Lilith Twilight

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Lilith Twilight
Age 23
Voice Actor Yui Horie
Relatives Lumina Twilight (Sister)
Series Original
Player Soul
  • Name: Lilith Twilight
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: January 11th
  • Likes: Slaughtering the innocent.
  • Dislikes: Being reminded of her old self.
  • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yui Horie (Hayakawa Tsubasa from Bakemonogatari)
  • Physical Stats:
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 134 lbs.
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: White
    • Special: Tiger striped ears and tail even in her human form.


Lilith likes to wear dresses and the like, which serve well to hide the appearance of her white and black striped tail. Under such clothing, though, she is rather well toned and muscled. She has a slender build, not too much going for her in the way of curves. She'll also wear hats to forcibly hide her ears when she is in public. A sundress with matching hats is a perfect example. Her hair is pure white and shoulder length.


She's a cruel and unusual woman, usually out for only herself. Whatever humanity she had at one point was lost when she fell to dark energies.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Very Good (+2)
  • Stealth: Novice (+1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)


  • Weretiger: Not that different from a werewolf, she grows in strength and size when she shapeshifts into here weretiger form. She becomes unimaginably stronger than her regular form, as well as faster and more agile.
  • Infectious Bite: Her bite causes the target to become polluted by dark energy. This is not to be confused with causing someone to become a weretiger themselves. She has enough dark energy boiling inside of her body that it can spread to others like a corrupting presence that will drive them mad in time.
  • Razor Claws: Either in her human guise or weretiger form, her claws are able to shread through most materials except for the strongest of metals. Her claws are stronger and larger in weretiger form. This allows her to use her hands as her main weaponry even if she is fighting in human form, able to stab and pierce people with her nails with ease.
  • Regeneration: As much as the darkness has a grip on her entire being, it helps her heal over time. She will be able to recover from most injuries as long as she is able to survive the initial damage. (If the attack takes her head off or destroys her heart, she will not recover from such an injury, obviously.)
  • Enhanced Strength: Even while in human form, she has incredible strength, easily three times stronger than the average strong human. This is merely amplified when she shapeshifts.
  • Control of Emotions: Even though she is posessed by a dark power, she is able to keep her mind during a full moon. She doesn't become purely bestial with a loss of her senses and awareness.


  • Holy: She is weak to holy, being a creature of the night.
  • Silver: Much like werewolves, she is also vulnerable to silver.
  • Full Moon: Like a werewolf, she has to be in her were form during a full moon.