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A.K.A. Wilhelm Erlichmann
Age 21
Voice Actor Koyasu Takehito
Relatives Schuldig, Father.
Series Weiß Kreuz
Player Sparda
  • Name: Wilhelm Erlichmann; Strafe
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: January 31st
  • Parents: Schuldig and unknown woman.
    • Place of Birth: Unknown
    • Nationality: German
    • Specialty: Reading people
    • Hobbies: Puzzles and Mysteries
    • Likes: Nothing
    • Dislikes: Schuldig. Schwarz. Rozenkreuz
    • Favorite Food: Sacher Torte
    • Least Favorite Food: Carrots
    • Favorite Music: Industrial
    • Favorite Sport: Hockey
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
    • Level of Education: Doctorate in Forensics and Criminal Psychology
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Koyasu Takehito
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Weight: 160lbs
    • Eyes: Black
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Nothing.


Usually dresses in a suit, albeit a practical, loose fitting suit, befitting of an Interpol agent. Carries himself with a slight under played lack of confidence. However, is actually very astute and sharp. Those who can read through the facade will see a shrewd and VERY cold individual dedicated to his duty and it shows in his eyes. Wears glasses and gloves to minimize contact with others.


Friendly, dedicated and an upstanding lawman. Is always helpful and displays a slightly flighty or goofy exterior.. which is an act. Is in fact consumed by hatred and a desire for revenge, even above justice. Has a VERY inquisitive mind and little to no moral boundaries when it comes to his pursuit of absolute justice.. which is normally just to put his quarry behind bars or under ground. Does, however, mold his personality to fit people around him and fit in better in places.


Strafe was born to some poor woman 'seduced' by Schuldig, a dangerous killer and one of the four-man elite mercenaries, Schwarz. Raised as one of the many people in the Rozenkreuz training camps, due to his nature as a psychic's son, Strafe had very little contact with his parents, and that grew to suit him just fine. He learned to use his psychic powers from an early age, and was well liked by many of the other children, due to his personable and intelligent personality.
Eventually a raid on this particular training camp by Kryptonbrand happened, and Strafe was one of the children rescued, one of the rare times that particular type of attempt did not get everyone involved killed. He was taken off the radar and taken to a foster home, Kryptonbrand having been well aware that if handed to any government, specially bred special children would just end up becoming assassins working for the state. Strafe was raised in a family which was paid to keep him fed and clothed, and while he never actually was abused, he figured out very quickly he was different and they knew it.
Having an interest in his legacy, Strafe got involved in criminology and law, hearing about and growing fascinated by serial killers and profilers, cops and robbers, so to speak. From his early teens, he started breaking into crime scenes and analysing everything. Wanting to learn the mistakes all criminals are likely to make, and why, as well as seeing if he could outsmart them. It turned out he could, and despite everything else, it became common for the cops to contact him when there was a particularly baffling case, his special abilities and surprisingly developed investigative abilities allowing him to piece together the clues to most crime, encouraging him to become a private investigator while attending school, until he obtained his criminal psychology degree, before moving on to a doctorate. He now works as an agent for Interpol, with a specific interest in tracking down more of Rozenkreuz and particularly the members of Schwarz.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Streetwise: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Psychology: Incredible
  • Law: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible
  • Survival: Good
  • Empathy: Amazing
  • Languages: English, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Swahili.

Special Abilities

Marksman: Strafe is a very good marksman with a pistol, and exceptionally good with sub machineguns. He has had extensive training with Interpol and makes great use of his handgun. Even under duress, he can make good shots on most bullets fired.
Close Quarters Combat: Strafe is rather good at hand to hand combat, befitting of an Interpol agent. Having learned mixed martial arts, focusing mostly on Krav Maga and Jiujitsu, he is mostly adept at disarming opponents and doing quick takedowns on anyone close to him, using the gun as an extension of his arm. He could conceivably fight military special forces to a standstill, though he does not want to try.

Powers & Merits

Telepathy: Strafe's gift from his father, a supremely skilled telepath. Strafe, from a young age, has been able to read the thoughts of those around him.. and generally, he can't keep them from seeping into his own brain. The basic ability of his telepathy is that he can read minds and communicate with those around him. These abilities are like breathing to him, and he can do this even under the deepest duress. The following Disciplines are the special skills he's developed in Rozenkreuz and over his life. He has an effective range of about 300 feet, when forcing it, though only those near him enter his thoughts unconsciously.
In his own mind, Strafe operates his telepathy like an OS. He views other people's minds as computers he can hack and often uses computer shorthand to explain what he does, both to anyone asking him and to himself. As such, he refers to his techniques by different names.
Telepathic Link - Networking: Strafe can link up to 4 people in a mental conversation. He does better with a group or as an overseer than trying to coordinate everyone's actions, but with some teamwork he can make this an essential part of a combat strategy.
Obfuscation - Background Processes: Strafe can cloud people's minds to his presence.. and his presence only. He can appear invisible, though this is rather hard when someone looks directly at him. He mostly uses it to appear to teleport, acting as if he wasn't moving and then just popping next to his targets.
Illusion - Trojan: Strafe can cause people to hear voices, or, when combined with his Obfuscation, he can trick them into seeing him where he isn't, having enemies target the false 'him', or acting as if he was shot or stabbed when in fact he wasn't near the attack. He cannot make his allies see this, and he can only target two people with this at one time. This is a technique that works MUCH better at one vs one.
Mind Probe - Google: Strafe can literally read people's minds and drag out information he wants. This is not a pleasant feeling for anyone resisting, but it hurts nothing if the subject is willing. This allows him to get picture perfect recall that even the person himself may not be aware of how many details their brain has stored. He can do this to himself to force total recall about anything in his own life.
Forgetful Mind - Cut and Paste or Delete: Strafe's most dangerous ability, he can force a person to forget a memory, by literally removing and 'deleting' it from their mind. He basically cuts and deletes any information from a person. He uses this to torture information out of people, or to track down someone by making them forget they're being tailed by cops.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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