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Age 23
Voice Actor
Series Exalted!
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Ontlaan
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: "Ascending Fire 4" (Her next birthday will be "June 29th" )
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: Chiarosuro (in Creation)
    • Nationality: Chiarosuro
    • Specialty: Martial Arts
    • Hobbies: Meditation and tests of strength
    • Likes: Spicy food
    • Dislikes: Some men
    • Favorite Food: Southern Fire Peppers
    • Least Favorite Food: Ice cream (it always melts)
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport: Ullamaliztli (Basketball is close enough to it for her)
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her fire proof clothing
    • Level of Education: Basic Math
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11
    • Weight: 229
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Red
    • Special: Body temperature is abnormally high


Short red hair, very well toned body.


In many sense of the words, she's a firebrand and prefers very direct routes to all solutions.


Several days ride from Chiarosuro, the city of glass and the greatest port in the southern part of Creation is a dojo. Those brave enough to climb up the dangerous mountains, and can show the discipline they can reach top, the Dojo of The Violent Sun. Here, Ontlaan has trained for years to achieve the enlightenment required to open her Chakras, here she underwent the training it took to develop her body to endure the heat. Here is where Angry Dragon is taught.

Ontlaan was the daughter of a nobleman and an illicit affair with a maid. In order to save grace and hide this, he sent the maid away to the south where she could raise Ontlaan on a small stipend of Jade. It was enough to survive and make do, but not enough to afford a good education, Ontlaan had to make do with learning a trade. Nothing seemed to fit, she was only good at fighting it seemed. She had an incident where she knocked a boy out that was twice her size in one punch, and everyone wanted to try their hand, none succeeded. Ontlaan, upon hearing of the Dojo of the Violent Sun made her way there. This was where she was met with her first defeat, she fell off the mountain numerous times, hurting herself often in the process, but she refused to give up, and on the sixth attempt succeeded, battered, bruised, and a few bones fractured, but she succeeded.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness +3
  • Athletics +4
  • Stealth +2

Social Skills:

  • Streetwise +2
  • Intimidation +4
  • Performance +2

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation +2
  • Medicine +2
  • Occult +3

Other Skills:

  • Survival +3
  • Empathy +1

Special Abilities

Angry Dragon Style Devotees to the Angry Dragon suffer the cruelest training regimens. They learn early on that one must control fire, lest it consume everything in its path. The best-known lesson the Fire Dragon suffer consists of setting the student on fire. She is forbidden to use anything other than her own willpower to resist the pain as the element she wishes to emulate bubbles her flesh and melts the fat from her bones. She hears the crackling fire and smells her charred flesh, and when she can endure no more, she need only speak before she is doused and healed. In general, teachers believe that the longer a student remains silent, the greater a warrior she will be.

Fire Dragons fight in a manner as wild and unpredictable as a forest fire, but the Angry Dragons themselves endeavor to always be in complete control. Their lessons teach them that they are the fire and to lose control would be devastating to their friends and their aims. At this time, Ontlaan is still learning, having only mastered the form recently.


  • Flame Flicker Stance - Obscuring her form behind the image of a flickering flame and rising smoke, the Dragon shifts and dances like a candle’s eager flame, making her harder to hit.
  • Searing Fist Attack - Strikes supplemented by this technique hit very painful pressure points and further increase that red-hot agony with a lick of fire Essence. Such great pain draws the target’s focus inward, away from the temporal world around her. After successfully inflicting damage with a blow supplemented by this attack, the practitioner causes such pain that her victim suffers a -1 internal penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene.
  • Angry Dragon Form - Ontlaan performs a brief kata and brings her arms together. When she releases the position, a light burst of warm, orange flame erupts from her. While the form is active, her movements are more like those of the fire she emulates, and attacks against her seem to only fan the flames.


  • Flash Fire Technique - In the dry season, fires can start in the blink of an eye with the merest spark. Nothing is so wet that an Angry Dragon cannot set it alight. Moving as quickly as the sudden flame, the martial artist is rarely caught off guard by the start of combat.

Other: Immunity to Fire, Heat and Cold based effects have little to no impact on her.
Natural body temperature is 175°, this can cause minor burns if not careful.

Powers & Merits

Burning Aura (+2) This is thanks to her style, her aura appears as a large dragon, made of fire
Iron Will (+5) Sheer determination, from being repeatedly set on fire and the near torturous training techniques required to learn her style.

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Her clothing is fire resistant, this is only useful in that she still remains decent when she's on fire.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Illiterate (-1) Majority of people from her world don't know how to read. Otherworldly Taint (-2) Due to her natural body temperature being higher then normal, she radiates a lot of heat which can cause the air to slightly ripple around her.

NPC(s) to go with char