Arthur "Sword Shot"

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Master of the Blade Rifle
A.K.A. Sword Shot
Age 35
Voice Actor
Relatives King Adam, Father
Queen Teela, Mother
Series Masters of the Universe 2002
Player Jimmy
  • Name: Arthur "Sword Shot"
  • Age: 35
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: August 1
  • Parents: King Adam and the Sorceress Queen Teela
    • Place of Birth: Eternos
    • Nationality: Eternian
    • Specialty: Heroics
    • Hobbies: Weapon crafting (technological and mundane), Traveling, Reading
    • Likes: Peace, Seeing new places, Swordsmanship, Honor, Battle Cat
    • Dislikes: Tyranny, Evil, Bullies, Snakes
    • Favorite Food: Roast Meat
    • Least Favorite Food: Beans
    • Favorite Sport: Jousting, Dueling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: The Bracers of Power, His Blade Rifle
    • Level of Education: Royal tutors all the way up to University equivalent
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kevin Conroy
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'5
    • Weight: 275
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Barbarian Type Build


He's from the Masters of the Universe, look at the picture.


Arthur is friendly and outgoing. While not really eager the idea of being king one day he does take his role as the crown prince seriously and speaks formally, using people's titles when appropriate. Tries to encourage those around him though does not tolerate laziness or cruelty.


After the wars with Skeletor, the Snake Men and the Horde ended Eternia was once again at peace. Adam was crowned king to rule during this new era. A marriage to his childhood friend followed shortly after. The general population new the two loved each other and while Teela was considered a great warrior in the past her recent retirement to being a scholar made them question this. The truth is people had hoped He-man would become their next king. But then very few people knew that Adam was He-man and Teela's retirement was due to her being appointed the new Sorceress of Castle Grayskull after her mother's death.

Regardless it wasn't long before a son was born, Arthur. His parents were happy to see the boy had taken after his mother. He was extremely hard working, brave and took his training seriously. He did have some traits of his father though, his dry wit and charisma. Thankfully none of his laziness. At the age of 20 he'd proven to be an extremely skilled and strong swordsman and a good shot as well. Which is good because that was when the dreaded Snake Men returned.

Arthur fought in the new war, leading troops, armies and other heroes in battle against the Snake Men. Heeding the guidance of the Sorceress and fighting alongside great warriors like He-man he too earned his place among the Masters of the Universe. He also earned the name Sword Shot due to his incredible skill with his Rifle Blade.

As the years went by the war settled, the Snake Men's attacks being reduced to random skirmishes here and there. Arthur felt the decrease in activity was due to them planning something big but did not know what it was. All he could do was wait and see until that night his mother summoned him to Castle Grayskull. She told him that she had visions of great evils affecting not only Eternia but other worlds and even realities. Heroes from across the multiverse were being gathered to fight said evil and she had a vision that he would be among the chosen. Arthur didn't like the sound of that as it meant he would have to leave Eternia and not be able to help when the Snake Men's big plot would inevitably happen. That being said he knew that his responsibilities demanded he not turn his back to this new threat.

The Sorceress then gave him the Bracers of Power. She told Arthur that he was not He-man. Adam was the one chosen to channel the Power of Grayskull (Something Arthur already knew) but in light of this new evil the Spirit of the Council of Elders deemed that a portion of Grayskull's power could be granted onto his youngest descendant in order to help protect the world. By clanging the bracers of his ancestor, King Grayskull, together and shouting "By Grayskull's will, lend me your power!" Arthur would receive a fraction of He-man's strength.

Arthur thanked his mother for the gift and promised not to abuse the power of the bracers. He then returned home and awaited Paradigm.


Secondary Attributes are when using the Bracers of Power

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Very Good (+3) / Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Novice (+1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice (+1)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Amazing (+5)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Good (+2)
  • Politics: Incredible (+4)
  • Technology: Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Swordsmanship: Arthur is a master swordsman, able to fend off several opponents at once. His weapon of choice is a double edged long sword, as long as he is tall. Without the bracers he wields it two handed.
Marksmanship: Arthur's an excellent shot. Using his blade rifle he can shoot moving targets with ease. There is a reason they call his Sword Shot after all.

Powers & Merits

Power of Grayskull: When activating the Power of Grayskull Arthur gains a fraction of He-man's power. While nowhere on the same scale as his father Arthur can jump great distances, lift large things with ease and use his sword weapon one handed and even use it to deflect enemy fire. Think Spider-man and you get an idea of how strong/fast he becomes. Unlike his father his appearance does not change. People of Eternia assume he can channel Grayskull's power because he is the crown prince and not a lazy ass like his father.
Code of Honor: (1 pt merit) Arthur is a man of honor and getting him to break his code is not easy. (+2 to resist performing acts of evil or cruelty)
Danger Sense: (3 pt merit) Years of fighting the Snake Men have sharpened Arthur's senses to the point where he can predict ambushes or the like.

Unique Items

Bracers of Power: By clanging the bracers together and saying "By Grayskull's will, lend me your strength!" Arthur is granted a fraction of He-man's power. The bracers have lighting bolts bust out of them when clanged which bathes Arthur is an lightning aura and empower him. By clanging the bracers together a second time and saying "Let the power return!" The bracers deactivate. The bracers will also deactivate when Arthur is not in combat or exerting his strength. So he cannot go around empowered at all times.

Items Of Note

Blade Rifle: The weapons that earned Arthur the name Sword Shot. In its main form it is a double edged sword as long as Arthur is tall. The sword is made from Eterniam and is capable of deflecting energy projections and is almost unbreakable. When switching to rifle mode the blade splits down the middle and the hilt extends. In his mode the weapon fire energy bolts at his opponents. The blasts can be charged from extra power like Mega Man's buster.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Isolated Upbringing: (1 pt flaw) Having grown up on Eternia much of how other worlds function seem not only foreign but alien to him. Arthur doesn't want to come across as an ass but he sometimes forgets that the laws or customs he knows don't always apply. (-1 Social when applicable)
Conditional Magic: (3 pt flaw) Arthur has to be wearing the bracers, be able to clang them together AND be able to speak to activate their power. There is no exception to this rule.

NPC(s) to go with char

Wishes he had a Battle Cat to ride into battle but doesn't.