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Shinji Kagami
A.K.A. Master of Mirrors
Age 23 (Born 2008)
Voice Actor Hikaru Midorikawa
Relatives Kyouji Kagami
Series Get Backers
Player Frank
  • Name: Shinji Kagami
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday:
  • Parents: Kagami Kyouji, Himiko
    • Place of Birth: Babylon City
    • Nationality: Babylon City
    • Specialty: Cigarette Tricks
    • Hobbies: Smoking, TV series.
    • Likes: Playing games (of all types), smoking, secrets.
    • Dislikes: Rudeness.
    • Favorite Food: Teriyaki Anything
    • Least Favorite Food: Processed Anything
    • Favorite Music: None
    • Favorite Sport: Basketball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Collection of ridiculously pimp suits. Gucci anything.
    • Level of Education: Technically none.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hikaru Midorikawa
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Weight: 178lbs
    • Eyes: Purple
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Ridiculously ultra pretty.


Shinji always dresses sharply. Even when slumming it, he tends to wear suits and button up shirts with sharp ties or unbuttoned enough to show off his natural athleticism. He has a fluctuating hairstyle, usually gelled to trend-setting standards, and usually has a genial smile across his face. He has a few earrings and tends to vary between them, and is known to carry a pocket watch. He usually travels with a briefcase while working, but doesn't bother carrying it around socially, at least usually. The important thing to note about Shinji's look is that he is always on the bleeding edge of classy fashion, and does not like being either dirty or disheveled.


Shinji is outwardly a polite and outgoing man. Usually friendly, helpful and overall pleasant to be around, though those who get to know him know he has a bit of a sarcastic streak and a very sharp tongue when people exceed his patience. He is also incredibly loyal to his ideals and very secretive, and is not likely to share things he knows are actual secrets. Due to this, he has an outwardly incredibly honest demeanor and will tell people everything and anything he can, though he bills himself a liar, so they don't ask for more. Truth be told he is scrupulously honest, except when it comes to secrets.


Kagami Kyouji was The Man From Babylon City, back in the heydays of Mugenjou and VOLTS. After several battles with the Get Backers, including his final, fatal showdown with Himiko, Kyouji died to the hand of his lover, and that was the end of his story.
Well, it would've been, except this is Mugenjou. He was given a second lease on life, and without his obligations to the Witch Queen, he was free to seek out Himiko, who was another descendant of the Queen, and more importantly, one of the Voodoo Children. With their purpose passed, and without the looming threat of his attempting to kill her, an unorthodox but intense romance began between them, and eventually, the two had a child together, Shinji.
Born and raised in Babylon City, Shinji had a 'normal' life. Except for being a man of Mugenjou, he was relatively normal, if exceptionally sharp and intelligent. A keen sense of observation, and an incredibly high learning rate.. all things practically normal for someone who could survive Mugenjou. Due to his skills and learning ability, Kyouji started to train Shinji in his Mirror Fighting Style, which got him noticed by the Witch Queen. As he grew up, he was groomed to be one of the Shitennou, alongside the recently 'born' Kokuji Akabane, and eventually, the newcomer to Mugenjou, Cumin, and a fourth person none of them refer to.
He remained as a Shitennou, his loyalty being to Mugenjou first and foremost, but has gone out in the 'real' world more and more, being the most aware of all of Mugenjou's denizens to the ways of the outside world.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good
  • Investigation: Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Very Good
  • Empathy: Abysmal

Special Abilities

Kempo: Shinji is a master of 7 different forms of Kung Fu, and a dabbler in others, learned from his times in Mugenjou. He focuses primarily on soft styles, using liquid-like movements and his lithe frame to move out of attack range and counter with minimal effort, going for quick, decisive strikes, primarily in pressure points or weak spots, but his styles are used to counter his true combat skills (see below). He is a certifiable master in the following styles: Baguazhang (八卦掌; Bagua Zhang) - Eight trigrams palm; Meihuaquan (梅花拳) - Plum Blossom Fist; Southern Praying Mantis (南派螳螂拳); I Liq Chuan (意力拳) - Mind-Body Art; Zi Ran Men (自然门) - Natural Boxing or "fist of nature"; Wing Chun (詠春 or 永春); and Xingyiquan (形意拳; Hsing-i Chuan) - Form-Intent Fist. He incorporates teachings from Jeet Kune Do in all he does, and usually claims he is a practitioner of that particular style.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
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Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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