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Garrus Vakarian
A.K.A. Arcangel
Age Adult prime years for his species
Voice Actor Brandon Keener
Relatives Parents (unnamed), Solana Vakarian (Sister)
Series Mass Effect
Player Brandon
  • Name: Garrus Vakarian
  • Age: Adult prime years for his species
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Parents: Unnamed
    • Place of Birth: Palaven
    • Nationality: Turian Heirarchy
    • Specialty: Combat, weapons engineering
    • Hobbies: Calibrations, working on his gear
    • Likes: Justice, punishing criminals
    • Dislikes: Red-tape, intrusive rules and regulations
    • Favorite Food: Louza (poultry)
    • Least Favorite Food: Xemna (herd animal)
    • Favorite Music: Anything he can fight to
    • Favorite Sport: Clawball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His visor
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Brandon Keener
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'7"
    • Weight: 213 lbs
    • Eyes: Grey-blue
    • Hair: None
    • Special: Skin is covered in metallic-chitin plates. Facial plates are marked with blue tattoos.


Has brown skin and sand colored plates, with blue facial tattoos. Rarely seen out of his armor, rarer still without his visor.


A good man with a strong sense of justice, Garrus is easily frustrated by bureaucracy getting in the way of dispensing punishment to deserving individuals, though knows when he has to play ball. He is very troubled with the recent developments of his life, though covers up most of his misgivings with sarcasm. He is also very fond of banter with comrades. When he feels he can trust those around him, he will prove to be incredibly stalwart and reliable as an ally.


Like all turians, at the age of fifteen, he was inducted into the military. He had a storied career before landing in C-Sec (Citadel Security) and working on the Citadel itself as a police officer. He enjoyed the work at first, as this was the job his father did as well, but soon became frustrated when rules and regulations slowed down his work. The last straw was when he was asked to investigate Saren Arterius, a Citadel Council Spectre on allegations of going rogue. He was told within days that the investigation was over, so he decided to go outside the system and keep looking, and in doing so encountered Commander Shepard. With Shepard, he found proof of Saren's wrongdoings and accompanied Shepard across the galaxy to put a stop to Arterius' dealings. Shortly afterwords, Shepard was thought lost with the SSV Normandy, when the ship was destroyed by a mysterious alien attack. He attempted to return to C-Sec but found his bitterness was made only worse by his reletive impunity while working with Shepard. He packed his bags and went to the lawless station of Omega and became a viglante, earning the monicker of Arcangel.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing
  • Investigation: Amazing
  • Law: Good
  • Politics: Abysmal
  • Technology: Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good
  • Survival: Very Good

Special Abilities

Is a top ranked user of turian military hand-to-hand combat. Is also a top ranked marksman. He is extremely well versed in small squad tactics, favoring sniper rifles and assault rifles. Is trained as a scout and infiltrator from his military days and as an investigator, via C-Sec. Has some skill in field engineering, such as hacking and working with large-scale weapons and military vehicles.

Powers & Merits

Is naturally shielded against mild to moderate radiation, due to his carapace.

Unique Items

Military Grade Turian Hardsuit: Ceramic-compsite plates covering a bodysuit of balistic materials. When the helmet is on, the suit is pressure sealed and rated for low atmosphere and toxic atmospheres, via air scrubbers and a rebreather system. Short space walks are also possible, but ill advised. The suit has a kinetic barrier system that slows down incomming projectiles to less lethal speeds. If overwhelmed or overloaded, the barrier collapses until Garrus is out of fire for a moment, at which case it will come back online, though any damage done to the armor itself is done. Like most hardsuits, his armor has an onboard computer that can give readouts on the environment, liaise with terminals to download data, and check local wildlife against the xenobiology database.
Combat Omni-tool: A powerful microcomputer with a haptic holographic interface installed into his armor. When in use it can appear on either or both forearms and gloves of his suit. It can monitor his personal stats, handle his comms, acts as a PDA, and even has some minifacturing functions. He has pre-programmed numerous attack functions into the Omni-tool.
Overload: The Omni-tool generates a massive ammount of static electricity and electromagnetic buildup and releases it into a single target, overloading electronics and stunning organic foes. This also deals out moderate electrical damage.
Armor-Piercing Shots: The Omni-tool reprograms Garrus' weapon to increase the size and weight of the flachette fired by the weapon, also altering the shape and the mass effect field around the round. The result is something like a Sabot round, just scaled down.
Concussive Shot: The Omni-tool co-opts Garrus' presently equipped weapon (provided it's from his home universe) to discharge a larger shot wrapped in a much much larger mass effect field that bursts upon impact. The result is a shot that doesn't do a lot of lethal damage, but creates a heavy concussive hit, capable of knocking most humanoids off their feet with relative ease.
Proximity Mine: The Omni-tool co-opts Garrus' presently equipped weapon (provided it's from his home universe) to create a compact explosive with a proximity charge. It is launched from the muzzle of the weapon and sticks to the first surface it attatches to, or detonates if it strikes a target directly. The blast is equivalent to your average fragmentation grenade.
Omni-blades: The Omni-blade is a disposable silicon-carbide weapon flash-forged by the tool's mini-fabricator. The transparent, nearly diamond-hard blade is created and suspended in a mass effect field safely away from the user's skin. Warning lights illuminate the field so the searing-hot blade only burns what it is intended to: the opponent. Turian standard operational procedures teach their soldiers to be able to form an omni-blade on either hand, or both at once. The blade lasts for a single attack, but once broken down, can be rebuilt indefinietly.
Decryption and Dampening: Garrus' omni-tool can hack and manipulate electronics in the immediate area. He can open electronic locks, override security systems and so forth, given time. He can also hack powered weapons and armor of singular nearby enemies; not to dramatic effect, but he can make weapons malfunction or make omni-tools short out for a brief period, for example; mostly able to cause just enough of a delay for a counterattack.
Customized Kuwashi Visor: Unique model based on Kuwashii frame. Magnification up to 100x integrated target tracing, optional wind/gravity compensation solutions. Sonar, LADAR, thermal, and EM targeting capable. Monitors biofeedback on target within 10 meters to detect heart-rate fluctuations or changes to breath pattern (standard council races only). Can detect and measure biotic fields up to 100 meters away and provide optimized firing solution to collapse kinetic barriers or synthetic shielding support. Optional kill-timer can track number of enemies taken down by self or suit-synced team members in given time period. Armor hotlink provides backtracing of incoming fire and corrects for microrefraction of outgoing shots through kinetic barrier. Audio link plays music per user request. Top 5 choices during firefight: "Die for the Cause" (turian imperial anthem), "Fire in the Courtyard" (soundtrack, Fleet and Flotilla), "Bang Bang Boom" (Club Kicks, dance mix), "Hurt Me Deeper" (Best of Expel 10, dance mix), "Blue Azure"(Vaenia, soundtrack).

Items Of Note

Medi-Gel Dispensor: Controlled by his omni-tool, his armor has a reservoir of pre-measured doses of medi-gel, a viscous material made of cloned tissue and nanites. It does not heal wounds, but it cauterizes, sanitizes and numbs an area, allowing for a quick field patching until real medical attention can be attained.
Phaeston Assault Rifle: Named after a turian spirit of creation, the Phaeston was engineered to provide the best possible balance between accuracy and firepower in a machine gun. Each shot is tempered by kickback dampeners inside the shoulder stock, which lets the Phaeston pack more punch than other weapons its size without sacrificing precision. Its fully automatic fire and relatively light weight has turned the Phaeston into the turian infantry's primary go-to weapon. Each thermal clip allows for fifty shots.
M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle: The Viper is a semi-automatic, rapid-fire sniper rifle manufactured by Rosenkov Materials. Rosenkov developed a patented automated-release system that assists with thermal-clip ejection, shortening the Viper's reload time. This rifle is popular with military snipers, who appreciate a long-range gun that can snap off multiple shots in the blink of an eye. Each thermal clip allows for ten shots.
M-5 Phalanx Heavy Pistol: The M-5 Phalanx is the product of the Alliance's Offensive Handgun Project, a close-in weapon to be used with no loss of stopping power in comparison with a soldier's assault rifle. The Phalanx enjoys a ballistics advantage over most heavy pistols. Civilian variants are often purchased by colonists on planets that have particularly dangerous big-game animals. Each thermal clip allows for 6 shots. There is an optional laser attachment for quick targeting.

Weaknesses & Flaws

First and foremost is an alien. Moreso is an alien with a different ameno acid base for his genetic material. As such, while human germs won't affect him, consumption of human food or any organic tissue without his own Dextro-ameno base will cause severe and violent allergic reactions. Has a gizzard, so may require some extra material like an abrasive, to assist in eating. As such his dietary and medical needs will need to be acquired through his home dimension, and kept on hand for his own survival. His obviously nonhuman appearance, even when fully armored due to his skeletal structure, may make some missions difficult for him to complete.

NPC(s) to go with char

He has numerous contacts and allies (as well as enemies) on Omega.


“Fighting a rogue Spectre with countless lives at stake and no regulations to get in the way? I'd say that beats C-Sec.”
"... I had reach, she had flexibility. More than one way to relieve stress, I guess."
“You realize this plan has me walking into hell too? Hah, just like old times...”
“It's so much easier to see the world in black and white... Gray? I don't know what to do with gray...”
"Why do people always assume we enjoy putting ourselves in harm's way?"
"Hospitals are no fun to fight through." When asked what is fun to fight through, "Oh, parks, electronics boutiques, antique shops, but only if they're classy."
"Some women find facial scarring attractive. Mind you, most of those women are krogan."
"Over the years I've grown used to smell of dead bodies... that's probably a bad sign..."
