Ouroboros Gift

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A set of gifts has been recently delivered to the agents at the inn courtesy of one Dr. Isozaki from Ouroboros GenEn Biotechnologies. There's also a simple tablet containing a video message for the agents. When it gets played, there's Gizmo's face on the screen from the POV of him holding the camera at himself.

Gizmo's soundtrack to make people emotional. Press play, hijo!

<Gizmo> *Walking with the camera still pointed at his face.* "Hola mi amigos. We meet again. Things are looking good now that I have my hybrid brethren and sisters back home and under our protection. Let's check on them, sígueme!"

<Camera> *Gets turned around to point to big medic lab with the huge amount of beds where the agents first found themselves naked after being knocked out by sleepy gas. There is a LOT of hybrids hanging around, being attended by the Ouroboro medics and researchers. Gizmo will stop to point the camera randomly at different hybrids, telling them they were saved by Paradigm and this is a video message to them. All of them are very grateful for the rescue, thanking verbally. Some with teary-eyed expressions, especially the ones with families and kids. There's also a few who are apologizing for making being aggressive back in the mission, that they couldn't control themselves. Next part shows Gizmo visiting the specific boss Hybrids that the agents fought in the mission. The girl seems incredibly chipper and happy, picking up Gizmo to hug to her buxomy chest, which the viewer gets a pretty good view with the camera since Gizmo is still holding onto it. Then Gizmo visits the male with the red eyes and black hair who's asleep in bed. Gizmo is seen jumping onto the guy's bed and crawling over his body, trying to wake him up with some paw swipes at his face then actually pokes the guy in the eye, giving him a rude awakening. Gizmo is later seen running away rofl. Pretty much a feel-good, happy-ending news report!*

<Gizmo> *Can be heard sniffling behind the camera.* "I think someone is cutting onions around her--..." *Starts hacking up a hairball onto the ground. Will start chuckling proudly.* "Ay mira! That is a BIG one, no?" *Chuckling to himself some more then stops suddenly when he hears Embla's voice.*

<Embla> "GIZMO, it's all over the floor, I told you to stop doing that in the lab! IT'S UNSANITARY!"

<Gizmo> "Vamanos!" *Camera gets pointed at the ground as the cat flees away from Embla. Lots of huffing and puffing sounds are heard from him.* "Okay I think we are safe. Oh look, we're in the hangar. It's senor Macaroni." *Lifts the camera up to point it at Mackenzie.*

<Mackenzie> "Hey-hey, it's the fuzz ball of death. My name is actually Mackenzie, Gizmo." *Waves a hand to the camera since it's human instinct to do that whenever there is a camera present.*

<Gizmo> "Tomayto, tomahto. I believe you have a gift to show, yes?"

<Mackenzie> "Oh you bet. I not only work on aircrafts, I also work on cars and bikes. This has been a special little project of mine I've been working on for a while, and I think you guys deserve it for what they did for us yesterday." *Pulls back a tarp to reveal a pretty sweet motorcycle.* "They told me that you guys have a garage, so it'll be delivered there."

PRJMoto Custom Motorcycle

<Gizmo> "Echale! Look at how shiny this thing is. Imagine all the chica bonitas I can get with this." *Puts down the camera to point at the motorcycle. Gizmo is seen walking into the camera view. Looks like he's failing miserably to jump onto the bike then he looks over to Mackenzie's direction.* "A little help, por favor?" *Everyone freezes when the ground shakes suddenly, sounds like something big is coming towards Gizmo and Mackenzie as they both look to the left side of the screen.*

<Voice> *Sounds like Bruce the shark from Finding Nemo.* "Oi, fuzzball, let me 'elp ya' there." *Freaking Hulk-sized shark hybrid humanoid walks into view and picks up Gizmo by the back of the neck.*


<Gizmo> "Nononononono, don't touch me, bola de manteca!!" *Lifting his little paws up trying to shield himself but gets picked up and lifted off screen, yowling angrily.*

<Shark Hybrid> "Ow! The lil' bugger scratched me! C'mere you! I jus' wan' a lil' bite!"

<Camera> *Showing a lot of scrambling and commotion between the Gizmo, the Shark-man and Mackenzie, then the Shark-man accidently kicks over the camera and the screen goes black. After a few seconds the pictures comes back to show Gizmo with his fur standing on end, some parts of it is wet and there's some patches of blood too. He's seen holding up his machete and the edge of it also has blood on it. Looks like he is also hyper-ventilating.*

<Gizmo> "... and this my friends.. is why you do not make a cat angry." *Puts the machete across his back then straightens out his fur, with an occasional cleaning lick. After regaining his composure, he picks up the camera to walk it over to two big, shiny briefcases.* "Ay mira, this my favorite part of the video. Dr. Isozaki's company also has access to the Armstech Weapons division, and he uh.. let's say 'borrowed' some of their prototypes for testing. These are a gift from him to you, Paradigm." *Starts flipping open the briefcases to reveal their contents. One looks like a futuristic assault rifle and the other looks like futuristic katana.*

FLAAT katana prototype
ARH-42 GVOZD assault rifle prototype

<Gizmo> "Well that's it mi amigos. Enjoy the gifts, remember... bring catnip the next time you come here. It's for uh my glaucoma, yes that's it."

<Embla> *Voice chimes in from off-screen.* "No catnip, you get all weird when you get into catnip and say stupid things like 'Oye chica, did you know that we actually drink air?' or do stupid stuff like trying to hug a goldfish."

<Gizmo> "Hex-damn! It was only one time! Geeze, it always come back to that every time we have this conversation, chica. At least you didn't find the dead bird in your lock... er. I gotta' go!" *Realizes what he said and starts running towards the camera to pick it up and turn it off.*