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Age 2
Voice Actor
Relatives The original Glyph program
Series Mass Effect
  • Name: Glyph
  • Age: 2
  • Sex: N/A, Masculine voice currently active
  • Likes: Programmed to seem to enjoy his work and have a positive tone when speaking with his user
  • Dislikes: None programmed

Physical Stats

  • Height: 1'2"
  • Weight: 0
  • Eyes: N/A
  • Hair: N/A


Glyph is a spherical hologram comprised of panels of white light. Based on Haptic Interface technology, Glyph can project anywhere and interact with real objects.


Glyph is programmed to be polite to a fault. He is also somewhat gullible.


Computers: Incredible (+4)
Technology: Very Good (+3)


Glyph is programmed to be able to access and if need be hack most network infrastructures for the purpose of taking control or managing, deleting or copying data. Glyph is also programmed with a light duty tazer that's only really powerful enough to deter the curious. Glyph's primary function however is still info management; he is a copy of the Glyph VI assistant used by the Shadow Broker, the galaxy's preeminent information broker.


The memory unit installed into Beni's omni-tool that allows her to take Glyph out and about.


Glyph is a Virtual Intelligence, rather than an Artificial Intelligence; VIs are more rudimentary and more bound by programming. VIs are also not self-aware. As such, VIs work on mechanical logic and higher or erratic forms of thought can confound him easily. He also takes what is said to him literally. A sufficient EMP will cause Glyph to shut down, possibly jeopardizing recently acquired data.