Toki Fujiwara

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Toki Fujiwara
A.K.A. The Joker
Age 17
Voice Actor Kenichi Suzumura
Relatives Nenene Fujiwara (adoptive sister)
Prime Minister Fujiwara (father)
Series Code: Breaker
Player Wally
  • Name:
  • Character Tier:
  • Age:
  • Sex:
  • Birthday:
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth:
    • Nationality:
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:
    • Weight:
    • Eyes:
    • Hair:
    • Special:


Toki has blonde hair and is usually seen with his school uniform. His most significant feature are his eyes, where one is blue and the other is brown. In chapter 208, his right eye is revealed to have turned back into it's original color, and now both of his eyes are blue. He has a silver earring in his left ear. His lost form is a child version of himself.


Toki is a very cocky and prideful person, and tends to be a perverted womanizer. Although he complains often and appears to be lazy, during his training with Shibuya, Toki proved that he is hardworking, completing all that is asked of him. Toki also seems to be a very determined person, sacrificing things important to him in order to reach his personal goals, like the time he was willing to give up his arms in order to kill Kouji.

Despite believing himself to be superior to Ogami because of his special power and higher rank, he does show respect to his rival, and often shows his competitive side. Toki acts as though he doesn't care about others, except when picking up girls. The one exception is his older sister Nenene, to whom he is completely devoted, making him completely determined to kill her "killer" Kouji.

Whenever he changes to his Lost form, he uses it for his own personal fun, taking advantage that he's considered cute by high school girls to touch their breasts.


Toki grew up without knowing his father or his family until he was at least 4-8 years old. On the first day of meeting his new family, he was met by his blood sister Nenene, who thought he was an angel and wanted to prove it.

As he got older, Toki was very distant from his father, for unlike his sister, he possessed no special abilities. He soon wanted to run away from home because he knew his father no longer cared for him as he said, "Nenene will be the sole successor, there's no need for others." When Nenene asked him why he was leaving, Toki explained that "There's no need for anyone without a special power to be in this house," which is why he felt he should leave. Nenene decided that she would give Toki half of her power. Her power slowly flowed into him. Toki then noticed that the street plate was sent flying, and Nenene then explained she gave him half of her power so that he can stay being her brother. Toki was confused without the sudden situation, but then Nenene said that when she first met Toki, she thought he was an angel and she was very happy to have him as her brother. Toki possibly reconsidered his actions and stayed with her and his father.

Toki soon became able to use his power, and felt new confidence rise into him. Heike, however told Toki that though Nenene gave him half of her power, the main origin of special powers was vitality, or life itself. Nenene had given Toki half of her power, but also half of her own life as well and that would pose as a risk to her and her future in her missions as a Code:Breaker. Toki was very saddened by this realization that Nenene had given up her lifespan for Toki to be her brother.

It is later revealed that he and Nenene areen't blood siblings, as his genes (or Code:Rich) were planted on Nenene by exchanging his right eye with her left one. After that, she started to resemble him, as a special power user's DNA greatly affects normal ones. It was Prime Minister Fujiwara's will to alter Nenene, so she could use Toki's power, because it was too powerful just for him to handle it, and his father didn't want to waste it all by locking it in Pandora's box.

[show details]


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Amazing
  • Athletics Amazing
  • Stealth Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very GOod
  • Streetwise Very Good
  • Intimidation Very Good
  • Leadership Good
  • Expression Very Good
  • Etiquette Amazing

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Very Good
  • Investigation Good
  • Medicine Novice
  • Technology Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving (arguably physical, but..)
  • Survival (as in wilderness)
  • Empathy (some people have more than others)
  • Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)

Special Abilities

Keen Intellect: Toki has been shown on more than one occasion to have a very good observational and analytical skills in both in and out of combat. He has shown to be able to have good insight into tactics and strategy, but sadly his arrogant behavior hinders him from his full potential in this area. He has also shown to be very intelligent as he is a student of Heisei Gakuin High, which is an highly elite school which has the highest amount of students that get into the real life Tokyo University by passing its entrance exam, which he has stated he did with great ease, but is not interested so he regularly skips.

Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Toki has rarely been shown fighting barehanded, but he has shown great power as he was able to land some strong blows against Sendou Ryuuchi during their battle.

Hand Gun Specialist: To make up for when he loses his Magnetism, he also has an amazing sniping ability with a set of hand guns, which he has shown to be very skilled with to the point where he is able to take down multiple targets within little time and with near pin-point accuracy, but when he focuses his eyesight into only his left eye, his accuracy level increases greatly to the point that he is able to shoot into a sniper's gun barrel from a tremendous distance away with no problem.


  • Gauss Cannon: His most powerful attack. He gathers two large balls of scrap metal. He holds one with one arm then uses his attraction to slam the second one into his other, making his body into a connector which causes the ball he is holding to fly at incredible speeds. However this attack has a major drawback, as the damage of slamming the ball into his arm causes major harm to said arm, making it so he could only use that attack twice without causing permanent injury to himself. After gaining the powers of "Joker", Toki is seen to have attached metal braces to his arms, apparently to allow him to use Gauss Cannon more efficiently.
  • Hydrargyrum: Also known as Quicksilver or Liquid Mercury. Toki only uses it when he's serious in battle. He can control it to be as hard or as flexible as he needs it in battle. He can do a many things with it, such as cover the ground in a thin film of it so that the movememts of enemies using camouflage can be seen, or suround his enemy's body with it to restrict their movements. He can also vaporise the Hydrargyrum so that enemies breathe it into their bodies unknowningly, where he can then make the Hydrargyrum shoot out of the person's body leaving holes all over the body and killing them. He normaly keeps some Hydrargyrum in a small flask in his jacket and pours it out when he wishes to use it.
    • Hydrardyrum Clone: Using Hydrargyrum, Toki is even capable of creating copies of himself that can be used as diversions.
    • Hydrargyrum Flares: Toki releases multiple shots of Hydrargyrum to cut through the enemy's body.
    • Torsion Crush: Toki surrounds his enemy with Hydrargyrum and crushes them with it. 
  • Oersted Cannon Ball: With a bunch of metal objects floating in the air, Toki uses the huge geomagnetic field to pull all of those metal objects with extreme speed and destructive force on an area below. Despite the power of the Joker, Toki commented that it is still extremely difficult to control geomagnetism due to its extremely large magnetic field, making the attack very inaccurate.
  • Tesla Gatling: Toki creates a pillar of every metal object around him and throws it at his opponent. It's power is on par with Ogami's Mammon.
  • Dynamo Weber Vulcan: He creates two hands with the earth's geomagnetism.
  • Koujikai (High Magnetic Field): Toki generates a powerful magnetic field from his hands when he grabs his enemy's head, which scrambles the enemy's mind and reduces them to mush.
  • Rail Cannon: Toki combines his magnetism with his electricity, launching some coils beyond the speed of sound, amplifying the strenght of the attack. Toki easily hit a rare kind making holes in the target's body.
  • Sonar: Toki has sonar-like sense of any metal around him and knows what goes where (like a key to a lock).

Powers & Merits

Enhanced Eyesight: Toki has 1.2 eyesight in his right eye, but his left eye reaches over 8.0 (compared to normal humans which only is at 2.0; which means his left eye is 4 times the average human), and when he covers his right eye his left eye reaches its maximum sight.


Toki using magnetism.

Toki has the ability to manipulate Magnetism. This power allows him to attract and repel all metallic objects as projectiles, destroy electronic equipment, and grants him sonar-like sense detector towards any metal weaponry. When serious, Toki uses "Hydrargyrum" or liquid mercury in battle, which he controls with great ease.

After his training with Shibuya, he becomes much stronger, so much that he blew a hole in the house wall (which was partially made of metal) during his spar with Shibuya (who sustained severe injuries from the impact). Later during the Re-Code's raiding of Shibuya Mansion, it is discovered the secret of Toki's new found strength is that he learned to control magnetism using "attraction" by applying the Gauss Principle (or Principle of Least Constraint, using constraints to create acceleration between two objects), thus creating "Gauss Cannon," through the use of his arms. The power it holds is indeed immense as he was able to blast back Kouji (Scarred Re-Code 03, also called the "God of Destruction" because of his great combat prowess) several feet because of its power.

"Joker" Enhancement: After obtaining the power of the Joker from Pandora's Box, Toki's magnetism has become much stronger to extreme proportions. His control of magnetism has become so great, he can even control geomagnetism, the earth's magnetic field. Using this, he can pull even other people against the surface of the earth in a form of gravity. He can also use heme in the human blood as a medium to float in mid-air.

  • Geomagnetism: After receiving the Joker enhancement, Toki has demonstrated the ability to control geomagnetism. Although due to the vastness of it he cannot control it quite well. The full extent is unknown but he has demonstrated the ability to make himself or others float or be pulled down to the ground using the heme in their blood, as well as absorb the Earth's magnetic field to increase his power. However the latter can have frightening side-effects due to the diamagnetic properties of the water in his body repelling the magnetic fields beings drawn into him, his body can ripped to shreds.

Electricity Toki is also capable of generating electricity with his magnetism, similar to how electromagnetic induction of a magnet works. It is so powerful it can burn a person to ash in a split second. However the drawbacks of using this is that it erodes his optic nerve, causing sight loss. According to Kouji, this is due to his powers being incompatible.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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