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Aria and Stella, the Necromancer and her pet.
A.K.A. Mistress of Death
Age 17
Voice Actor Nana Mizuki
Relatives Stella
Series Original
Player Frank
  • Name: Aria
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: The Dead
  • Dislikes: The Living

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 110lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: White


Usually wearing long flowing robes, Aria is a natural beauty and proud of it.


Degenerate. Caring... after a fashion. Friendly. Amoral.


  • Alertness: Good
  • Athletics: Novice
  • Stealth: Good
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Subterfuge: Very Good


Aria and Stella, practicing.

Staff Combat: Aria is quite proficient with a staff. She can use her own quite well, and especially using it to focus her magical power.
Necromancer: Aria is a talented Necromancer, from a necromancer family. She has several special abilities, rituals and spells available to her. She's rather skillful at all of them.

Necromantic Abilities

Control Undead: Aria can automatically command any animated undead near her with just a bit of willpower, provided they are not controlled by another necromancer. She can also attempt to control intelligent undead, though they get to resist her commands and may try to break free at the first given opportunity. This requires very little mana and can be done at the first sight of these undead, though again, more powerful undead will require more mana.
Exorcism: Aria can remove spirits, ghosts, and even non-corporeal demons from a body or area. She does this by taking them into her body and then either putting them to another use, or simply consuming them for necromantic power.
Consume Soul: Aria can consume ghosts, spirits or souls in order to replenish her mana. This is a vile act to do and she is fine with doing it whenever she wants, though she is aware there is likely to be a tax to her body and soul, eventually.
Necromantic: A trait of the women in her family, Aria can ...touch.. the bodies of undead to increase their power, or make their animation permanent. She is not as powerful at this as Stella, but she is far more comfortable with doing it, and she is quite adept at what she does. She particularly uses this for wights, ghouls or abominations, the bestial types of undead.

Necromantic Spells

Abomination, Aria's default 'heavy' summon.
Aria's Horde spell in action.
A ghoul, the bulk of Aria's forces when she needs an army. (Summon Scourge spell)

Attack: Not the forte of Necromancy, but a must for any spell caster. Aria's attack spells tend to be using the necromantic or demonic energies involved with her type of spell casting.

  • Chill of the Grave: Aria can strike with a powerful frost spell which chills to the bone, causing the target's blood and muscles to freeze, like a powerful ice spell that strikes the soul.
  • Necromantic Blast: A simple spell, Aria fires a blast of necromantic energy at a single target. The living take tremendous damage to their life force. Undead will get healed, and the dead shall rise.

Animation: Aria's bread and butter, animating the dead is the most potent part of necromancy. She is exceptionally gifted at this, especially due to her Necromantic background.

  • Horde: Aria can raise dead bodies. With low mana, she can raise them as bodies. With medium mana, she can raise them as ghouls, and if she uses her Necromantic ability, she can force them to raise as much more powerful versions of these monsters.
  • Raise Dead: Aria can raise the dead. She can quite literally bring the recently deceased back to life, like a resurrection spell, except they need to be very VERY recently dead.
  • Enhancement: Aria can infuse the dead with necromantic power, boosting their abilities. She can do this with the Necromantic ability as well, but this is to do it when she has already raised the dead, after the fact.
  • Binding: Aria can place a spirit or ghost inside anything. An item, or another body, up to and including placing a demon into a dead body, allowing her to control it.
  • Command Darkness: Aria can cast a spell which allows her to force demons or other spirits to do her bidding. It is not a 100% guarantee, but she can attempt on just about anything.

Affliction: Another powerful aspect of necromancy. It is a curse-giving and energy-manipulating form of her spell casting.

  • Curse of Undeath: Aria can strike an opponent and place a curse which slowly rots them and will leave them into the form of a ghoul over a few days. Easy to remove, but magic will be required. Putting the victim down will not slow the curse.
  • Inflict Health: Aria can cast a spell on herself or any allies, which will fill them with the false life of necromancy. However, it will forcefully heal their wounds and will act as a healing spell, but it feels uncomfortable and wrong to any living being. Undead will just be healed as normal.
  • Might of the Grave: Aria can cause all allies around her to have their resistances and endurance increased, making them tireless and powerful, as well as acknowledging no actual wounds. They may be bleeding to death but they will fight as if they were at full strength, until their final breath.
  • Unholy Presence: Aria can summon ghosts, spirits and demons around an area, causing it to become corrupt and blighted. However, before this blight can spread, it will protect those Aria chooses, acting as a magical force field, solid and magical, to defend her allies and mostly, herself.
  • Soul Steal: Aria's most dangerous spell. She can attempt to steal a target's soul, and then do what she wishes with it. This is a lot easier if she uses her Necromantic ability on the person.
  • Life Drain: Aria can drain the life force from a person for herself, or for someone else. She converts it into necromantic energy, however, as the spell IS designed to animate undead. This, much like the Inflict Health spell is a rather disturbing-feeling healing, but it works just as well. However, it is much slower, though it can be used for attacking.

Summoning: Not directly related to Necromancy, but Aria is capable of summoning unholy beings or exceptionally powerful undead, provided she can use her staff and her powers at their full potential. She can usually seal a summoning with her Necromantic ability, before being able to call upon them whenever.

  • Summon Fiend: Aria can cast a summoning circle and summon a demon. Without using the ritual, it is VERY likely to turn on her. She usually does this to force a demon into a body, however, as a pure, physical demon will most likely try to kill her, and she has little way to be sure she can control it without a body.
  • Summon Abomination: Aria can summon an undead monster, formed of several different bodies together which she has bound to her. It is almost invincible and has the strength of 50 zombies, and moves like an unnatural but relatively agile body.
  • Summon Scourge: Aria can open a portal to summon a literal army of ghouls, all of which are bound to her via Stella. These ghouls are savage, blood thirsty and surprisingly spry. This is arguably her most powerful spell, but it also drains her almost completely to cast.

Necromantic Rituals

Aria has several rituals of necromancy, most of them involving fusing several types of undead together to form abominations. She is, however, always researching more of these, and is willing to do anything to get them.


Diablos, the dark Guardian Force.

Diablos: Thanks to an ally of Inspiratio, Aria is now able to summon the Guardian Force Diablos, and inflict massive Gravity type damage on all enemies in her line of sight, with its powerful attack, Dark Messenger. When summoned, it takes Aria's place in battle and can shield her from damage, but hitting it too hard can dissipate it. The Guardian Force is only on the field temporarily, performs its attack, and then returns back inside Aria.


Necromantic Staff: A staff adorned with the skull of a former necromancy 'victim'. It increases and focuses necromantic energy, allowing for spells and summonings to be more fluid and easier to cast. The staff is also nigh-unbreakable, due to the enchantments put on it. If it WERE to break, then it would explode with magical force. The staff focuses necromantic energy to allow Aria, a normally not especially strong girl, to cause intensive damage.


Girl: Aria is a 17 year old girl. She has some basic combat training, and with her magical enhancements, she can take a bit of punishment, but in the end, melee combat is pretty much assured to get her defeated or killed.
Stella: Aria loves her little sister.. to a degree. Possibly more importantly, the more powerful summonings she can do require Stella's raw magical power and ..persuasion to function. On her own, her necromantic summonings are limited, more so than she'd like to admit.