Snow Villiers

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Snow Villiers
A.K.A. N/A
Age 21
Voice Actor Troy Baker
Relatives N/A
Series Final Fantasy
Player Tony
  • Name: Snow Villiers
  • Character Tier: Tier 2
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: June 16
  • Parents: N/A
    • Place of Birth: Bodhum
    • Nationality: Cocoonite
    • Specialty: Physical Combat
    • Hobbies: Athletics
    • Likes: "Fighting the good fight," athletic competition, romance
    • Dislikes: Oppression, authority, hopelessness
    • Favorite Food: Meats
    • Least Favorite Food: Wild greens
    • Favorite Music: Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Motorsports
    • Most Valuable Possessions: A crystalline necklace
    • Level of Education: High school equivalent
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Troy Baker
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'7"
    • Weight: 265 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Light blonde
    • Special: Stubble beard


Snow Villiers full body shot.

Snow has light blond hair, blue eyes, and a stubble beard. He wears a black bandanna, black gloves, large gray boots, a light blue vest over a black shirt, and a striped blue scarf hanging from a belt. He wears a long beige trench coat with frayed hems that functions as his weapon as it is fused with AMP technology. One of Snow's pendants has a symbol of a cat, which is the logo of NORA. Snow's foot size is 33 centimeters (about a foot long). His l'Cie brand is on his left forearm.


Snow calls himself "The Hero". Although his heart may be in the right place and he wishes to help anyone in need, he talks and acts before thinking. He's called "one of the kids," "arrogant and chummy from the get-go, thinks he's everyone's pal", and it's said his best quality is being "too stubborn to die".

Snow is hot-headed and fearless in the face of danger and has little regard to authorities. Snow hides whatever guilt he feels by acting optimistic, though doing so causes people to misunderstand him. He's deeply devoted to those he takes under his wing and his friends, protective and supporting to a fault, and naively headstrong to rush into danger.


Snow was born an orphan into the care of "The Sanctum", Cocoon's government, and immediately took to protecting other orphans and friends from abusive handlers and fosters. He immediately began adopting friends and, as a teenager, he released himself from Sanctum care and founded NORA, a "renegade" group of do-gooders and would-be heroes to fight monsters at the edge of town and to help any in need. NORA -- short for "No Obligations, Rules, or Authority" -- was Snow's heart and soul through his teenage years, and it led to many lifelong friends.

Snow met a girl named Serah in his late teens, and immediately hit it off with her. It took several years for the relationship to blossom properly, and a proposal was made. However, an ancient relic from a war in centuries past was discovered near Bodhum, and while exploring it Serah was turned into a servant of the creature inside of the relic, making her a "L'Cie," a cursed warrior in the service of a creature known as fal'Cie. After failing to reveal the secret to her sister, Snow is the only one who believes Serah and chases after her. Snow and a group of fallen-together associates, including Serah's sister, raced into the relic as it was being moved to be disposed of, and were changed into l'Cie as well, locking them into the service of the same fal'Cie as Serah.

Serah, turned to crystal by luring the others to the fal'Cie and completing her original mission, was lost to Snow, and he and his new "friends" were immediately turned into fugitives of the powerful government. After racing to escape Cocoon to the world below, Gran Pulse, Snow and the others went through a long, arduous training period to grow and stop the Cocoon government from sacrificing Cocoon to summon the Goddess, Etro. After the death of Cocoon's highest fal'Cie and its de facto leader, Cocoon collapsed into Gran Pulse below, saved and crystallized only by the sacrifice of two of Snow's friends.

Afterwards, refugees from Cocoon began moving and settling on Gran Pulse, returning to a more traditional, earthen lifestyle than the advanced technological metropolis they occupied before. However, Serah's sister seemed to disappear, and no one else but Serah even remembered her. Snow, however, in his dedication to Serah, has embarked on a journey to find Claire Farron in order to help Serah, who has left to do the same.


Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - +2 (Good)
  • Athletics - +4 (Incredible)
  • Stealth - +1 (Novice)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Streetwise - +3 (Very Good)
  • Intimidation - +3 (Very Good)
  • Leadership - +3 (Very Good)
  • Expression - +2 (Good)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - +2 (Good)
  • Investigation - +1 (Novice)
  • Medicine - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Law - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Occult - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Politics - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Science - +0 (Abyssmal)
  • Technology - +2 (Good)

Other Skills:

  • Driving - +3 (Very Good)
  • Survival - +3 (Very Good)
  • Empathy - +2 (Good)
  • Animal Ken - +2 (Good)

Special Abilities

  • Fist Fighting - Snow is a heavily self-trained fighter, albeit more conventional streetfighting and boxing than actual martial arts. He is strong and hits like a truck naturally, but with A.M.P. technology, his natural strength is exponentially multiplied.

Powers & Merits

  • L'Cie Brand - On Snow's forearm near his wrist is a rather intricate, black marking resembling an otherwise innocuous tattoo. However, as time goes on, the design will become more and more intricate, growing in size and deepening in color until "the eye" on the tattoo opens, signifying the l'Cie's time has run out. The l'Cie Brand gives Snow access to deep-seated and powerful magics that enhance and augment his physical characteristics.
    • Commando - By enhancing his offensive characteristics, Snow's already impressive strength an dphysical prowess is bolstered exponentially, giving him the ability to produce impressive kinetic force into objects to strike them upwards or across long distances, and giving him access to powerful, non-elemental blasts of magic called "Ruin" and "Ruinga."
    • Ravager - The l'Cie brand grants access to powerful forms of magic. Snow's favored element is Ice, and his speciality lies in blizzard spells. He is able to cast first- and second-level Wind magic and powerful Ice magic, capable of striking wide areas with ice stalagmites and falling ice chunks.
    • Sentinel - Snow's l'Cie Brand has the ability to fortify his body and envelope him him powerful defensive magic energy, making him nearly impervious to harm for a short time with a Steelguard ability. Mediguardgradually restores his lost vitality while remarkably lowering damage as well. His counterattack abilities only reduce damage some, but return all of it in full force with powerful physical blows returned as counterattacks.
  • Shiva Sisters - Snow's Eidolon pair, Stiria and Nix, form the Shiva Sisters, powerful magitech beings with domination over the ice element. In battle, the two of them act in almost perfect synchronization, making them an inseperable pair.
    • Eidolon Form - The Shiva Sisters, separated, are two ten-foot-tall bluish creatures bedecked in strange, dark and chrome "armor". Their feet end in points and they retain their balance perfectly while moving around despite it; Stiria is the dark-skinned elder sister, and the white-skinned younger sister is called Nix. Nix attacks the enemies with mostly physical attacks, while Stiria wields powerful ice and healing spells.
    • Gestalt Form - Stiria and Nix are able to combine their forms and create a high-powered, sleek, and durable motorcycle fueled by elemental energy. In this form, Snow "pilots" the craft and uses the Sisters' powerful magic to form impressive ice ramps and waves of ice, along with torrents of cold wind and powerful blasts of ice magic. That's not to mention simply driving into things and using the craft's impressive bulk to deal physical damage.

Unique Items

  • Coat Emblems - Snow's weapon uses Antimatter Manipulation Principle to enhance his powers. Although it changes the appearance of his coat when in battle, the coat itself is not the weapon. The coat enhances the wearer's strength depending on which emblem set is sewn onto the back.
    • Paladin - Though it uses somewhat antiquated military technology, this emblem nevertheless boosts defensive capabilities. Improves the defenses of the user passively despite the user's combat role.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Hotheaded - Snow is headstrong and brash, willing to rush into very dangerous situations without much thought. He resorts to "Plan B" often, and is not much of a strategic or tactical thinker. It's all spur-of-the-moment and reckless.
  • Devoted - Snow's level of dedication to his friends and devotees is extreme; he will sacrifice his own safety and well-being at the drop of a hat in order to protect and shield others.

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