one chick
    • Place of Birth: Sumaru
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Being Loud
    • Hobbies: Modeling
    • Likes: Make up, clothes, fashion, strutting and being center of attention
    • Dislikes: rude people, bullies
    • Favorite Food: Cake
    • Least Favorite Food: Cake
    • Favorite Music: J-Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Volleyball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her bike.
    • Level of Education: some college.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Ai Orisaka
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7
    • Weight: 145
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Black (dyes it blue)
    • Special: pale skin, extravagant name brand clothes


there will be a pic


Passionate.. extremely passionate. Self-centered but that's just on the outside. Deeply inside she cares for whoever is close to her and she'd fight to the death for her friends. She comes off as being incredibly arrogant but that's only to hide her low self-esteem.


Born and raised in a loving family home, Mayao was never really normal. She was loved and cared for by her parents.. but she was never really satisfied with her image, especially with the way she saw how both of her parents were never satisfied with themselves. Mayao also grew up with the same physique Eikichi did when he was younger. This never truly bothered Mayao until people at school started to tease Mayao about her weight. They called her 'Mayo-chan' and so forth, constantly poking fun.. it didn't really mean much to her until her crush in school joined in on the teasing. She ran home crying that day and her parents tried to comfort her.

She was constantly reminded from both of her parents to love herself and not to take whatever anyone says to heart. Mayao agreed, but only on the outside. Inside, it still stung. Eikichi and his wife (who's name is escaping me right now) still tried to help boost their daughters self esteem.. even by trying to share their own stories about how they changed while growing up.

Their stories sparked something within Mayao. She found hope for change.. and decided to follow through with her parents footsteps. Mayao followed her fathers eating habits and exercised dramatically (taking up gymnastics and eskrima).. She lost all her weight as she became a teenager and inherited most of her mother's delicate looks. She became beautiful.

She started lashing out at those who mocked her and those who hurt others.. often getting into fights like how her father did.. and also with the help of A LITTLE FRIEND (LOL PERSONA). She became the gorgeous ice-queen of her school.

With the beauty however.. she wanted to flaunt it. She wanted to flaunt the gifts she never had before.. so with that she decided to take up modeling. She also does some singing and the typical idol-type of things.. however, while in the spotlight.. she rather lost sight of herself. Her high outlandish attitude only seems to cover up that low self-esteem inside and even went as far as to make her guilty.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Note: Red text is when Michelle uses her Persona.

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good +3/Incredible +4
  • Athletics: Incredible +4/Amazing +5
  • Stealth: Very Good +3/Very Good+3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good +3
  • Streetwise: Good +2
  • Intimidation: Amazing +5
  • Leadership:
  • Expression: Very Good +3
  • Etiquette: Good +2
  • Performance: Incredible +4

Mental Skills:

  • Computers:
  • Investigation: Good +2
  • Medicine:
  • Law:
  • Occult: Very Good +3
  • Politics:
  • Science:

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good +2
  • Survival:
  • Empathy: Good +2
  • Animal Ken:

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Eskrima/Escrima: she knows knife fighting! As well as battling with batons and tonfas.

Gunslinging: Michelle knows how to shoot guns. She's also got her father's customized Machine-gun guitar case as well as a guitar case that holds giant tonfa-like guns.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Persona - Michelle has the ability to call upon her Persona. A Persona is a manifestation of a person's personality in the Persona series, referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship. A Persona is similar to a Shadow. Shadows are malevolent manifestations of one's inner thoughts, while a Persona is a manifestation of the same feelings but tamed and trained. If an individual takes up a resolution in their heart, the Persona will undergo a metamorphosis into a stronger form. While the summoning sequences of a Persona differs from one installment to the next, a tradition that later adaptions follow is that blue-ish fogs are always released when a Persona is invoked. A fight using Personas weighs the user's mind and spirit.


Ran Ranru~.
  • Name: Ran Ranru
  • Tarot: Death
  • History: Born from the land of nightmares... Ran Ranru was said to once be a civil servant who brought joy and happiness to children and elderly alike with sweetness and great food. After a devestating fire, Ran Ranru lost everything. Vowing to stay true to his innocence and purity, Ran Ranru keeps the face of a clown though the fires of his death continues to surround him. He constantly searches for a way to bring closure to his torment.
  • Physical Skills:
    • Alertness: Incredible +4
    • Athletics: Amazing +5
    • Stealth: Very Good +3
  • Abilities
    • Agi - Deal low fire damage to one enemy.
    • Straight Slash - Deal medium Sword damage to one enemy
    • Mudo - Deal Dark attack to one enemy.
    • Mamudo - Deal Dark attack to a group of enemies.
    • Zanma - Deal medium Almighty damage to one enemy.
    • Tetraja - Nullify one Light or Dark attack for one ally.
  • Resistances
    • Dark/Fire
  • Weaknesses
    • Water/Holy


  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
  • Burning Aura (2): Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.
  • Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...
  • Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Items Of Note

Her motorcycle, custom Machine-gun guitar, custom tonfa-guns.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Has low self-esteem and lashes out by getting into fights really easily. Stomach hurts too usually from her bad eating habits. She's also incredibly, incredibly weak for sweets.


  • Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.
  • Disturbing Mannerism (2): You have a habit or character trait which is peculiar, gross, or annoying. You may not even be aware of it-but boy, everyone else is. Penalties of social rolls are increased at the GM's discretion. Michelle likes to talk in pseudo english and pants her foes.
  • Compulsive Speech (aka Big Mouth) (1): For whatever reason, you have difficulty sticking to the rule, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all." 1 point makes you talkative and a bit blunt.
  • Intolerance (1): You have difficulty tolerating a specific thing or type of person, and are likely to snap at them and be dismissive. Michelle can't tolerate people who bully others.

NPC(s) to go with char

Her Persona, Ran Ran Ru.