Large Scale Combat Rules

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These rules are for use in Destiny's Gate, during Large Scale Combat, of armies against armies.

Basic Rules

Armies will have a number of HP equivalent to their numbers. Example: An army 1000 man strong has 1000HP.
The Attack to Defense Ratio will be 60/40. This is to allow an army with twice the numbers to be defeatable by a smaller opposing force.
Example: The previous army (1000 man strong) will be 600 ATK and 400 DEF.


Order of Battle: Generally unimportant, but flip a coin to see who types first.

1- Choose Strategy:

  • Charge: Opposed Leadership Roll, Player vs GM. No Bonuses.
  • Flanking: Opposed Leadership Roll. Flanker gets a -3 penalty to their roll due to the difficulty of their movement. If they succeed, the opponent is at half DEF score.
  • Back Attack: Must be set up via RP or other means first. On a successful roll, the army attacking from the back does full damage, without defense. Can be combined with All-Out Attack.
    • Ambush: A variation of the Back Attack, in which an enemy lies in wait and springs a trap on the opponent unawares. The terrain needs to be appropriate. Can NOT be combined with All-Out Attack. Both are subject to an opposed Leadership roll, with the Ambushers at a -2 penalty, but must get GM approval beforehand, or be set up with a Special or Super.
  • All-Out Attack: Full charge. The army choosing to AAO will get it's DEF added to its ATK for this attack. However, failure means they take the opponent's full damage, without a defense save. (See below)
  • Defensive Positions: The army makes a defensive stand. The DEF and ATK are temporarily inverted.

1.5- Optional: Use Special Ability (If Applicable) of PCs involved in the squad.

  • Some Supers will take place here as well. Only one per turn.

2- Roll Off. Player vs GM, Leadership roll. Highest score wins the Skirmish.

  • On a roll of 1: The army suffers 200HP damage extra, even if it 'wins' the roll due to a higher modifier. If it loses the roll, it operates at half DEF for the resolution. Called a 'Botch'.
  • On a roll of 10: The army, provided it wins the roll, may reroll immediately. If it wins, it inflicts the damage again. If it loses, it takes no damage and the opponents break away. Called a 'Critical Chance'.
  • If one army rolls a 1 and the other army rolls a 10, the Winner inflicts double damage BEFORE the DEF save, including the minimum 200HP damage becoming 400HP. This is called a Critical Botch for the losing army. At The GM's discretion, other problems may strike the losing army.

2.5- Optional: Use Special Ability (if Applicable) of PCs involved in the Squad.

  • Some Supers will take place here as well. Only one per turn.

3- Resolution.

  • In case of a Tie, both armies take 200HP damage, losing 100 to ATK and 100 to DEF.
  • Winner inflicts ATK score, minus the loser's DEF score, +200 HP. (Any successful roll not somehow affected by a Special will cause at least 200 HP damage to the losing army)
    • Example: If an army has 1500 ATK and wins the turn against an army with 1500 DEF, the defending army loses 200 HP but nothing else.
  • Damage total is dropped half/half from ATK and DEF.
    • Example above: The losing Army has 2000 ATK and 1500 DEF (3500HP), loses 200HP. Their total becomes 3300HP, and they are at 1900 ATK and 1400 DEF from the next round onward.

3.5- Optional: Use Special Ability (if Applicable) of PCs involved in the Squad.

  • Some Supers will take place here as well. Only one per turn.

4- Roleplay the army's new position, then ready for the next round, and get ready to start again.


Additional Rules: A- Specials have a cool down of one round, preventing them from being spammed and instantly winning the game. B- Good RP from everyone should get a +1 bonus, and bad RP should get a -1 penalty that the GM may not need to announce. (Optional) C- Terrain Modifiers: Where armies fight C1-Plains: Any unobtrusive or otherwise generally flat (or lightly hilly) area counts as Plains. Plains have no terrain modifiers. If in a grassy area, mention for Naomi. C2-Forest: Any heavily wooded area. +1 to Ambush or Flanking attacks for any army within the Forest area. An army choosing to defend gets +200 DEF in a forest. C3-Desert: Heavily sandy areas with harsh conditions. ATK penalties of -200 for any army fighting in the Desert. Flanking or Ambushes are at -2 to success. C4-Swamp: Swamp or otherwise muck or tar filled area. All Defensive Positions attempts are at -2 to succeed. Regular DEF lowered by 100. Ambush success +3, but no flanking bonus. C5-Mountain - High Ground: Strategically higher to attack and grants a better view of the enemy forces, in mountainous terrain. DEF +1000, Bonus of +3 to attack rolls. Flanking at -2 C6-Mountain - Both: Both armies are fighting on a large mountain. Flanking at -4. Automatic HP Loss after a failed/tied roll is 400HP, not 200. DEF +500 for each side. C7-Frozen Tundra: Like plains, but in sub-zero conditions. Ice Magic causes an extra 400HP damage after DEF Save. Losses on a tie is now 300HP, not 200HP. C8-Heavy Snow: Fighting in knee or hip-deep snow. -2 to Flanking, no Ambush penalties. -200 ATK on both sides. D- Weather: The conditions for battle. D1-Sunny, Overcast, Light Rain, Light Snow: No modifications. D2-Heavy Rain: Windy and powerful storm, influencing visibility and movement. Flanking +1, Ambush +1. D3-Tempest: Wind powerful enough to blow people away, or hinder movement. Flanking -3, Ambush -3 D4-Heavy Snowfall, Sleet, Snowy Mountains: Blinding snow, and freezing cold. -200 ATK, -100 DEF, Flanking +3, Ambush +3. After 4 rounds, both armies lose 100HP extra per round from frostbite and other weather related wounds.