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Age 21
Voice Actor Jun Fukuyama
Relatives Hiei (father), Mukuro (mother/father/leader)
Series Yu Yu Hakusho
Player Awesome(Wally)
  • Name: Aku
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: 10/31
  • Parents: Hiei and Mukuro
    • Place of Birth: Makai
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Swordsmanship
    • Hobbies: Sleeping, Fighting, Reading Manga
    • Likes: Silence, quiet meditation
    • Dislikes: Loud Annoying People
    • Favorite Food: Ice Cream...he really likes it
    • Least Favorite Food: Tofu
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His Sword
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Jun Fukuyama
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 188
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Has a Third Eye on his forehead. Special seal keeps it invisible unless it is being used.


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On the outside is a cold hearted, incredibly stoic, intimidating man. However on the inside...he is just about the same really, though even deeper rests is a guy who just enjoys his friends and is

willing to bring people in if they chink away all that dark matter that surrounds his nice guy self. An incredibly unbiased person when it comes to whoever he fights, never gives or shows mercy and will kill. He is incredibly aloof and may seem like he doesn't give a crap about others, however if you earn his respect it is something that you best cherish because he is someone that will stick by your side till the end.


  • Hiei - Father/Instructor
  • Mukuro - Mother/Father/Superior
  • Kurama - Instructor


After it was all over, Mukuro realized Hiei was good enough to produce her/him a strong and powerful child, which he did. Aku was their first born son and was granted unfathomable strength at such a young age. To forge him into a proper heir, Hiei and Mukuro put him through many forms of rigorous training to hone all of his abilities. Once it was all done he was the perfect soldier for Mukuro's army, however under recommendation from his teacher Kurama, he went tot he human world so he could understand life there also so he could learn how humans work and function to help me balance his mind mentally also and become more well rounded. So that is what he did, he left makai to spend some time in the human world and see what he could see there while also patrolling the human world for any harmful demons that may pass through the barrier.


Physical Skills:

  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Novice
  • Expression: Abysmal (Ma Ma Ma ma Pokerface...)
  • Etiquette: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Amazing

Special Abilities

Jaou Ensatsu Kokuryuha - Usues his demon energy to summon a giant black dragon made of black flames to attack his foe. The flames consume everything that it comes in contact with and it sends them directly to oblivion. This is his most powerful attack and it is very taxing on his body. When he turns the dragon onto himself he can use it to boost his abilities and shoot black flames from his hands than his usual normal orange flames.

Jaou Enstatsu Rengoku Sho - Summons the mortal orange flames of the human world around his fists to enahnce his strikes, can also use this ability like a flame thrower.

Jaou Ensatsu Ken - Can create a sword made of black flames, much less taxing on the body than the Kokuryuha

Ensatsu Kokuryuha - A much smaller version of the Dragon and much less taxing on the body also. When using either the Jaou Enstatsu or the Enstatsu Kokuryuha he must go into a state of hibernation after he uses it

Powers & Merits

Extreme Speed - Is fast, very very fast. Moves so fast people think he is tele-porting but he is just that damn fast. A side effect of his speed is his ability to leave after images.

Jagan Eye - The surgically implanted third eye that gives him sight beyond sight, mind control over minor and lesser demons. It also allows him better control over the Kokuryuha.

Loyalty (1) - Is loyal to his parents Hiei and Mukuro.

Light Sleeper (1) - When he isn't hibernating is an INCREDIBLY light sleeper.

Acute Sense (1) - Amazing Eyesight that matches his amazing speed.

Unique Items

Items Of Note

His sword

Special Arm Wrappings that Seal the Black Dragon in his right arm.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Intolerance (1) - Idiots

Isolated Upbringing (1) Was raised in the wild wooley wildernesses of Makai as a child and into his teenage years. Had a home tutor in the form of Kurama.

Deep Sleeper (1): Waking up is hard; getting you moving is hard enough (-2 on all rolls to wake up), getting you comprehending what's going on after you're up isn't much easier. (When he is hibernating it is impossible to wake him up)