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Revision as of 02:50, 25 June 2013 by Jade (talk | contribs)
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A.K.A. N4
Age ???
Voice Actor
Relatives NeiFirst, Nei, Rika, Alys Ashley
Series Phantasy Star
Player Jade`
  • Name: Nei Fourth
  • Age:????
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Silence.
  • Dislikes: Parmans (Humans)

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight: 140
  • Eyes: Purple
  • Hair: Blue


Text Goes Here - A Sentence or Two


Seems to be constantly annoyed and is easily enraged especially when talking to humans


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Incredible
  • Athletics Very good
  • Stealth good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Incredible
  • Occult: Amazing



(While not true magic this is thought to be much like Psionics)

  • Offensive Techs

Zan:An Area of affect spell, summons up several twisters into the area!

Tsu: A Lightning Spell!

Megido: A powerful spell of darkness. Sends out a blast of darkness with ripples forth.

  • Healing Techs

NaRes: Heals a single target greatly. (Requires her Focus)

Anti: A cure all tech. Helps boosts the bodies natural defenses to rid it of various status effects like toxins, musclelock ups and mental lockdowns.

  • Support Techs ( These are Buffs and Debuffs)

Deban: increases Defenses

Saner: Increases Agility (not speed just reaction times) +1 Temp Athletics

Rimit: Can cause a mental shutdown of organic enemies, causing them to pass out.

Seals: Locks down the target's ability to cast spells or use psionics.

Gelun: Enemies caught in this Tech have trouble focusing there attacks

Doran: Increases the gravitational Pull on these targets, Lowering their speed and reaction times.


  • Photon Saber: Much Like Alys' Photon sword but this weapon is a much more refined version.


  • Hated:Parmans ... and anything that looks like em so Humans as well.