Jack Solomon

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Jack Solomon
Solomon of the Turks.
A.K.A. Solomon, Katana.
Age 27
Voice Actor Quentin Flynn
Relatives Family.
Series Final Fantasy 7
Player Frank
  • Name: Jack Solomon
  • Age: 27
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Adventure, Espionage
  • Dislikes: Traitors.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Blond


Sharply dressed young man in good physical shape. Built athletic and toned, not powerful, but carries the suit well.


Pleasant. Dedicated. Serious business. Relatively sarcastic.


  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Investigation: Excellent
  • Intimidation: Excellent


Turk: Solomon is trained as an agent of Shinra Research and Development, and his combat specialty is the Katana, which is also one of his code names. He is proficient in the use of weapons and Materia, as well as knowledgeable about Shinra's and the WRO's movements.


Katana: The Yoshitsune Katana, a well made blade fit for use by a Turk, compete with Materia Slots. Solomon can use this to help deflect bullets.
Shinra Alpha: Top of the line Shinra arm guard, for Turk use only. Helps diminish impact and redistribute it.
Materia: Like all Turks, Solomon has Materia. Cura, Thundara, Libra and Shield.


Turk: Solomon's first duty is to Shinra, and he is not allowed to leave the company. Badmouthing the Turks or Shinra in his presence WILL get under his skin.