Federation City

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Federation City
Also Known As Attitude City, The Federation, McMahon Town
Organization Type City
Leadership Mayor Ric Flair
Membership Vincent McMahon (Missing), Stephanie McMahon, The Undertaker
Associated With Corporate Ministry, Chain Gang, Evolution, New World Order, Megapowers (formerly)
Related To N/A

Federation City is a city on a different world where everything is solved by the power of Professional Wrestling.


For decades, several smaller towns shared the same general market, competing against each other in a time they refer to nowadays as the 'Territories' era. During this time, families grew and prospered in their town, and leaving to get to another Territory was viewed very poorly indeed. One of the major families, leading one of the most prosperous territories, was the McMahon family, headed by the patriarch, Vincent McMahon, Sr. His name carried much weight, and even in other territories, people spoke very well of him. However, McMahon Sr. was a traditionalist, whereas his son, McMahon Jr, was far more of a visionary.

Rock Connection

Federation City was founded when several smaller towns came together, uniting their businesses and following the name of 'McMahon', but this time it was the Son. He saw potential for the territories to be something more, to become a power on the national level, by expanding and getting talents from all over the country. While he was met with a lot of resistance at first, he was backed by contacts in the media, the entertainment industry, and most tellingly of all, a man, a hero, a legend. Hulk Hogan. By backing Vince McMahon's Titans Enterprises, Hogan made a lot of people start to back the Federation City project, and soon enough, those who had loyally backed McMahon Jr were benefiting from the growing prosperity of Federation City.
But all prosperity attracts crime. While the hero, Hogan, stood tall against his many rivals, before long, he was challenged on all sides, and some of his steadfast allies were eventually turned, swayed by the most powerful kingpin of the era, Theodore DiBiase, who proved time and time again, everyone has a price. But not Hogan. He never fell, never switched sides, and kept fighting against all oppression, holding to the values of truth, justice, and the American way. This brought out some powerful allies, who, while embroiled in their own rivalries, took time to join with and help Hogan in Federation City, including his greatest partner, the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Together, they formed the ultimate heroic duo, the Megapowers, against which none could stand.

Days of Glory

Eventually, fighting against near impossible odds, others came to fight in the place of the Megapowers. One man in particular was hailed as the new hero of Federation City. The Ultimate Warriors. Arriving from Parts Unknown, and espousing a personal 'Warrior Philosophy', the Ultimate Warrior may have been the single most powerful man to ever wander into Federation City. Facing off several opponents, and rapidly tearing through them, he rose to be Federation City's most liked hero, which had an adverse affect on the Megapowers. With the loss of their status, and the growing rumors involving their personal lives, the duo was no longer as tight as they were before, and began acting alone again.
During this time, the Ultimate Warrior challenged Hogan. No one knows why this battle came about. Detractors and fans of both men blame the one or the other. Some claim Hogan was supplanting the Warrior, others claim the Warrior was just a violent lunatic and Hogan wanted to show him the right way. The truth may never come out, but at the end of their climactic battle, Hogan stepped down, and handed the duties of Federation City's greatest Champion to the Warrior. Though even at that moment, it was obvious, before the cameras and the world, that while he may have done the right thing, Hogan was dismayed at the loss of his status. For some time, both men fought the good fight apart, and eventually together, when the Military Commander of Federation City's garrison teamed up with a terrorist Shiek, but the tension between them was never going away.

The Dark Days

When the next decade came around, the people of Federation City had grown to enjoy a 'darker' brand of heroes. There wasn't as much room for Hulkamania or the Macho Man's antics at the time, and the enemies the Ultimate Warrior had to face were of a different breed. More sinister, more brutal. This was the era of the Undertaker. He made his mark as one of the most powerful figures of Federation City. At first, he appeared to be a neutral force, but his first alliance was with the man who would be Hogan's greatest rival, Ric Flair. This marked him clearly as a force of darkness, but capable of acts of good as well, much like the Death he claims to be part of. Several legends of Federation left during this time, and the darkest revelation came about.
The Ultimate Warrior left Federation City. His detractors had been proven right, apparently. His departure and subsequent inability to prove otherwise left him labeled a gloryhound and a lunatic. How true this was may never be known, but the bottom line is, with the Megapowers split up, and the Champion of Federation City gone, the entire city was ripe for the picking. The order long established, the era of calm that had prospered in the city was gone, and several cliques formed to split up the entire city. Between the McMahon family, Ric Flair's influence, and the new blood moving into the city, being nominally heroic but willing to act in a very heelish way, the population embraced the new darkness of the City.

New Attitude

Newcomers came to Federation City. They, unlike the previous era of heroes, were not kind, or even acted like it. They were far from role models, but the citizens embraced it. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin came from Texas and delivered a new brand of vigilante justice, standing up to any and all authority, attacking whoever he damn well pleased, and following his own code of law, called 'Austin 3:16'. Another came from outside, calling himself The Rock, and rapidly became the most electrifying man in Federation City. Neither of them got along with each other, both picked fights with whoever they pleased, for different reasons. Austin was an anarchist, disliking anyone trying to tell him what to do, and The Rock was a man whose pride could carry him through hell, cutting down whoever got in his way. Both were equally likely to act for good as for evil.
The members of the most powerful Kliq had, at this time, gone their own way, and their head had been targeted by the Hitman, one of the most respected figures in Federation City. The Heartbreak Kid and The Hitman had their showdown, but when push came to shove, the Hitman was betrayed by Vince McMahon, causing him to leave Federation City right after. From this fallout, many great names rose from the ranks. Triple H. The Evo 1.0 gang. The Big Red Machine, and the insane Mankind. More and more vicious and brutal powerhouses moved to Federation City, and the McMahon family was viewed as more and more corrupt, especially when Titan Enterprises did a hostile takeover of its rivals, which caused many other heroes and villains to invade Federation City.

The Modern Age

Several figures now vie for power in the Federation City Arena. Ric Flair's connections and influence got him elected mayor, and he recruited the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H, and two of the most impressive and powerful up and comers to form his personal entourage, Evolution. Vince McMahon has gone missing, The Rock has moved to Hollywood, and Stone Cold is still only in business for himself. John Bradshaw Layfield's money and influence have mad him a figurehead of the Federation City power players, but the vast majority of the people there are held captive by the power of the Stables running the city. Police has been corrupted, the law is meaningless, and those who do fight for truth and Justice have to keep resorting to worse methods, over and over.

Current Profile

Federation City is one of the most powerful, influential city in the American North West.

Known Members

Titan Enterprises

The biggest company in Federation City, associated to the very foundation of the City for generations.

  • Vincent Kennedy McMahon:
  • Shane McMahon:
  • Stephanie McMahon:

City Hall (Evolution)

The elected and corrupt mayor of Federation City, and his personal entourage. Always sharply dressed and clearly dangerous to a fault.

  • Mayor Ric Flair:
  • Triple H:
  • Batista:
  • Randy Orton:

Federation Police Department

  • The Mountie:
  • Big Boss Man:

The Ministry of Darkness

A mystical and supernatural gang of criminals operating and running roughshod all over Federation City.

  • Undertaker:
  • Kane:
  • Brock Lesnar:
  • The Big Show:


Formerly the heroes of Federation City, they left the city in the care of someone who turned out to be genuinely insane, and went their separate ways.

  • Hulk Hogan:
  • Randy 'Macho Man' Savage:


  • The Chain Gang: A small group out to make a name for themselves against the other gangs of the city.
  • The Jobbers: A blue collar gang of thugs and brutes, always on a recruitment drive, but their best members tend to be headhunted.
  • The Shield: A recently arriving group in the city. Many think they are the best hope for the city, but those who have met them see them as a bigger threat.
  • Federation News: always on the lookout for more information, this news team is on the move. Featuring Mean Gene, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.
  • Sting: When a man's heart is full of deceit, it burns up and dies...and a dark shadow falls over his soul. From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y49jp354gNs


  • This is meant to be a work of fiction. It was inspired by someone's old RPG campaign and some creative reorganizing of the Wrestling World's History.