Maxfield Stanton

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Maxfield Stanton
A.K.A. Nephrite, the Zodiac Soldier
Age 25
Voice Actor Mori Katsuji
Relatives None
Series Sailor Moon
Player Ryan
  • Name: Maxfield Stanton
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: August 16
  • Parents: Akiko and Rembrandt Stanton
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: American/Japanese
    • Specialty: Zodiac Soldier
    • Hobbies: Stargazing, astrology, astronomy
    • Likes: The Stars, Zodiac Signs
    • Dislikes: People who think Zodiac signs are useless
    • Favorite Food: Not picky
    • Least Favorite Food: Also not picky
    • Favorite Music: Still not picky
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2
    • Weight: 180 lbs.
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Brown
    • Special:


Maxfield's average appearance usually involves a suit of some nature and other apparel that goes along with such a thing. When he transforms, he takes on the same appearance of the Zodiac Soldier of the Silver Millennium, Nephrite.


Maxfield is a very serious-looking individual and that particular appearance is rather correct by most people. He takes everything he does extremely seriously and puts forth a great deal of effort into it. His attitude generally is very frank and generally speaking has very little social filters, so some people find it hard to deal with. He's a very open and honest person and ensures that people understand exactly what type of person he is when dealing with others.


Maxfield was born to an affluent family in Crystal Tokyo and never had any want or need in the world at all. He was an accomplished businessman in his early life which led him to become a small business owner of his own company. However, fate had much more grand things in mind for him, as he was chosen by the stars to become the embodiment of the Zodiac Soldier to defend Crystal Tokyo and its enemies from any harm.

His role, specifically, is one of the four guardians of the Earth and Endymion's personal guard. His powers were gifted to him from the stars above and revolve specifically around planetary alignments and astrology. He was recruited into PARADIGM as that is where the other Sailor Soldiers were brought with specific instructions to assist them in any way he can.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness +5
  • Athletics +3
  • Stealth +3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge +2
  • Intimidation +3
  • Leadership +3
  • Expression +3
  • Etiquette +4
  • Performance +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers +3
  • Occult +2
  • Politics +2
  • Science +2
  • Technology +2

Other Skills:

  • Driving +5
  • Survival +1
  • Empathy +1
  • Animal Ken +3

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Swordfighting - Maxfield was taught swordsmanship by the royal guard inside Crystal Tokyo's palace, but his skill with the sword is greatly enhanced when he calls upon his Zodiac powers and uses his Zodiac Sword.

Martial Arts - Beyond swordfighting, Maxfield is also competent in CQC, karate and tae kwon do, equivalent to a black belt.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Crack Driver (1) Burning Aura (2) Prophetic Ability (4)

Unique Items

Zodiac Sword - A long sword that has several points of light flash across it on a regular basis. Each point of light that flashes creates one of the twelve Zodiac symbols. The sword itself is enchanted, it cannot be broken even under the most extreme circumstances (GM discretion obv).

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Conditional Magic: Zodiac Spells (-2)

Maxfield's Zodiac magic depends entirely on the day, time and location. If he goes to a different world before invoking his Zodiac signs, another may be invoked. Once he invokes one, he can only invoke another on the separate day.

NPC(s) to go with char

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