Kakita Haruka

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Kakita Haruka
A.K.A. Little Sparrow
Age ???
Voice Actor Ayako Kawasumi
Relatives Kakita Hiroshi-Father
Kakita Yaeko-Mother
Kakita Sora-Brother
Kakita Kentaro-Brother
Series Legend of the Five Rings
Player Jade`
  • Name: Kakita Haruka
  • Age: 20 (Appears that age)
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: April 2nd
  • Parents: Doji Hiroshi and Kakita Yaeko
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Iaijutsu,Kakita Kenjutsu, and Air Kami.
    • Hobbies: Swordplay(To those of the Crane Clan sword play is considered an art form), Storytelling,
    • Likes: To hear stories, Reading.
    • Dislikes: Those who treat others as lesser beings (This comes from her Sparrow Clan teachings)
    • Favorite Food: Oyakodon
    • Least Favorite Food: 'Raw' meat
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Hiroshi's Book of 'Short' Stories.
    • Level of Education: College
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Ayako Kawasumi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'11"
    • Weight: 87lb
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Brown.
    • Special: Following with certain Crane clan traditions she dyes her hair white.


Favoring clothing of her clan, usually things in different blues and white. She stands about 4 feet her dyed white hair though unlike most Cranes, it is rather unkept. Seems to be outwardly friendly.

Ronin Haruka: No longer apart of the Crane clan, she has don-ed grey robes with a black sash.


Somewhat Playful, a little snarky and confident, but is honest. Can be long winded and wordy as well, blame the Sparrow in her blood for that.


Born of a Sparrow Storyteller and a Crane Kenshinzen, Haruka's upbringing was interesting to say that least. Adored her parents, Loved to listen to her father's strange stories, as well as her mother work. It was because of this that Haruka started to take on some of Hiroshi's personality, his playfulness and a little bit of his snarkyness. Watching her mother work as The Emerald Champion. Wishing to follow in her mother’s footsteps, she trained with her parents and an acquaintance of these, Temna Asaka, A strange woman who seemed to enjoy playing tricks and giving people riddles to solve for her knowledge, and she was strangely knowledgeable of the world. Eventually, Haruka would tag along with Daidoji Kazunari,an Emerald Magistate whom, when Yaeko was just an Emerald Magistrate herself, was being watched and evaluated for the position, to study under him.

Hiroshi and Yaeko had gained a few enemies over the years, Yaeko being the Emerald Champion did make her a prime target of certain people. Some of these groups intended on wiping out there whole family, Like the Gusai remnants, Whom had their plans foiled many times by Yaeko and her allies. This hate for Haruka's Family would eventually earn her the curse she now carries, while in combat with a powerful Gusai Bloodspeaker he managed to place a powerful hex upon her as his last dying attempt to take her down with him, throwing all then near by Oni, Demons and Shadowlands creatures into a feeding frenzy. Luckily, she was saved by Daidoji Noriko, a Former Dragon Clan Seeker and constant companion of Kazunari, as well as Kazunari himself, still studying under him at the time.

Temna Asaka, after seeing her student not aging at all ..as she didn't she revealed herself to be a Kenku, which was much to Haruka's surprised, as she had always thought of Asaka as just a former Crane. Asaka and Haruka would become traveling companion and teacher for the years to come. During this time she would learn that her mother, Yaeko had also trained under the eye of Asaka.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Incredible
  • Athletics Incredible
  • Stealth Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge
  • Streetwise Good
  • Intimidation Very good
  • Leadership Good
  • Expression very Good
  • Etiquette Good
  • Performance very good
  • Language: English Incredible
  • Language: Japanese Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers
  • Investigation Good
  • Medicine
  • Law Good
  • Occult Incredible
  • Politics Novice
  • Science Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving
  • Survival Very good
  • Empathy Very Good
  • Animal Ken Abyssmal

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
While born a Shugenja, She has little control over her ability. She has however adapted some of the Magics to help her in various ways. As well as having studied sword play from not only Yaeko and Hiroshi, but a Kenku named Tenma Asaka as well, giving her new insight into Iaijutsu.

  • Way of the Crane: (Here are special techniques taught to Kakita duelists, Most of her training her was taught by her mother Yaeko. )

Iaijutsu/Air Magic: Swift Wing: Via channeling the kami of the Air, as well as using her Iaijutsu training, when she strikes an enemy with this attack 2 attacks will be made, one from her blade and one from the very winds around the blade itself

  • Way of the Sparrow: (Sparrow special techniques taught to her by her father, Hiroshi)

Sparrow Blind-Fight: Most Sparrow Bushi, be them Storytellers, like her father, or the Suzumue Duelists, are taught Iaijutsu as well as Kenjutsu. When they are of a certain age they are also taught to do their Kata blindfolded. This alone is not what teaches them this ability however, the fact that there sensei would try and sneak up on them with a bokken and attack whistle they are blindfolded is. This runs of some of the sparrow's teaches of the Haragei, Which teach Sparrows to recognize danger by instinct.

Kenku School of Duelists: (The Kenku School techniques emphasize quickness and swiftness of attacks, combined with hitting the very soul of their opponents as well as their body. They rarely share there secrets with humans, only those in good standing with the Kenku and they view have very high honor.

Kenku Iaijutsu: Flight of Steel: A Kenku Iaijutsu technique that makes the sword seem light as a feather allow for her to strike, Or block several times in a mere moment. A powerful skill, and an draining one, The technique is that of the Kenku, and thus her mortal body cannot keep up with the stress of such an ability for more than a moment, and will require a moment of rest to recover from the aches of her muscles. Were it not doe the assistance of her Shugenja abilities of the wind she'd not be able to do this at all.

Kenku Iaijutsu: Unseen Feather : A lightning fast and powerful Iai strike using a mixture of both Air magic and Kenku Iaijutsu, the air pressure alone is enough to cleave most metal.Though this skill is draining on her endurance, it requires not only the resistance to the high speed attack much like Flight of steel, but also her focus like from Sever the Karmic Bonds. This is a technique she wished to try before she had the WindBlade, But never did. The attack would destroy her normal Katana, so this attack would be tied to The Windblade only.

  • Shugenja Arts

Sense: a Pretty minor spell. It allows the caster to sense the presence quality and rough location of elemental spirits. A good example of this is if some one is lost in the woods and looking for a stream of water they could use this spell to point them in the right direction.

Commune: Another Simple spell, you summon a local elemental spirit and ask them a few questions! This tends to summon what ever elemental spirit is the most active in the area. As well you get 2 questions to ask!

Tempest of Wind: You summon a powerful gust of air, emanating from your position, that crashes into all in it's path, knocking them to the ground. Doesn't do a lot of damage but I can see a number of uses for it, like deflecting throw weapons , keeping bad guys from getting away, heck even shoving allies out of the way of attacks!

Sever the Karmic Bonds: This is a technique that teaches one to use their very essence, or chi, into there strike, allowing one to strike at the ethereal or astral bodies of enemies rather than physical, works wonders against most otherworldly beings such as ghosts, some forms of demons, her worlds version of Oni. Against humans and other naturally occurring foes it does little to no damage but can be quite startling, may stun the weak willed.

Ethereal Sparrow :Her years of dealing with Spirits, Oni, and Kenku have finally paid off. Haruka engulfs herself in raw spiritual energy, pulling her conscience into both the astral and material worlds, Allowing her to not only just see into it, but effect both planes of existence. This technique is powerful but dangerous. The strength of her curse is amplified as well as She becomes rather susceptible to attacks and spells that attack the astral body, instead of just being stunned she would be wounded by such attacks.

  • Original Stances

Serene Crane Through her constant meditation, and new insight through the Niten, She has developed a new stance. Serene Crane is a very casual stance, her emotions and movements become much harder to read as she has no through form to her movements now, Her mind cleared of thought, the only focus for her is her enemy.

  • Known Sword Styles:

Kakita Kenjutsu
Suzume Kenjutsu
Kenku Kenjutsu
The Niten
Kakita Iaijutsu
Kenku Iaijutsu

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.

Acute Senses [Hearing] (1): One of your five senses is incredibly sharp, and Alertness rolls involving this sense have a +1 Bonus. You must buy this merit separately for each sense.

Catlike Balance (2): +1 Bonus to rolls relating to balance.

Time Sense (1): You have an inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.

Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.

Natural Channel (3): You have a natural connection to the spirit world. Spirits are also more likely to act favorably toward you.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Wind Blade: The Windblade is a sword made of a strange silvery material as hard as steel. The blade of the weapon has strange markings on it, which shift under the viewer's gaze, and it's pommel is wrapped in the hide of some unknown beast. The windblade is a weapon whose changing nature conforms itself to the user's temperment, reflecting the character of it's owner. Those who face the Windblade cannot see the blade in the owner's hand unless the opponent's honor is equal to or greater than the user's. The weapons forms are a long tanto, a wakizashi, a katana and it's most brilliant form, a silver Nodachi, in the hands of a most honorable user. No system-granted bonuses to damage and whatnot and an honorable opponent can percieve the blade and defend against it just fine.

Genbu Shi Jin Ten Chi Cho: The scroll assigned to the Priestess of Genbu. It can allow her to choose her Celestial Warriors.

Items Of Note

Crane Katana: It is but a normal katana, The coloration of the hilt is blue, and has a personalized hand guard on it, as well as mons of the Crane clan on it. This item holds a very special place in her heart as he was made for her by her brother Kentaro. This weapon is currently enshrined in her room, all the shards laid out on a silk cloth in about the order or how the pieces would have been if the weapon was whole.

Sparrow Wakizashi: A well worn but well loved weapon, The coloration of the hilt and scabbard is brown and black matching some of the Sparrow Clan's favored colors. This weapon was a gift from Hiroshi, after she completed her lessons of the Way of the Sparrow .

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Short (1): You are well below average height, and have difficulty reaching high objects, seeing over things, etc. -2 penalty to pursuit rolls. On the up side, you may get bonuses to hiding attempts.

Cursed (3): Marked by the some of the last of the Gusai household's Shugenja, She has been cursed to be stalked by unnatural predators, things like Zombies ghouls demons and vampires all find her rather appealing to their taste buds. (Currently Removed)

Enemy (4): Demons and oni: The number of demons and creatures of the Shadow have been slain by her and her bloodline, earning her a large amount of hate from some circles of demons and oni. The Curse also gives her effectively the Unaging Merit, though in case it is apart of the curse.

Otherworldly Taint (2): (Strange Burning Aura): Haruka, now being RATHER strongly connected to the realms of Gaki-do (realm of the Hungry Dead), Jigoku (Hell),Toshigoku (The Realm of Slaughter) and Chikushido (Realm of Animals), It has become hard to look at her as if she was a mere human. Her aura is twisted and strange, making her have a rather off beat presence.

NPC(s) to go with char

Temna Asaka
