Shinshi Seta

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Shinshi Seta


A.K.A. Shin-chan
Age 18
Voice Actor Minami Takayama
Relatives Seta Soujiro, Perfume
Series Rurouni Kenshin/Ranma
Player space-bird
  • Name: Shinshi Seta
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: M...?
  • Birthday: 10/31
  • Parents: Seta Soujiro, Perfume
    • Place of Birth: ???
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Looks like a girl
    • Hobbies: Swordplay, Fighting, Causing Trouble.
    • Likes: Fighting
    • Dislikes: Being called a girl, ghosts (not demons devils or monsters, those are all fine)
    • Favorite Food: spicy food
    • Least Favorite Food: sweet stuff (even though he likes it)
    • Favorite Music: Punk
    • Favorite Sport: Kendo
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Masamune
    • Level of Education: ??
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Minami Takayama
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'11
    • Weight: 110
    • Eyes: Grey
    • Hair: Purple
    • Special: dat butt


At first, second, or third, glance, Shinshi looks like a teenage girl. He has shaggy purple hair, a cute face, and a petite figure. He often wears a sour expression, and has a violent, unhinged glare. He tends to wear and oversized chinese shirt, and slacks, that fit him poorly.


Brash, violent and shouty. He'll stand up for whatever he thinks, and generally refuses to back down. He's often frustrated about his appearance. Though he insists on looking out for number one, he'll often fight for things he thinks are unfair or wrong.


Raised mostly by Perfume in Rural China, he eventually found his way to the inn, and has had an on and off relationship with it since, involving curses, fighting and all sorts of crazy things. He ended up working for his Great Grandmother, Bianca at her restaurant, serving part time and delivering, naturally he hated the job. Bianca, for reasons known only to herself, arranged a marriage back in China for Shinshi, and with a quick trick of pressure points, he woke up wed to a very wealthy Chinese investor. Bianca, knowing her impudent grandchild, took measures to make certain he did not escape by making use of magic bonds, and a few other ancient techniques. Shinshi, being as willful and obnoxious as he is, manages to eventually break free, swim across the sea of Japan and back to the inn...and he's not very happy.


Physical Skills

  • Athletics Amazing
  • Alertness Very Good

Social Skills

Mental Skills

Other Skills

  • Survival Incredible
  • Animal Ken Good

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.) Text goes here

  • Tenken Heaven's Sword - Shinshi is a sword fighting genius. He can learn and adapt quickly to any situation...
  • Shukuchi This move gives Shinshi incredible speed, faster than the human eye
  • Shuntensatsu Shinshi's ultimate sword technique. It often drops enemies before they have a chance to move.


(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.) Text goes here

  • Super Speed: Shinshi is very fast
  • Feminine looks: Shinshi is preternaturally feminine...
  • Healing: Shinshi's body seems to recover from wounds quickly, and he rarely gets sick.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)


  • Cuts anything: You know how Guren Laggan's drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens that is p much this sword except it cuts ok
  • Healing effect: Naturally heals the user.


  • Animal Magnetism(1): Is a total (+1 Bonus on seduction and similar rolls)
  • Gall(2): "Oh no you didn't" (+1 bonus to any Social roll requiring backbone.)
  • Daredevil(3): Takes risks..and usually manages to come out alive (+2 Bonus when risking your life)


  • Mistaken Identity(1):mistaken for a girl
  • Over Confident(1):Thinks he can do way more than he can.
  • Bad Temper: Flies off the handle, and is easily provoked
  • Cursed(1): His looks are his curse wooo

NPC(s) to go with char

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