Bartiel's Magic Item List

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Bartiel is a versitile craftsman who can create a variety of things. Many of them are useful for adventurers going out to save the world or their kingdom or whatever.

Most of them are patentedly useless for unimaginative adventurers.

Additionally, the process of crafting these things takes him fairly long and can take a good chunk of daytime or even several days.

  • Infusion Effects - Bartiel's magic can infuse objects with the following effects which effects the object, but does not provide any true benefit to the wearer.
    • Self Cleaning: The item cleans itself over time
    • Self Repairing: The item repairs itself over time as long as it isn't sundered in two.
    • Durability: The item is more durable
    • Heat Resistant: The item is shielded from melting, burning, and catching fire
    • Magnetic/Non-Magnetic: Magnetic things can be made incapable of becoming magnetized, Non-magnetic things can be made capable of being magnetized
    • Lightweight/Heavy: The item's weight is reduced or increased
    • Glow-in-the-dark: The item glows in the dark.
    • Returning - Item returns to the user when thrown.
    • Loyal - When stolen or nonconsensually removed from the owner, the item will disappear and reappear in it's owner's possession as soon as nobody is paying attention to it.
  • Magical Charms - More traditional magic items which imbue the wearer with magical power; when more than a couple are worn they tend to... glitch. This is harmless, but renders all of them useless. The nature of these 'charms' can be anything from rings to earrings to amulets to bracelets, and they generally require precious metals and gemstones to be effective. Magic charms also need to be made from high quality materials such as precious metals, different gemstones for different charms, and possibly high-grade leather and textiles.
    • Charm of Protection vs. X - A charm which makes the wearer more resistant to illness, poison, heat, magic. The more specific, the more useful; for example, a "Ring of protection from illness" helps... but if you're around the flu, a "Ring of protection vs. The Flu" is more useful.
    • Charm of Instinct - A charm which helps the user be more in tune with their intuition
    • Charm of Regeneration - A charm which improves the wearer's natural healing rate; also bolsters regenerative powers and healing effects. This is "Get over a broken bone a couple weeks faster" class of regeneration, not "instantly heal from wounds like Wolverine" class.
    • Charm of Blessings - A charm which repels curses; does not remove existing curses.
    • Charm of Metabolism - Speeds up or slows down the wearer's metabolism, depending on how it's made.
    • Charm of Strength - A charm which increases the wearer's strength
    • Charm of Agility - A charm which increases the wearer's agility
    • Charm of Focus - A charm which helps the wearer clear the clutter from their mind and focus with clarity
    • Magical Battery - A charm whose function is to serve as a magical battery, storing a wearer's excess magical power to be used at a later point in time.
    • Detection Amulet - An amulet which can be made to detect certain things (magic, water, large fish, pizza huts), and when hung by it's chain, it will subtly point in the direction of the nearest (strong magic source, water source, source of large fish, pizza hut).
    • Garb of Presence - A worn item which makes the wearer more or less conspicuous on a subconcious level
    • Charm of Ambidexterity - A charm which makes the wearer more comfortable with their off-hand.
    • Honesty Charm - The person wearing this item can't tell lies.
    • Liquid Boots - The person wearing these boots can walk on liquid as if it's solid ground.
    • Fertility Charm - A charm to help reduce/improve fertility
    • Apathy Charm - The person wearing this becomes more and more apathetic about everything